
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 37- Happiness

The Great Hall is full of students with wide smiles on their faces and the atmosphere is full of positivity. Lights are shining above, illuminating the room with the colourful sunset yellow colour. The only down side is that George is not here, neither is Oliver. Like always Oliver is practicing Quidditch in his free time because he always has breakfast earlier than everyone else. Meanwhile, George is sat further down the table next to Avery who has her head resting on his shoulder. I notice a small sigh leave George's mouth as Avery makes contact with him. His head turns to his left and his catch mine: him and I hold a strong gaze for no longer than five seconds before turning back to our plates in front of us.

" You alright?" Tesha notices my sudden uneasiness. She turns in the direction that I was previously looking in. " Oh I see what you mean now. Don't worry, they won't last long."

"I don't care about them dating, Tesha. It's hard to explain, I just felt devastated because he never told me how he felt. Don't get me wrong I do have some sort of feelings for him but I'm still unsure what they are."

" You don't have to explain yourself, either way it's bad enough that Avery went behind your back. After everything you have done for her this is how she repays you. With disloyalty. That's just wrong girl." Tesha's eyes turn back in Avery's direction. " We are all shocked by it but don't let what happened destroy your mood. Keep your head held high and show Avery that she has no effect on you. The more you give her a reaction and allow her to know that what she is doing is bothering you then that gives her satisfaction. We don't want that."

"I have a question for you guys!" Ron declares to the group which takes us off guard because he doesn't normally speak much unless it's just myself and the Trio.

"Ask away," Fred nudges his shoulder so he could continue.

" If you guys were ice cream flavours, what would you be?" Ron shovels more food into his mouth as he looks around the table for an answer.

"Probably vanilla," Lillian answers first. "Vanilla! Girl that's basic. But to answer the question; I would be pistachio." Cherry leans forward and places both elbows onto the table as she rests her chin on top of her folded hands.

"Because nobody likes you?" Lillian quickly fires back.

"Damn girl!" Tesha says as she moves closer to me to hear the conversation better. "Nobody likes pistachio."

"I think Tesha would be strawberry she gives off a fruity vibe." Cherry informs Tesha.

"Why because I'm Bisexual?" Tesha tilts her head back and laughs. Since she came out to the others, they have all been respectful and accepting off it.

" Yeah! And we will have the rainbow sprinkles on top. We'll make Gilbert Baker proud my dear friend " Cherry says as she leans over me and fist bumps Tesha. " What about you, Iris?"

My mind races to try and think of a possible answer but the saddest thing is: Harry and I have never actually had the chance to taste ice cream. "I've never had ice cream before."

" Wait, really?" Fred lowers his fork onto his plate. He leans slightly back and whispers towards another student and then points to a golden bowl in front of them. The student grabs the bowl then passes it towards Fred who then places it in front of me. "Try it."

" Chocolate ice cream, good choice Fred." Ron states.

I grab the spoon that is placed onto the table next to my knife and place it into the bowl before taking it out and lifting it anxiously towards my lips.

"There's no magic in there, I solemnly swear." Fred places one on his hands over his heart which was already enough convincing for me. The cold sweetness enters my mouth and I am then welcomed with a weird sensation. I never knew that ice cream would taste this delicious. One after another I moved more spoonsful into my mouth. Suddenly, a sharp pain enters the side of head and I feel a burning sensation in the roof of my nose.

" Oh no, she's got brain freeze." Fred says as he begins searching for something. He pulls out a small sachet and pours into some hot water that is being contained in a small mug. Once Fred finished mixing it and passing the mug towards me. Frantically, I reach forward and grab the mug.

"Careful it's hot!" Fred warns me as he leans forward again. Before the mug touches my lips, I press them together and blow onto the liquid before taking a large sip. After a few more sips the burning sensation stops which automatically gives me some relief.

"I should've warned you about that." Fred lets out a small chuckle. He picks up a napkin from the side of his plate and leans forward; the napkin slowly creeps forward towards my lips. Once Fred is close enough, he gently wipes something away before withdrawing back into his current seat. "You just had a little ice cream on the side of your lips."

"You're blushing," Tesha whispers to me.

" I am not." I snap back. Tesha gives me a questioning look and shakes her finger which causes me to smack it.

"Guys," Lillian whispers. I quickly turn my head in her direction and notice her face has turned pale white and small little water droplets are now starting to form at the top of her forehead. "I-it's Cameron."

" Lillian, hey look at me. You've got this. Go speak to him." I encourage her.

Lillian stands up from her seat and walks over to where Cameron is seated along with his friends. You can see her touch his shoulder and ask something however it was inaudible to our ears. Cameron stands up and touches her shoulder in a panic.

"That boy better say yes," Cherry says coldly as she stares at Cameron.

" Of course!" You can hear Cameron shout as he pulls Lillian into a bone crushing hug. Lillian rests her head on his shoulder and looks in our direction before giving us a thumbs up. Tesha stands up and cheers and starts to applause the new couple.

"He said yes!" Cherry stands up and hugs Tesha. "he said yes! He said yes!" The two of them chant and sooner enough Fred joins in. Lillian pulls away from Cameron and plants a slightly awkward kiss on his cheek before running back to us. I stand up from the bench and embrace Lillian.

"What did I tell you? There was no way that he was going to decline you."

"Thanks Iris, thank you so much!" Lillian pats my shoulder as she pulls away. I reach down and grab Lillian's bag.

"Go on, go sit next to him."