
The King’s Gambit - Ars Gehanna

97 years ago the world is in confusion because all of a sudden people were hurting at the same time and an emblem was engraved onto their body parts. There are 6 types of unknown emblems but for some reason, people got the information about the emblem inside their heads. In recent years, King pieces are the ones who rule the world. But not every King is as popular as other King. For example, The King of one of the territories of the Maximilian Empire is called the worthless king by the pieces. The reason being is because the king has lost five of five Ars Gerhana held on red moon day once a year. Other than the lowest pieces there aren’t any pieces wanted to become the worthless king’s pieces. Zard is the one who the people called the worthless king, he is a person who came from the world earth to this new world with chess pieces tattoos on their body. Working hard isn’t enough for Zard to clean his name but he wouldn’t give up ever. Cleaning up his bad name to people is one of his lifetime goals. ‘There is a reason why I am losing, but I doubt they would understand it. ‘ The other goal of Zard in the new world is to see the world from the top. On top of the sky, there are other skies. We don’t need to show all of our trump cards or else only death waiting. ============================= Author Note: Genre: Fantasy, Transmigration, Male Protagonist, Sword&Magic, Weak to Strong, Status board. Any names, places, and situations are fictional. If there are any similarities then we are from the same world.

AirAqua · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The King Arrives

What would you do if one day you suddenly live a new life a few seconds after you meet death?

Confusion, disgrace, disappointment, regret, anger, all of those feeling embarking on my face. Because I undergo this a slim chance event right now.

It start after I almost succeeded to create the impossible perpetual energy. Perpetual energy comes from generators that could infinitely burn to create electricity without external energy sources.

Before, perpetual machinery could only exist in the hypothetical world, but Zard and his friends brought the perpetual generator to life existence. Those things are one of the most needed things on earth.

But, The laboratory security isn't as good as the firearm equipment and it turned into ashes within seconds after the dark organization knows the place and invade it.

Nothing could be done, as the researchers are weaker than the firearm, other than the death. One shot of a bullet killed one life.

"Only one last step…"

Zard walks with his hands because his legs have been shot by the gun and he couldn't move it. He reached out his hand to the perpetual generator, but a gun pointed at his head. Zard smiled because he still couldn't express his emotion and looked at the gun owner but before he could see the person his head has been shot.

The memories from childhood until up to his death emerge in his brain, in an instant, he sees 50 years of his life.

He thought that his death mean it is the end of the memory and he would be reincarnated into another person's body without this memory existence. But, his expectation isn't as far as reality does to him.

He wakes up in a room full of people, Zard's face sweating profusely. He looks at his hand and could see a teenager's hand without burn or scratch marks. He looks at his surroundings and there are more than 5 people inside the room sitting at the round table.

More precisely, there are 12 people in the room. Including him, there are 13 people. 4 people wear black and white uniforms standing behind the 8 people sitting on the chair.

The new memories made his head split into two. Zard holds his head with his hand.

From the young Zard to the current Zard memories flowing inside his head, the different personalities, movements, and five senses mixed up.

Zard is one of the people who got King's pieces, but because of his recent bad mark within the Ars Gehanna, the pieces are disappointed with him.

When he got the fourth loss a year ago, some of the pieces raise their voices and demanded to break their claim, and yesterday coincidentally is the fifth loss they had suffered.

The unmotivated atmosphere inside the room is one of the after effect of the fifth loss. Like a lightning has suddenly struck his body after falling off the stairs, Zard shakes his head.

At this time, one of the people sitting suddenly opens his mouth and shouts some words of disappointment. Zard heard the words and tilt his head.

"What do you think, my lord, Zard Maximilian?"

After the person asked, all of the people sitting move their eyes toward Zard's direction.

"You're being impudent right now, Biznat"

One of the people sitting raised her voice.

Zard looks at the person who has defended him, she has long dark brown hair and red eyes on her face. He searches for the memories inside his head and found the person.

Her name is Dorothy, one of the pieces Zard has claimed. She is a docile person in front of him but other knights often called her the Demon Instructor.

This isn't the first time she raised her voice for my sake. One point of loyalty to her, I'll remember it for later.

The other person is Biznat, there aren't any memories of him being an excellent person to Zard. Biznat has always rebuked his order on the battlefield, it's a minus for Zard.

"I am just stating the truth Dorothy"

2 others person who was sitting nodded their head at Biznat's words.

What was Biznat's question? I didn't quite catch it yet.

Zard puts his legs on top of the other, he supports his head with his hand.

"Ask once again"

Hearing Zard's words, Dorothy looks toward him and put her head down.

"My Lord is too kind," she said in a whisper.

Contrary to Dorothy, Biznat shows a smile on his face.

"I am asked my lord to break the claimed of us three"

The other 2 nodded their head after hearing Biznat.

"I assumed you three have discussed and agreed to this beforehand, am I right?"

"Yes, my lord!" All three of them said in unison.

Zard let out a sigh.

"Anyone other than them also wanted to break from the claimed?"

No one replied.

"Alright, since it's only you three. Let's move forward to the Brokening, don't move anywhere"

He gets up from his chair and walks toward Biznat's chair. When he is in front of Biznat, Zard points his thumb to Biznat's forehead, "Break".

The Brokening to Biznat has succeeded, and Zard does the same to the other two.

He walks back to his chair after finished the Brokening. He raises his hand and puts shoo away gesture.

"Now that you three people aren't my pieces anymore, go away from my territory"

"Thank you for your kind heart, my lord," they said.

Only when I broke the claim did they say I am kind, huh? What a sly person. It is a good thing I cut the bad root at the start before they spread it to the core.

When they left the room, the other people inside the room became unmotivated.

Zard the researcher is the head of the laboratory, he has experienced the feeling of what the people inside the room experiencing.

He raises his hands and claps twice. He gets the attention of all the people inside the room. Zard show a smile on his face,

"Now, let's clear the problem one by one"