
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 2 - The mysterious man

(1st November 1981)

I opened my eyes once I knew that the bright green light was gone. Everything was now silent. Not a word or sound could be heard. I looked over at Harry, and that's when I saw it. The scar that resembled a lightning bolt was now placed on Harry's forehead. It was red raw, still fresh. That's when I started to have a flashback of what happened. The way the Dark Lord had his face right in front of mine. The way he pointed his wand at my brother's head. The way he killed my mother without hesitation, her scream of pain brought him joy. It was as if her plead for help encouraged him. But most importantly: He was after my brother. The Dark Lord came for my little brother, who is not even one years old. What use would my brother be to him?

The sound of someone's footsteps snapped me back into reality. He was back. The Dark Lord has come back to finish his job off. I looked over at Harry, but this time he was awake. Harry looked over at Mum and reached his arms out towards her. Wanting her to pick him up and sing to him like she normally does. However, when Harry got not response that's when he started to cry.

Once his cries grew louder, the footsteps came faster. I tried to stop him. I turned and faced Harry and hugged him. " It's okay, Harry."

Harry looked up at me and his lips lifted slightly but his crying didn't stop. The footsteps kept creeping closer and closer. In about a few seconds, the Dark Lord would be back.

" Harry, please." My desperate pleads were able to prevent Harry's cries a little bit but not fully. I pulled Harry tighter into my embrace and placed my head on top of his. This was the end. This was end of the Potter family.

" Lily?"

A voice came from the corridor. But it didn't belong to the Dark Lord. It was someone else. Did he send someone else to finish his job because he was too weak?

" Lily," the voice came again. It sounded calmer but at the same time menacing.

My heart beat increased dramatically; I swear anyone could've heard it. The outline of the figure stood at the entrance of the door. A low gasp left my mouth when the man stepped into the light. The man wore a long dark grey, with long sleeves, button up coat with matching trousers. On top of that the man wore a long black cloak, with all the clothing he looked like a bat. Additionally, the mysterious man had shoulder length black greasy hair, a hooked nose, shallow skin. The man gasped when he saw my mother laying lifeless on the floor. The man's eyes started to water as he slid down the wall.

" No....Lily. No"

The man kept repeating them words over and over again, not once did he acknowledge my brother and I in the crib. The man leaned forward on his knees and crept closer to my mother's form. He reached two fingers forward and pressed them lightly on the side of my mother's neck. Checking for a pulse. He let out a sob when he couldn't find one. He lowered his head in defeat.

" I asked him not to kill you, Lily. He promised me he wouldn't."

The man leans forward and gently brings my mother into his embrace and rocks back and forward ever so slowly. He kept repeating his apologies, claiming that he didn't want any of this to happen. The man only looked up when he heard the cries from my brother.


The man turned around and looked at Harry and I. He slowly placed my Mum back down onto the floor before whispering. " I'll keep them safe for you. I'll make sure no harm comes their way. Rest well, my Lily." The man looked down in guilt before sighing and standing up. He slowly walked us and placed his hands onto the crib. " What am I going to do with you two?" He said whilst looking down at us.

Looking back up at him I replied, " Take to daddy?"

The man's eyes softened as he looked down at me, " You're father has gone somewhere and won't return for a while."

" Oh...will he come back?" I ask out of curiosity.

"You'll see him again one day. I promise, Iris." The man

" I know many things about you, Iris. And your brother. "I nodded my head and looked towards my brother. He still had his eyes peeled on my mother's lifeless form. The man followed Harry's gaze and sighed." She's gone, she'll be with your father right now." The man looked back at us and leaned down to pick the both of us up. " Come one you two let's get you out of here."

"Where are we going?" I inquired.

The man stopped before saying, " You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

I smiled before replying," You're stranger," which causes the man whispered some cusses under his breath. " I need to find Albus and Minerva."

I needed to know who this man was. I couldn't just go and leave with a stranger. What if he worked with the Dark Lord? What if the whole being nice was an act? I tossed and turned in his arms and Harry started to cry once again. The man started to come confused, wondering if he did something wrong.

" Let me go!"

The man held me tighter and pulled me to his chest and did the same with Harry so he doesn't drop either of us."Shh it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you!"

I didn't listen, I still tried to get out of his embrace. But the more I moved, the tighter he held onto me." Let me go!"

The man leaned down next to my ear and whispered in his low deep raspy voice," My name is Snape," the gentleman paused before continuing," Severus Snape."