
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 13 - Hogwarts arrival

I'm looking down at a box that is filled with jelly-beans. Ron and Harry have filled me up with several types of sweets and they are not stopping until I have tried everything.

" Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?" I say as I look at the box of jelly-beans.

" They mean every flavor! There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver and tripe. George swore he got a bogey-flavored one once!" Ron enlightens me. Before Ron was about to finish, I had placed a green jelly-bean in my mouth but after hearing that someone got a bogey-flavored one I immediately took it out of my mouth and wrapped inside a wrapper. Ron lifts up his rat and looks at me.

" This is Scabbers, by the way, pathetic, isn't he?" Ron asks me.

" A little," I respond softly. Ron's eye lit up with excitement then looks Harry then at me.

" Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow. Want to see?" He asks us. Harry and I nod and then our attention falls to the rat in Ron's protective hold. Ron then clears his throat.

" Ahem. Sun-"

Ron is cut off by a young girl his age with long bushy brown hair that is dressed in robes shows up in the doorway of our compartment.

" Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one," The young girl says with her buck teeth showing slightly.

" No, sorry we haven't come across one. But we'll keep a look out for one," I say back to the girl. She then smiles at me then her attention falls to the wand in Ron's hand.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then," The girl says in a confident tone. Ron clears his throat once more then points his wand at his rat. " Sunshine, daises, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

The wand zaps Scabbers, but nothing happens. Ron looks up at me and shrugs. " It's okay, just practice." I mouth to Ron.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple spells myself, and they've all worked for me. For example... " The girl stops as she walks into our compartment and sits herself down next to me but she is opposite Harry. She takes points the wand at Harry's glasses that I knew have been broken for some time now.

" Oculus Reparo." She finishes.

The tape on the nose-band of Harry's glasses vanish and his glasses are now repaired and look as good as new. Harry takes them off and looks at them amazed. By doing this, Harry's scar is revealed and it didn't go unnoticed by the girl. However, I was the lucky one because before Hagrid found us, I was able to steal some of Petunia's foundation and place it over the scar on my cheek. I also applied some before Hagrid took us to the train station: foundation is still there and it hides the scar well.

"Holy Cricket, you're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger...and you are...?" Hermione turns to Ron. The three of us turn and look at Ron and find that he has his mouth full. He quickly swallows the food so he can answer Hermione's question.

" I'm....Ron Weasley." He answers. Hermione then turns and looks at me and I knew right away that she wanted to know who I was.

" I'm Iris. Iris Potter," I say. Hermione looks at me in disbelief and I knew why. My scar wasn't visible to anyone. But if Fred believed me then why can't she. Hermione leans back in the seat and crosses her arms and looks at me. She then raises her eyebrow. Sighing, I look around to see if I can find anything to wipe the foundation away with but there is nothing. The only thing I can use is my shirt but that is white. Hermione puts her hand in her pocket and takes out a handkerchief. I wish I could say I was surprised but I'm not. She hands it over to me. With shaking hands, I lift the handkerchief up to my cheek and start to wipe the foundation away. Once I knew it was all gone, I turned my cheek towards Hermione so she can see my scar.

" Oh my, so it really is true? You both have the scar." Hermione says as she leans closer to my face to get a better look at my scar. Ron coughs, in hope to break the silence.

" No need to get that close to her," Ron says. Hermione scoffs, "You three better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. She then gets up and leaves, then comes back and looks at Ron.

"You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know? Just there," she says as she points to the dirt mark on Ron's nose then walks away. Ron scratches his nose ant tries to hide his embarrassment. When he went to wipe the dirt from his nose, he missed the spot. I point on my nose where it is for Ron but he still wipes the wrong area. Shaking my head, I grab the handkerchief that Hermione gave me and lean forward and wipe the dirt from his nose.

" C'mon, you heard the young lady. Better change into our robes." I demand. That's when realization hit me. I left Harry's and I's robes in our luggage carts. How could I be so stupid?

" I left our robes." I say quietly.

" You left our robes at the train station!" Harry shouts.

" No, silly. I left them in our luggage carts. Look, you go with Ron and just meet me outside okay. I have to quickly go find them." Not giving them chance to reply to me I quickly leave my compartment and run down the hallway. Once I reached the end of the hallway, I crashed into someone's chest. The person's arms wrap around my lower back so I don't fall back.

" In a rush, are we?" A familiar voice asks me. I remove my head from the person's chest and look up and them. I then quickly come face-to-face with the same red head and freckled person. Fred.

" Hey...I'm sorry about that." I say as I soon start to blush.

" Need help with anything?" He asks as he quickly withdraws his arms away from my lower back and taking a few steps back.

" Yeah, actually I do need help with something. Do you by any chance know where the luggage is? I kinda left the robes."

Fred then chuckles, " No you didn't."

" Yeah I did, silly I know," I say.

" No I meant, no you didn't, as in I have them."

" You have my robe?" I ask. Fred then nods then grabs a hold of my hand then leads me to his compartment. And he was right. He did have mine and Harry's robes. They were neatly folded and left on the seat.

" How did you get them? You were with me" I say confused.

" That's where you are wrong, I was not with you the full time. When I left you in the compartment with your brother, I noticed you didn't grab them so I went back and asked a staff member if I could collect them. Lucky enough they said yes."

I look over at Fred and I can't help myself from smiling. " Thank you, seriously."

" Hey, it's okay. You're new here and I just want to help you as much as I-" His voice then trails off as his eyes land on my face. I quickly place my hand over my check in hope that I can hide the scar. Fred only laughs.

" Iris, I already knew about your scar so don't worry. You shouldn't have to feel that you have to hide it. Anyways, it was not the scar I was looking at." He says softly. He reaches his hand out to my other cheek and he wipes away something.

" Sorry, you had a bit of chocolate there." Fred says as he shows me his thumb with the chocolate on it. He then proceeds to wipe his hand on his robe to get rid of the chocolate.

" Freddie, come on the train is about to leave and make its way back to London!" Someone shouts.

" Hold on George, we will be there in a sec," Fred says.

" We?" The person questions.

I grab the folded robes and squeeze past Fred out of the compartment. My eyes the land on another red head.

" George, right?" I ask.

" The one and only. You see Fred, ladies do know my name," George says. Fred only laughs by his brother's remark. Fred then steps in front of me and offers his hand to me.

" Come on, Iris. I don't want you falling for me again." Fred says.

" Oh, in your dreams, Weasley." I say before pushing away his hand.

" Got to think of a better reason for me to hold your hand," I say as I walk over to George and he tries to wrap his arm around me. I push him away as well.

" Same for you, George! I'll catch you guys later."

" See you later, Iris!" The twins say at the same time as I get off the train. Looking through the crowd of people, my eyes fall on a ginger boy who I presume is Ron. Therefore, if Ron is there then so will Harry. I grab my robe from the pile and put it on me then walk over to Ron and Harry that are trapped inside a crowd of students.