
The killer of the Past

Mohan an extremely normal guy finds his one true love, he was happy and content in his life until the recession hit, and he had to migrate to another country to provide better conditions for his family, little did he know that it would be his last seeing them. Unfortunately, Mohan was murdered in a homicide and his family starved to death. He is now reborn as a detective, he meets his soulmate coincidentally during one of his cases. Will he get her back? will he solve his murder from his past life? and will he stop the criminal who is now trying to break his happily ever after?

Manogna_Boppudi_ · Urban
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46 Chs

The Rough Past

The arrival of that mysterious letter sent shockwaves through our tightly-knit community, leaving us all in a state of extreme uncertainty. We found ourselves utterly clueless, with no inkling of how to navigate the murky waters ahead. Confusion and fear gripped us, insidiously paving their paths into our minds. The very notion that an unknown presence could infiltrate our lives undetected sent shivers down our spines, sparking a deep concern that extended beyond our own well-being.

For Kang Woo and Woo Shik Hyung, the situation had become even more dire. The safety of their loved ones should be taken care of now more than any time else, we had to ensure that the evil shadow does not cast over their families. Their initial plan to relocate gradually had now been rendered impractical. The urgency of the situation left them with no choice but to abandon their homes immediately, upending their lives in a way they could never have anticipated.

It was a stark reminder of the uncertainty of fate, demonstrating how a single note, on one fateful day, during a mere minute, had the power to dramatically alter the course of our lives, plunging us into the unknown.

Our camp was a haven of comfort, particularly well-suited for families, offering a wide range of amenities. Yet, for Aman, Taeri, Austin, and myself, all living alone, we resided in single-bedroom flats. The transition was not without its challenges. I couldn't help but keep longing for my own home, my room, and the countless memories it held. The thought of returning seemed distant, and as I looked around, surrounded by the unfamiliar, I missed my mother more than ever.

In the midst of our roles as detectives or agents, sometimes, we find it easy to forget our shared humanity. The range of emotions, from fear to joy, coursed through our veins just like anyone else. Fear had always been a constant companion, an intrinsic part of our work. We had willingly signed up for it, embracing our duties with honor.

However, when thoughts of our families crept into our minds, our pain and wave of emotions wavered. The weight of responsibility grew heavier, especially as our camp's population continued to expand. It was a poignant reminder that even in the line of duty, we couldn't escape the very human emotions that tied us to our past, our homes, and our loved ones.

Following the successful resolution of our first case, there was no time for celebration or further discussion. Another more pressing matter weighed heavily on our minds and hearts, potentially threatening our safety. We decided to divide it into two teams: one to assist Kang Woo and the other to support Hyung, Woo Shik. Taeri and I chose to accompany Woo Shik Hyung, while Aman and Austin went to help Kang Woo with the move, as Kang Woo had two energetic daughters, and only Austin could handle them. Our plan was to notify Rajesh sir and the commissioner about the ominous note once we were confident that Kang Woo and Woo Shik Hyung's families were safe.

Woo Shik Hyung opted to leave early to prepare his son for the move. He mentioned that his son was a bit shy and would need time to adjust, especially since his mother was no longer with them. We wholeheartedly understood his concern and agreed to wait for his call before heading over to assist. Meanwhile, the other group had already arrived at Kang Woo's house and commenced packing. Austin's presence proved to be a blessing, as he engaged the children with games, allowing the rest of the team to efficiently sort through belongings.

Taeri and I decided to venture out for a shopping spree to bring some joy to Hyung's child. We explored every toy store in the nearby mall, determined to spoil the young boy with an array of toys. We selected various toys, not knowing his specific preferences. In addition to toys, we bought sour candies, gummy bears, and an assortment of chocolates, aiming to bring some sweetness into his life during this tumultuous time. Our shopping spree concluded with a relaxing lunch at the mall's food court, where we engaged in lighthearted conversation about various topics.

Just as we were finishing our meal, Hyung called, signaling that they were ready to move. A thousand questions raced through my mind, and my concern for the well-being of Hyung's family weighed heavily on my heart. What if his wife was still with them? I couldn't help but be haunted by these questions, mirroring the ones I had asked myself countless times when I thought about my own father. Growing up with the void left by one parent is a burden that never truly fades, no matter how hard the other parent tries to fill it. It remains an indelible emotion that haunts you. I began to empathize with Hyung's son, imagining myself in his shoes, feeling the absence of a beloved parent, and the loneliness that lingers as an indelible mark on one's soul.

As we made our way to Woo Shik Hyung's place, I couldn't help but reflect on the complex tapestry of emotions and responsibilities that were woven into our lives. We were tasked with maintaining the safety and security of our community, but we were also ordinary individuals with our own stories, struggles, and desires. The line between our professional obligations and personal feelings blurred at times, making it a challenging, but ultimately, deeply rewarding journey.



Our arrival at their house was right on time, and it was nothing like I had expected. I had thought there would be chaos, but instead, it was incredibly organized and neat. Hyung warmly greeted us and even offered us coffee, while his son remained quite shy, always hiding behind his father. It reminded me of my own childhood when I used to do the same with my mom. Taeri tried her best to engage the child in conversation, but he remained quiet, which made the packing process a bit challenging.

I decided to take a step forward and try to connect with him. I found him in the backyard, sitting on a swing with his father. Hyung was encouraging him to interact, and when he noticed me, he suggested that his son talk to me while he took care of something briefly. I accepted the task and nodded, assuring him that I would do my best to engage the young boy.

I didn't want to startle him, so I sat on the swing beside him and started swinging gently. At first, he was very nervous, but I respected his space, and he gradually felt a bit more comfortable and began swinging as well. I began the conversation slowly, saying, "You know what, when people used to come to my house, I used to hide behind my mother."

He looked at me, and then he continued swinging, interested in what I had to say.

Hyung and Taeri watched us from a distance, surprised that he didn't leave.

"Why?" he asked in a very faint voice.

"Because I was scared... people always thought I was shy, but I was scared," I replied.

"Why were you scared?" he asked.

"I was scared because I thought they would laugh at me for not having a father," I explained, looking at him.

"You don't have a father?"

"No, I lost him when I was very young," I replied.

He was now curious to know more about me, so he started asking questions.

"You grew up with your mom?"

"Yes, it was just the two of us."

"It would have been cool, right? Living with mom?" he asked, sounding a bit sad.

I could see Hyung's heart breaking at this question. He quickly wiped his tears and looked at me, wondering how I would respond.

"It was...just like how cool it is to live with a dad," I replied.

"I get bullied at school for not having a mother... Appa told me to ignore them because they are just being mean to me... it is sad to hear them say things... did you go through the same?"

"Yes, people would bully me and call me names because I had no father. But you know what I used to say?"

By this time, he slowly got off his swing, came to me, and sat on my lap. He rested his head on my chest and asked, "What?"

"My father fought till the very last... he did not give up..."

"Appa told Omma also fought till the very end... I know she was sick, but I never thought she would leave us," he started tearing up, and I could see Hyung and Taeri tearing up too.

"You miss your Omma, and I miss my Appa, right?"

He nodded, wiping his tears.

"But, you have Appa, and I have my Omma to take care of us, right?"

He nodded again.

"So, how about at night we look at the stars and find the brightest stars..."

"You mean Omma and your Appa?"

"Oh my! Look at you... you are smart."

Despite all the pain in his little heart, he chuckled.

"We are going to ask your Omma and my Appa to become best friends and tell them to take care of each other... Do you see that Noona over there? Her mother is also a star, how about they all become friends, and we down here become friends?"

I extended my hand, expecting him to shake it. Instead, he hugged me tight and said, "Not friends, best friends, and my name is Kim Min Jin," he said before running to his father and giving him a tight hug.

Those tiny little hands helped us too, and he was too excited to move with us. We gave him the toys and candies, and his happiness had no boundaries. I saw Hyung smiling at him with so much affection. I knew he had a thousand words to say, but seeing his son smile, he seemed to have lost them all. It was almost night, and Taeri was cooking dinner for us, with Min Jin helping her. Hyung and I were in the living room, watching the news. I knew I had to break the ice, so I finally spoke up.


He looked at me, waiting for what I had to say.

"What happened to your wife, if I may ask?"

"Accident..." he almost choked saying that.

I held him, and he composed himself.

"She was an energy ball, she had a very bubbly and charming personality, and that made me fall in love with her. We dated for a year and decided to get married. None of our families were happy about it, so we decided to walk away from our house and start a new life together."

I looked at him and nodded, encouraging him to share his story.

"Of course, we had our share of fights, some very big ones, but none of them had the strength to break us. We saw it all, from the struggle financially to not having a strong support system to tell us it was okay. We rediscovered the world together."

He took a deep sigh.

"After a couple of years, we had Min Jin... that moment when we held him made us forget everything we went through. We used to tell ourselves that destiny led us here together to have him and to let us be his family. We were more than happy to be parents."

He reduced the TV volume and continued his story.

"My wife always liked to post pictures online; she used to upload pictures of Min Jin and us together as a family with quotes saying 'We are still going strong' or 'One beautiful family,' you know, all such stuff. When Jin was six months old, I was promoted, and my salary increased. And from then, everything went uphill... I got success and recognition at the bureau, while our families contacted us and wanted to reunite. They loved Jin extremely and showered unconditional love on him. Jin was three when my wife took him to the park as usual. While coming back home, she wanted to buy Jin ice cream and was taking him to the ice cream parlor. As they were crossing the road, suddenly, out of nowhere, a car came and hit them, along with several others. She held Jin in her arms and pushed away a few pedestrians, protecting them from being hit. She was begging people to save Jin, and one of them called the ambulance. They both made it to the hospital... Jin survived with major injuries, but she... she did not." Tears rolled down his cheeks. He reached out for tissues and gently wiped them.

"He was three, and it wasn't his idea to have ice cream, but her family blamed him for her death, and her mother even hit him. My family argued back, and they loathe each other now. I did not want Jin to grow up in such toxicity... We are not in touch with both families now, it is just me and Jin... Jin doesn't have memories of the accident, he lost them due to shock... the person who called the ambulance told me that Jin was crying, looking at her mother covered in blood. I pray to God every day not to give him back the horrifying memories of that day. When Jin woke up, his mother had already left us."

Honestly, I had tears in my eyes, looking at him and hearing his side of the story. I felt like my mom was venting her emotions to me.

"Jin does not deserve any of this; he does not deserve to be hated or to be bullied. Growing up, Jin never felt comfortable around people, and I don't blame him after all he went through. You know? he doesn't like ice cream at all... he hates it... every day I look at him and wonder if am I giving him the best. Because whatever that little heart went through... I don't think even I myself can handle that. She wanted me to take care of him and tell him his mother loved him unconditionally... he loves her mother more than me. It is just hard for him to love someone who is not around him. His little brain is unable to comprehend these complex situations."

My first instinct was to hug him, so I hugged him as tightly as I could, and he reciprocated it. He was taken by surprise by my action, but I was tearing up and started speaking.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Today, here... I get to meet someone who understands my pain, even though he is little. I lost my father in a war when I was four, and I went through all Jin is going through. Talking to you made me realize what you went through... my mom went through the same. She might have questioned herself the same way you ask yourself, 'Am I doing enough?' countless times. So, today, on behalf of Jin, I answer this question. Yes, you are doing it right, and whatever you are doing is more than enough."

He hugged me tightly and patted my head. He made me realize what my mom went through and answered a lot of my unanswered questions. To be very honest, at that very moment, I felt like hugging my father. This day, this moment, these people I will never forget.

Taeri and Jin came out of the kitchen with trays in their hands. They told us that they would be making Jin's favorite pancakes. Jin himself made these pancakes in different shapes for us. I am glad we chose Hyung, Jin was happy, and seeing him, Hyung was happy. I am sure Taeri felt the same emotions, and looking at Jin and Hyung, she must have remembered her mother. And I finally got closure...

We were all packed by now, we ate dinner and drove back to the camp. Hyung was driving, and the front seat was filled with all Jin's toys. Taeri and I sat in the back seat along with Jin; I was in the middle because of the boxes we had to bring. Jin sat on my lap and fell asleep in my arms, while Taeri fell asleep on my shoulder. Having Taeri sleep on my shoulder and holding Jin, I realized every single one of us in this car wanted and wanted this kind of family, a mom, dad, and a kid. I looked at Hyung, and he looked back at me, smiling.

"You know if anyone saw us, they would say I am your driver, and you three are a family," I chuckled.

He smiled and nodded, "Maybe we all want to hear it, hyung... but just so you know, from the moment we became a team, we became a family too," I said, smiling back at him.

We reached the camp, and the quarters weren't ready yet. Taeri gave hers to Kang Woo and his family, while Austin and Aman must have been fast asleep because none of them were answering calls. We all went into my room, and we insisted Taeri take Jin and sleep in the bedroom while Hyung and I slept in the living room.

We slept as soon as we hit the bed, and then I had a vision... about my father...

"Tarun beta, you look very good in my uniform..."

"Slowly...you are going to fall if you don't slow"

"Papa and Tarun are best friends..."

These fragments of me and my dad kept playing in my mind. I was sweating heavily and yelling his name in my sleep. Thanks to Hyung, he woke me up and gave me a glass of warm milk. He insisted I drink it, and thankfully, it worked. He explained how Jin had these nightmares for years until they stopped recently, and warm milk always helped.

"I would usually hold Jin to sleep, but (he chuckles looking at me) I can't with you," we both laugh at his joke.

As we both laughed at his joke, a warmth spread through me that I hadn't felt in years. It was a genuine, heartfelt laughter, the kind that draws people closer. In that moment, I realized that destiny had brought us together, although I couldn't fathom the exact reason. Holding his hand, I drifted back into a peaceful sleep, a sense of safety enveloping me. It was the first time in several years that I could let go of the worries that had plagued my mind.

Perhaps we were brought together to heal each other's wounds, to offer support and understanding when we needed it most. Or maybe our connection was meant to teach us valuable lessons about life, love, and the power of human connection. Whatever the reason, I was filled with gratitude for this unexpected encounter. It was a reminder that sometimes, in the most unexpected moments, we find the solace and companionship we've been longing for.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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