
The killer of the Past

Mohan an extremely normal guy finds his one true love, he was happy and content in his life until the recession hit, and he had to migrate to another country to provide better conditions for his family, little did he know that it would be his last seeing them. Unfortunately, Mohan was murdered in a homicide and his family starved to death. He is now reborn as a detective, he meets his soulmate coincidentally during one of his cases. Will he get her back? will he solve his murder from his past life? and will he stop the criminal who is now trying to break his happily ever after?

Manogna_Boppudi_ · Urban
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46 Chs

the initiation

The following morning, I felt notably better, and I have to give credit to Taeri for that. I prepared for work and arrived early. I settled into our meeting room, awaiting my colleagues. Their surprise at my early presence was evident on their faces. Austin, always a reliable friend and a younger brother to all of us, made sure to bring coffee for all of us, a true lifesaver in our busy days. We shared a sense of deep friendship, bound by both our work and the small gestures of kindness that eased our mornings. I thought to myself how lucky I was to have such a team. If it wasn't for them then I don't know how would I ever recover.

"Why are you here early? I went to your room and no answer, I was worried" Aman spoke

Taeri looked at me with an understanding nod and asked me if I was fine...

"Yes, Taeri thanks to you I am fine today"

Everyone looks at us surprised.

"Taeri wanted to talk about something and..."

"And?" Austin raised his eyebrow.

"And I found him burning hot with fever, so I gave him some medicines and made porridge for him...that's all"

"Okay," Austin said chuckling.

"Shut up" Taeri playfully hit his shoulder.

"How was your weekend?" Aman asked.

"Me and my boy went camping, you know we don't know if we will have time anytime soon, so I thought why not spend time with him" said Woo Shik Hyung.

"I have two girls, and guess what? we had an amazing kitty party and we invited Barbie, Moana, and Elsa all together. But Anna came in the middle and crashed the party. I took my wife for dinner and yes, like Hyung said we don't know when can we spend time with our families." Kang Woo said.

"Mine was okayish," said Aman.

"I did nothing, to be honest, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Thanks to Tarun he took me out to dinner the other day, if it wasn't you I wouldn't even be normal today, and hence extra sugar in your coffee to show my love." Austin chuckled. and then we all laughed.

I hate to be the mood spoiler, but since I am the leader and also the one who found the letter, I need to be the one who should share it.

"Guys" and all turned attentively towards me.

"I hate to be the bearer of the news but play time is over."

"Did we receive the files?" Aman asked.

"Actually no, I checked with the local police department and they said they would be here by this noon." Kang Woo answers.

"Then? Is this serious?" Woo Shik Hyung asked.

As uncertainty clouded my mind upon seeing the mysterious note, Taeri, sensing my hesitation, stepped in with a comforting smile. Her reassuring expression and a subtle nod conveyed her willingness to assist. I agreed, allowing relief to wash over me as she confidently approached the whiteboard, marker in hand. Her actions spoke volumes, revealing her readiness to take the lead and assuring us of her trustworthiness within our team.

It was an important moment, sparing me the responsibility of breaking the ominous silence. Taeri's initiative and confidence set the tone for our collective effort to decipher the message's hidden meaning. We all felt a growing sense of gratitude for her quick response. The whiteboard, now her canvas, transformed into a collaborative space where we could unravel the mysteries together. Taeri's actions not only resolved our initial doubts but also solidified our trust and unity as we embarked on this intriguing journey of discovery.

As we grappled with the note's contents, the tension in the room was palpable. None of us dared to ask about it until Austin, a brave member of our team, finally broke the silence. He inquired, "Are you okay? What is it that you wrote?"

She replied, "It's the letter Tarun received the other day."

Woo Shik Hyung chimed in, "You mean during the press meet?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of guilt wash over me. "Yes," I admitted.

Austin remembered that day and remarked, "We all noticed that you were troubled that day. We could tell something was bothering you, but this?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

Taeri, always perceptive and empathetic, responded, "Didn't we all have a great weekend, Austin? But unlike us, Tarun did not. He was regretting his choice of not telling us. He just wanted us to have a good weekend before things took a turn for the worse."

Aman, another team member, asked, "So you knew about this?"

"Not until yesterday," Taeri explained. "I took care of him and stayed with him until he got better, and yesterday he confided in me about this anonymous letter and how he regretted his decision. He wanted to tell us today."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence until Kang Woo, a member of our team, spoke up, "So who do you think it could be?"

This question brought me a great sense of relief. At least we were talking about it openly now.

"I have no idea," I admitted. "But over the past couple of days, I've been pondering. What if I made the wrong choice by not telling you all earlier? We don't know how dangerous this person could be, so I apologize for my actions."

In unison, my teammates offered their forgiveness with a collective, "Accepted."

Austin then asked, "So, what could be the briefing?"

Kang Woo speculated, "Can it be the killer?"

Aman, reflecting on the situation, reasoned, "No, I don't think so. He wouldn't dare to come out in public."

Taeri suggested, "Do you think it could be the other killer?"

Woo Shik Hyung, sharing his thoughts, added, "Could be. He has a penchant for leaving notes at crime scenes."

I posed a question that had been bothering me, "But why would they give a phone number, just a number and no name?"

Woo Shik Hyung, pondering the same question, said, "Indeed, who is this person?"

As we contemplated the mystery of the anonymous letter, there was an unexpected interruption. The local police department delivered some new case files to our table. Although it wasn't a massive pile, it marked the beginning of more cases for our team to investigate. I picked one of the files and asked Austin to make copies for all team members to review. Without delay, Austin prepared the copies and distributed them around the table.

As we each received our respective case files, there was a palpable sense of excitement in the room. We realized that these cases would challenge our skills and our ability to work together as a team. It was the start of the demanding work that lay ahead of us.

Woo Shik Hyung took the initiative to suggest, "Before we dive into analyzing the cases, let's make our work smoother by assigning specific roles to each team member. I know we've discussed this before, but let's go over it once again to avoid any confusion."

We all agreed, and Woo Shik Hyung continued, "Alright, in every case, we need to cover various aspects, right?"

Nods of agreement swept around the table.

I outlined our strategy, "We have six important tasks to handle. First, we need someone to provide a comprehensive brief that includes the victim's name, background, the criminal's name and background, and details about the type of crime committed. Second, we require a detailed account of the crime, including information about the weapons or drugs used and specific details like the number of stabs or other crucial specifics. Third, we need to study the autopsy reports for examination. Fourth, in our crime scene analysis, we should look for any additional clues beyond what's already been discovered."

Aman interjected, "And the fifth task?"

I explained, "For task number five, we need a profiler – someone skilled in understanding the criminal's psychological behavior, what they are capable of, and what future crimes they might commit. Finally, we need someone to record the minutes of our case discussion. So, we have six critical roles to assign to our team of six. Each role plays a vital part in helping us solve the case effectively."

This method of organizing our responsibilities and roles ensured that we covered all aspects of the investigation.

Austin questioned, "How will we distribute these roles among ourselves?"

I responded, "In my opinion, every role is important, but it's crucial to find the right person for each task. Let's go step by step, and I'll share my thoughts on who might be suitable for each role and why. Afterward, we can have an open discussion, and you can express your honest opinions. This is vital because any mistakes in our work can have serious consequences, and we are responsible for people's lives. The roles we're deciding on are mainly for our meetings, and our external roles might be different, which I'll explain once we finalize this. Is that clear? We need to work as a team and ensure that everything goes smoothly. Let's begin by assigning these roles to the right people and discussing any changes or concerns you might have. We're a bureau, and we must ensure that nothing goes wrong on our watch."

The team responded with unanimous agreement.

I continued, "One, the criminal brief and the victim brief – we need someone who can go above and beyond to find all the details. I believe Austin is a perfect fit for this role because he majored in journalism, and journalists have a way of finding things discreetly. I also think Austin would be enthusiastic to uncover the facts."

Austin seemed excited by the prospect and even hugged me to express his gratitude. The rest of the team agreed with this choice.

I moved on to the next role, "Two, the details of the case – we need someone who is sharp at understanding and can provide a fresh perspective. We require this fresh perspective because we know that cases involve pressure, leading to cover-ups. So, we need someone who can uncover the hidden truths. I think Taeri is the perfect

 match for this role."

Again, the team members showed their agreement.

Next, I assigned the third role, "Three, we have the autopsy report – someone who can study the report and the victim's body to confirm the accuracy of the autopsy. Aman, I believe you would excel in this role."

Aman nodded in acceptance.

Moving on to the fourth role, I said, "Four, the crime scene analysis. The police are usually the first to arrive at a crime scene, and who better to understand it than Kang Woo?"

Kang Woo accepted this responsibility.

"For the fifth role," I continued, "we need a profiler, someone experienced in understanding a criminal's psychological behavior. Unfortunately, neither Aman nor I have extensive experience in this area. It's been only a couple of years since we started handling high-profile cases. However, we have Woo Shik Hyung to assist us in this regard."

Woo Shik Hyung accepted his new role as the profiler.

I questioned, "And finally, I will be responsible for taking notes, more like keeping a record. My role here is to connect the dots and complete the puzzle."

Austin commented, "Perfect."

I went on to clarify, "Let us work on these cases as if we are encountering them for the first time as if they haven't been solved yet. So, for us, every case is fresh, and we need to solve them to understand the crime better, the industry better, and assess our capabilities. Later, we can cross-check the facts with what actually happened in those cases."

All team members expressed their agreement with this approach.

Austin inquired, "What about our external roles?"

I responded, "Okay, we need to divide those roles properly as well. The roles we need are... " I moved to the whiteboard and began writing down the previously assigned roles and the new ones:

One - The People's Friend.

Two - The Silent Observer.

Three - The Psychologist.

Four - The Area Scanner.

Five - The Danger Detector.

Six - The Speech Deliverer.

I explained, "Again, I'll share my opinion and provide reasons for each role. You can agree or discuss until we reach a decision."

The team members nodded in agreement.

I started by assigning the first external role, "One, the People's Friend – this person should be skilled at making friends easily. In our case, it's mostly the media, and Austin handled them exceptionally well the other day. So, I believe Austin is perfect for this role."

Austin hesitated but was encouraged by the team's support, eventually agreeing to take on the role.

I continued, "Two, the Silent Observer – this person's job is to quietly observe people nearby and their surroundings without drawing attention. They're responsible for scanning the immediate vicinity for anything suspicious. Taeri, was the one who noticed the anonymous note the other day, as well as my actions with the note, so we can call them the 'Hawkeye' of the team."

Austin inquired, "What about me?"

I asked him, "Which superhero do you like?"

He replied, "Antman."

"So, you're our Antman," I declared.

"Three, the Psychologist – this role doesn't need much explanation. It's Woo Shik Hyung's responsibility to observe and analyze the psychological behavior of the people asking us questions."

Austin, referring to Woo Shik Hyung, quipped, "Our Dr. Strange."

Woo Shik Hyung laughed and nodded in agreement.

I continued, "Four, the Area Scanner – this person's job is to scan the entire room for suspicious individuals, items out of place, or anything unusual. I think Aman is the right fit for this role."

Kang Woo suggested, "Five, the Danger Detector – this person should secure the perimeter of our location. I'm willing to take on this role, and we can also collaborate with the local police department for additional support."

I concluded with the final role, "Six, the Speech Deliverer – as the team leader, I will be responsible for answering questions, delivering speeches, and reporting to our superiors about the cases."

With the roles now assigned, the team members expressed their unanimous agreement.

We were now prepared to face the challenges ahead. As we geared up for sleepless nights and the heavy stress of our work, we equipped ourselves with ample coffee. Taeri kindly took on the role of our coffee maker, ensuring that we remained awake and alert during our journey. Our team's unity was our greatest strength and our guiding light as we delved into new cases and mysteries. Even though we were uncertain about what lay ahead, we were determined and ready to confront any challenges that came our way. Together, we were prepared for whatever awaited us.

As we stood on the precipice of new challenges, uncertain of what the future held, one thing was clear – I was deeply grateful for the incredible people I had met and the opportunities that lay before us. Life often presents us with unexpected twists and turns, and it's up to us to navigate our own path by learning about ourselves and adapting to our surroundings.

One thing I was sure of: I was thankful for what I had and the remarkable individuals who had become an integral part of my life. As we braced ourselves for the trials ahead, we armed ourselves with endless coffee and a strong sense of camaraderie. Our team's bond was our greatest asset and our compass as we embarked on our journey into new cases and mysteries. Though the path ahead was uncertain, we were determined to face it head-on, united and ready for anything that would come our way.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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