
The King’s Mistress by Bella G.

Trouble is brewing in the kingdom of Madea. Lady Molly is called to court. She is to be the mistress of King Lucas. Enraged and with child, Queen Gemma calls for Lady Molly's head.

BellaJade · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Molly stands amongst the other guests inside the large throne room. Each wall is dark gray stone covered with the Kingdom's blue flags, embroidered with the symbol of a wave, in silver.

A gorgeous sight.

Over fifty people have gathered within these walls awaiting the arrival of the King and Queen.

Servants move fluidly in and out of the room making last minute adjustments. People stand idly chatting about the upcoming festivals and tournaments.

The door to the ballroom opens.

Heads turn as a trumpet plays.

A hush falls over the crowd as a messenger steps forward.

"May I present King Lucas Hammond the First,

Ruler of the Meada Empire."

Everyone in the crowd bows as King Lucas enters, knights at his side. His hair is the color of sand, His hair is slightly long and he has eyes the color of gold. His mustache and beard only manage to show off his strong jawline. His cloak, the color of silver, and his attire is a mixture, blue and silver. Dark blue jacket with silver buttons. Matching pants. He looked handsome.


Molly can't help but allow her mind to wander, imagining her future night with the king. It was unknown by those closest to her as to how this process would play out. She knew the end results of course. Her father, her little brother and herself would be stable for life. She was not delusional however, Molly did worry as to what would become of her life if she did birth the bastard of the king. Unlike the neighboring kingdoms, it's not shameful here. Yes she would be looked down upon a bit as she could not wed, and their future would die with family instead of furthering her bloodline and her family's position by being married off to another noble house, to a stranger. Yet they would still be alright. She could raise the child by herself.

Even as the music begins, knights continue to enter the room. Before the door closes, there are a dozen. The King moves towards his throne, along which to his right, a matching throne, almost identical in its' design other than the smaller frame and alternate top piece, elegant blue jewels, fit for the Queen.

The doors to the ballroom open once more.

"Announcing Queen Gemma Hammond, Queen of the Madea Empire."

Queen Gemma has hair the color of sand and eyes the color of the crystal blue water. She walks gracefully, smiling and waving to the people. The men bow and women curtsy as she passes. She wears a light blue dress that makes her porcelain skin glow.

She approaches her king, curtsying.

"My beautiful wife." He says, taking her hand and allowing her to ride before bringing it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss upon her hand.

King Lucas, crowned at just 15 years young, now 24 had lived through quite the events as king. He had dealt with an uproar after his father, King Elias's passing. Before he had died, there were people within the King's council who did not believe at the time that Prince Lucas was fit to rule. As to why, they would not say as it was treason to speak against royal blood in such a way. The state of the kingdom was unknown as tensions rose. Many attempts began to try and falsify that he was born illegitimate- claiming the Queen as unfaithful. This failed as the Queen had been away from court alone with her husband when the babe was conceived. Then she was confined within the castle with only women to attend her from the moment it was discovered she was once again with child. The situation escalated.

The attempts on the prince's life began.

Queen Alia insisted to send the vulnerable prince away but King Elias refused her. He did not believe their child would be safer away from them, no matter how many knights. King Elias increased the amount of men training to become knights. Those who were ready to serve were sent to protect the young Prince's chambers. Once the Prince was secured, King Elias sent knights by the dozen to arrest those responsible for this coup. 15 arrested and condemned.

All were sentenced to burn at the stake.

Tragedies would not stop there.

The queen had been with child many times before the birth of their son, losing the babes before they had made it to cradle. She was pregnant again when tensions rose.

This babe was lost when the Queen was ambushed in the castle.

The man was quickly put to death.

Prince Lucas was once again the only heir.

The king commanded that there would be no replacement in the succession.

Those who are disgruntled by this news were quickly done away with, stripped of their titles, lands, and duties to the king, banished to the outskirts of the kingdom to die.

The Prince was betrothed to Princess Gemma not long after.

The king passed, not a week after.

The future of the crown was stable.

King Lucas looks around the room, raising his hand to silence the crowd's murmurs, he thanks them for coming before allowing everyone to be as they were, talking and dancing. Heads bow as he walks past, making his way to his chair. Continuing to stand, he addresses his subjects.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Madea, let us rejoice in the peace of our country. Tonight is one of celebrating as I announce the coming of our future heir, soon to be born by end of season!" King Lucas announces

Molly feels her stomach drop as the crowd of onlookers erupt witch cheer.

He's having a baby but has insisted me to join him in his bed?

Molly cheers along with the rest of the crowd but she sips her water, doing her best not to be sick which would no doubt ruin her presence entirely. Closing her eyes, Molly tells herself to shove all her thoughts away. She recieved her orders from her King. To disobey would be treason and she would not allow her family's heads upon the block.

Throughout the night, as Molly spends her time talking with other guests and joining on the dances, King Lucas glances at her over and over, not wishing to take his eyes off the young woman but required out of necessity as to not attract attention. It would be…unwise.