
The killers of the Zololix family

Albert is a 13-year-old teenager whose entire family died in a car accident and later was adopted by a family. They seem normal, but when he enters their house, he is shocked by their truth.

Spider_2005 · Action
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8 Chs

3.New shock

Albert Diamond's Perspective

To be honest, I didn't know how to act, it seemed like they were rich, and my grandfather wanted me to go with them. I thought it would be easy, but shit, it's more difficult than I expected. How can I suddenly go live with two people I don't even know and I don't know what their temperament is, are they going to treat me well or not, but there is no way I can say no because I know that Mrs. Glory and her husband will not be able to take me any more, since they don't really have much money. In spite of that, they took good care of me for a whole month. That month, I lived a life like a king. Not only was we on summer vacation, but I felt so warm in this house that I hadn't felt in the 12 years I spent with my original parents. I was able to see. The look of sadness on Mrs. Glory's face, as if they were taking her brother from her. Frankly, I think if the whole world were like Mrs. Glory and her husband, I would describe that world as bliss . I am really happy that there is someone who really cares about me that much.Mrs. Glory's four-year-old son looked at me and was crying. Are you really going to leave, my brother?

That made it even more difficult and I looked at him and put my hand on his head softly That boy with short yellow hair and sad yellow eyes that made me cry I told him don't worry I'll visit you often and bring you gifts too So it's better for you to be a good son Understood? You are a man so don't cry he said but you cry too I told him then let's forget this situation and become good men in the future okay? And he said, tears still in his eyes, and he smiled well, my big brother, so I hugged him and went to my room to collect my things. Then I said goodbye to Mr. Evan, Mrs. Glory's husband, who treated me well too. Then the hardest moment was when I came to say goodbye to Mrs. Glory before I could say a wordShe hugged me tightly in her weeping voice and said, "Don't even dare to think about not writing to us regularly or not visiting us, and make sure you eat well, get enough rest, and improve your grades. Well, if there is any problem, you can always call us, understand?" I said while I was crying too, I und.. I understood, mrs. She said, "Call me my sister." I said, yes my big sister." I didn't know that I would be that happy when she asked me to call her by big sisterBecause I think that if I had an older sister, she wouldn't treat me that way, since the difference between me and Professor Glory about 12 years may be a little big, but it's good anyway.

After I said goodbye,

I left with that tall man and that woman in their luxury car.I will really never forget how Mrs. Glory and her family treated me. I am really happy that I spent a whole month with them and excited to be a great man as my grandfather asked me to even impress Mrs. Glory and make her proud even when I was leaving Mrs glory house she tried to stop me and they said they could take care of me for a while taller and even made that man and that woman who took me promise them that they will take care of me well

When we were in the car this couple didn't say a word and I didn't know what to say I'm not really a social person and I hate that, by the way

After we got into the car, we got to their luxurious home after about 4 hours of driving and their house looked very luxurious as it had no less than ten rooms and the furniture of the house looked very expensive

Finally the silence ended after we entered the house and the man called Thomas said your room is upstairs on the right and your dinner is in the room you are not allowed to go out after ten Do you understand this man was speaking firmly as if he was an employee doing his job Is this his way of talking to his adopted son while that The woman whose name I don't even know chose to be silent Am I really going to live with these people for the rest of my life!!

Mrs. Glory Where are you?😭

I went up to my room and texted Mrs. Glory, who was worried, and told her that I was fine, and the house was beautiful, and my room was very spacious. They even put in it all the food, water, sweets, electronic games, TV, and my favorite movies. It must be grand PA who told them that

After a long day I finally fell into a deep sleep and woke up to the sound of someone standing behind my door. That unnamed woman was saying in the same tone of her husband's voice that breakfast was ready. These two couples really look like each other in the way they talk, as they speak firmly but at the same time respectfully.Well the way they spoke was very formal but maybe they were feeling awkward for example

I decided to ask them about my grandfather and how he knew them during breakfast, which seemed to me like a voice contest, but I said, "Excuse me. Did Thomas interrupt me?" Breakfast ends

After we finished breakfast, I decided to speak and turned my tone of voice to become as formal as they are. You asked them to tell me about my grandfather and where he is now. What he is doing and how he knows them, and is he in trouble and why he left? He may refuse to answer if I ask him many questions and I decided to ask him one question and I said if you would allow me Mr. Thomas where is my grandfather now He said about your questions about your grandfather you will know in three days but not from us

I was surprised by his answer frankly, but I decided to wait three days because I'm sure

He won't answer me anyway if I ask him another question

After three days of that voice contest and being isolated in my room, I decided not to worry Mrs. Glory with me, and I told her that they were good people and treated me well. Well, that wasn't a lie, except for their official way of speaking. They didn't do anything to me. The food too was very tasty though. If it tasted weird, I didn't recognize it, but it was delicious anyway, so I didn't really care what it was, maybe a secret family ingredient.

Finally the three days were over before I came to them, knocked on the door and said, it's Alice

I went down with Alice, whose name I finally knew, and we found Thomas waiting for us in that suit?" They really didn't change their clothes Are they afraid that it would be stolen if they changed it or what? Well, this is none of my business anyway, from what he said last time. I will know my answer about my grandfather after three days and not from them, so I understood that there is a guest who will arrive after three days to tell me the answer. It may be my grandfather and it may be someone he knows. I don't really know, but I am excited and afraid in At the same time, we entered a large room with nothing but a small cupboard. I said to Thomas, what do we do? Didn't the guest come yet? He said, "There is no guest. I didn't tell you about which guest."

It's getting weird and I don't understand what's going on

He said, "I understand, the situation is strange, but you will understand everything at once." He turned toward the cupboard, then opened it, and stood on the right, while Alice stood on his left, and both of them said in one breath, your answer lies behind that door, Mr. Albert follow us please they said that with smile on their faces Can you believe that? their cold faces that when you look at it you will never know what are they thinking about smiled and wait did he call me Mr ALBERT??! and what's wrong with cupboard that opened and there is a long path in it is that a movie?

I was frankly afraid of it Are they planning to do something to me but it wouldn't make sense because Mrs. Glory and her husband had seen their faces so if something happened to me they would be the first to be accused and also my grandfather would send them so there would be no danger right? I found myself following them into that strange, dark path, into that damned cupboard, and after we walked for about half an hour, we finally came to a huge green plaza, and in the middle of it was a very large blue beautiful palace. Is there Even a huge blue palace in the world??! I told him what's going on, Mr. Thomas. He said, I told you we are Zololix , but we only serve them as servants. Your real family who adopted you is inside that mansion, Mr. Albert. Please follow us Mr Albert so you can see your new family