
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 32- The Awakening

As the door slammed closed in front of me, I could feel my heart sinking to my chest. Soon after my cheeks became soaked with a salty like substance whilst my vision blurred. My palm rests on the wooden oak door, behind it all can be heard is the laughter of the two inside. Is this really how I made the others feel? Unimportant? That I was playing with their emotions? All this time George was hiding something from me and I didn't even know. And Avery! She knows how I feel about George and how important he is too me. However, did I really see him as a love interest? Did I love him as more as just a friend? That's the thing I don't know. I most defiantly feel somewhat of a close attachment to Oliver and Fred. When I'm around the both of them I swear my heart skips a beat and the weird feeling I get in my stomach whenever they are near me or when they look me in my eyes when I speak to them. George is like my soulmate but not in a romantic way, he's like my secret diary he knows everything about me. I remember the times when he used to wait up for me when Snape used to give me detentions for the simplest things. Him and I would sit on the floor in front of the fireplace and just spill things to one another. He would tell me his problems and would tell him mine. But does he like me as more as a friend, in a romantic way?

When the laughter grew louder that's when I decided to withdraw myself from the door and walk over to the male's dormitory. I cautiously peaked my head around the corner of wall and saw the small hallway that leads to around four doors. The thing is, which one belongs to Harry? My gut told me to walk to the door right in front me at the far end of the hall. My feet started moving towards the direction of the door; as I made it a few feet away the floorboards beneath me starting making this weird high pitch sound which causes me to let out a quiet gasp.

"Merlin's Beard," I whisper to myself as I raise my hand toward the door. Taking a deep breath, I place two gently knocks onto the door. My hands then quickly fall to my sides as I wait for a response from inside the dorm. From inside I hear someone mutter something from under their breath as they made their way to the door. When the person reached the door, they quickly swung the door open.

" What? This better be good -"

Fred's eyes look down and land on mine. I try to form words but nothing seems to come out. Fred looks behind me then at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me inside his dorm as he slams his door shut.

"Iris what the hell are you doing here? It's forbidden for males and females to mix dormitories; you should know this by now." Fred walks closer to me with each word that leaves his mouth, his body towering over mine which causes me to tilt my head and look up at him. Once again, the weird feeling in my stomach returns. Due to the weird sudden feeling my hand lands on my stomach which then causes Fred's eyes to widen. He grabs me by both of shoulders and applies pressure which causes me to take steps backwards until my feet meet with something wooden and after that I fall onto a soft blanket. I look down and notice Fred pushed me onto a bed. As I look, I see his face study mine before turning around

" Are you sick? Is that why you came here? Bloody hell. I'm sure George has something in here," Fred runs around the room and begins opening and closing dresser drawers.

" Fred! Nothing's wrong, I just needed to speak with Harry but I clearly must've found the wrong room."

Fred slowly closes a dresser drawer and walks over and sits down next to me on the bed, "So nothing's wrong?"

"Yeah, everything is okay, Fred." I look down at my hands that are in my lap.

" Why do I sense a 'but'?" Fred asks as he reaches over and grabs my hands and forces me to look his way.

"George and Avery..." I mutter out to him.

"What about them?" He squeezes my hands and traces his thumb over the palm of my hands.

"They're together, Fred." I let out a sigh of defeat.

" Together? I thought Georgie would've told me something like this."

" I went to my dorm in hope to find the girls because Oliver should be waking up soon. But when I got there all I could hear was laughter and laying there was Avery and George both of them was reading a book. George's head resting on her shoulder, they both seemed so happy." As I went to continue, I felt the familiar liquid fall down my face and I began sniffing in between my words. "I don't even know why I'm crying."

Fred's eyes held so much sympathy, he listened to every word that I said to him. When he noticed my tears free falling down my face his arm quickly shot out and found it's way around my shoulder and tightly pulled me to his chest. One hand placed over my left shoulder whilst the other is placed at the back of my head which is stopping me from escaping his comforting embrace. Even if his hand wasn't there, I don't think I would've moved. My hands quickly find their way around his waist and I tightly held onto him because I'm too scared that he's going to leave me if I let go. Once Fred notices this he places his chin on the top of my head.

"Take deep breaths, Iris. It pains me to see you suffer. Please Buttercup, calm down I'm not leaving you."

" If he's happy I'm happy it's just Avery knew that I'm trying to figure out if I actually like him or not. But I now know that I only see him as my best friend nothing romantically it just still pains me to know that Avery went behind my back. He said I don't accept him for who he is."

"Hey, you'll figure this all out soon I promise. You don't need to figure this out right now though. Just know that I will always be here if you need me. I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you, Fred." I look up at him and gently move away from his warm embrace. As I go to tell him something else the dormitory door flies open and Ron comes running in.

" Oliver is awake!"