
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 6 - Telling Harry the truth

Aunt Petunia quickly left the car and opened the door for Dudley, once he was out, she wrapped him up with a blanket. " Come on, Dear, let's get you inside where you can get warm."

Dudley's teeth kept chattering and for a moment I swore that his lips were turning blue. Once Aunt Petunia got Dudley to the front door, she didn't hesitate to open it.  Additionally, Harry and I along with Uncle Vernon followed them not that far behind.

" It's all right, Sweetheart. It's all right," Spoke Aunt Petunia, trying her hardest to reassure Dudley was still warm. They both walked into the living room and you could still hear them talking: this time it was about Harry and I. Once Uncle Vernon knew that Aunt Petunia and his son were out of site he quickly turned to Harry and I. He pushed me against the wall and grabbed a fist full of my hair, which caused my ponytail to come undone.

" IRIS!" Harry shouted with fear in his voice.

Vernon didn't acknowledge Harry; he had his full attention on me. Vernon leaned down towards my face. " What happened?!" He demanded.

" I swear I don't know!" I shouted back but I only received a snarl back from him.

"One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!" Harry chipped in.

Vernon scoffs and grabs Harry and I by our arms and drags us towards the cupboard under the stairs. The place I dreaded. Vernon opens the cupboard door and shoves Harry and I inside of it.

" There is no such thing as magic," says Uncle Vernon before he blackens out the vent on the door.

I didn't realize how long I was holding my breath until Vernon disappeared. Quickly, I turned around and faced my younger brother.

" Hey, it's okay. At least we know that what we both saw was true," I say whilst placing a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry simply nodded before sitting down on his bed with a sigh. I copied his movements and sat down next to him and placed my arm around him. Harry quickly curled up in my side and took a deep breath.

" Haz, hey what's wrong?" I ask him. The name 'Haz' was my nickname for Harry. I remember the first time I called him it he just laughed and smiled. However, this time he didn't laugh or smile. That's when I knew something was wrong.

" Harry James Potter! What is wrong?" I say whilst my voice was getting louder. I still earned no response from Harry. I withdraw my arm from Harry and knelt down on my floor in front of him and cupped his face with my hands.

" Harry?" I say softly and this time I gained a small response from him. He looked up into my eyes."Harry, you do know that you can tell me anything. And I mean anything."

He nods before speaking," It's just... I might be going insane."

" Harry, I can ensure you that you're not going insane." I reassure him with a small smile.

"Iris a snake spoke to me, how is that normal?"

"Well if you're insane then I guess I am too," I shrug my shoulders.

" You heard him too?" Harry questions.

" Of course, I did," I say. But I knew that wasn't it. I move my hands from his cheeks and place them under his chin so he is looking up at me.

" That's not the problem though, is it?" I ask.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head. " No, it's not"

" Then what is it?"

Harry stood up from our bed and got down on the floor and reached under the bed. He pulled out a piece of paper and that's when my heart sank. I thought I disposed of the letter, but I obviously didn't.

" Harry, I promise I can explain," I say quickly.

Harry sat back down on the bed but this time he faced away from me. " You lied to me, Iris. You, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon always told me that Mum and Dad died in a car crash. Not that they were murdered by the Dark Lord!"

I quickly shush him," Harry, calm down please!"

Harry only did the opposite. " No, why should I calm down, Iris? Huh? Why should I? You lied to me just like they did. You promised me that you weren't like them. You promised me!" At this point Harry was in tears. I tried to embrace him but he only pushed me away.      

" Stay away from me you liar!"

I didn't listen. I wrapped my arms around him and refused to let go. Harry thrown punches at my stomach begging me let him go but I couldn't. I couldn't allow him think that I was like the Dursleys. After a few minutes, Harry slowly calmed down. You could hear his soft cries and this truly broke my heart. Mum told me to protect Harry and I couldn't even do that. He now hated me and I didn't know how to fix it. Sighing, I place my chin on the top of his head and tightened my grip on him.

" Shh. It's okay, Harry. I'm so sorry, I really am. I didn't know how to tell you,I didn't want to tell you because I knew you was going to react like this."

I went to pull away but Harry only pulled me back. Earning a laugh from me. " It's not your fault, Iris. I should've asked you about the letter. I'm not the only one that lost Mum and Dad that night, you did too."

" Do you want me to tell you what happened that night?" I ask him and he nods. I gesture to bed so he could sit down and he obeyed. I sat down next to him and took his hand in mine.

" The day you were born everything changed. Mum and Dad never spent much time with me. They were always with you. It was to protect you from Voldemort. Well, most people call him the Dark Lord. But at the time I didn't know. I can't believe I'm saying this but I was jealous. Jealous of what you had. Mum would always come and read me bed time stories but that all changed when you were born. You had my old bedroom. My old toys. My old bed time story books. And most importantly you had Mum and Dad's attention. I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I would always see them. But it just didn't feel the same. You know?"

Harry nodded again. This was the best thing about Harry. He is a fantastic listener; not once would he interrupt you. Harry squeezed my hand, in a way of telling me to continue.

" The only way I was able to manage was due to our Godfather. His name was Sirius Black. He was a fantastic man.  Whenever he saw me, he would lift me up into his arms and scream' Angel'' He would come read me bed time stories whenever mum and dad couldn't, he would always sneak me some cookies when Mum and Dad told me no. We would sit by the fire and just talk about life. He was my rock. Someone I looked up to, someone I admired. Most importantly, he was the man that made me feel as if I had a purpose in this world. I might've been young but I had to grow up fast."

Harry looked at me weirdly, " You said 'Was' is he dead?"

" All and honestly, Harry, I don't know. He kind of vanished a few days before Mum and Dad died and never came back."

" Can you tell me about the night Mum and Dad died?"

" It was not pleasant. At midnight on Halloween, you began crying. Mum tried to comfort you and try to make you go back to sleep but you didn't. Dad decided it would be best if he went downstairs and get you a warm bottle milk. However, he must've been down there for around a good 15 minuets. Which is way longer than needed. Mum and I thought it would be best to go down stairs and check on Dad but he wasn't there. The back door was left open and you just got the vibe that something was wrong. Mum tried calling out to Dad but failed numerous times. Then all of a sudden, Dad ran into the kitchen from the back door with a worried look on his face. He kept telling Mum to take you and I upstairs but she didn't listen. Only when he said ' He's here Lily, the Dark Lord is here' is when Mum ran upstairs dragging me along with her. We ran to your room and she locked the door. Mum placed you and I into your crib before she started crying. Downstairs you could hear Dad scream then a loud wicked laugh erupted the house. Mum ran over to us and kept reminding us that her and Dad loved us so much. Then that's when Mum asked me to protect you. To protect you with my life. And that's what I shall continue to do."

I stopped for a second, the next bit might be a bit too much for Harry to hear right now. Harry must've read my mind because he grabbed my other hand and looked at me with a small smile.

" It's okay, Iris. You can tell me."

I took deep breath before continuing once more.

" In the hallway you could hear loud heavy footsteps coming towards our room. Loud laughs left the man's mouth as he came closer. Then he was able to get the door open. He had no hair; he was completely bald. He had pale grey skin and his nose was missing from his face. Also, the man's eyes were red. He was slim and tall and his appearance was intimidating to look at. Mum ran towards us and leaned over the crib. Shielding us from the man. He demanded for her to move but Mum refused. That was when he killed her with the Killing curse. Something that should never be said. Once he knew Mum was dead, he walked towards the crib and looked down at us. I remember begging him to leave you along, for him to take me. But he refused. He then pointed his wand at your forehead and said the same spell he used to kill Mum on you. I then grabbed the wand and faced it towards my cheek. He screamed out. Called me a 'Stupid Girl.' The whole room turned green and he then vanished. Disappeared."

I placed my hand under Harry's fringe and lifted up the hair that covered his scar and then pointed at it then I pointed at my scar on my cheek. " That was how we got these scars, Harry. We shouldn't of survived that night but we did. From that night onwards we were known as ' The Siblings That Survived.' Everyone would know."

Harry placed his hand on his forehead, covering his scar. " So that's how we got our scars?" He questioned.

" Yes, Harry. That's how."

" I don't remember much more from that night onwards. Apart from another man coming and saving us. He taken us to another man's house. Well, I should really say a giant. His name was Hagrid, he was so kind to us. He fed us and made sure we safe and comfortable. Hagrid then took us to see two Professors. One by the name of Dumbledore and the other was known as McGonagall. They thought that by bringing us here that we would be safe - "

" They were wrong," Harry interrupted.

" I know, Harry. But they were doing what they thought was right. That's everything you need to know."

Harry picked up the letter and placed it into my hands, " Not everything, what's Hogwarts?"

I picked up the letter and chuckled, " You read the letter so you must already know. Hogwarts is a school full of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Witches and Wizards shall attend Hogwarts for seven years.  They will all receive their letters when they turn eleven or just before they turn eleven. But before you go you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Mum and Dad were both in Gryffindor so I presume that you would be as well. But Harry, it doesn't matter what house you are sorted into. As long as you don't allow the house you are chosen into and classmates to affect you then you shall be fine. The house you are in doesn't change you one bit. Just remember that, okay?  And I will happy either way."

" Why didn't you go to Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

" I didn't receive a letter," I responded.

" Liar. I saw the letters every year. Since you were eleven years old. It's the same letter every time!" Harry exclaimed.

" Harry I couldn't go and leave you hear all by yourself! Who knows what Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would do to you? Mum told me to protect you and that's exactly what I am going to do. Okay?"

"But, Iris-"

"No buts, Harry." I interrupted.

" I watched everyone that I love die. And I am not letting that happen to you. I'm sorry Harry but that is my final choice. When you get your letter, you will be going to Hogwarts. You can't stay here!"