
The killer of the Past

Mohan an extremely normal guy finds his one true love, he was happy and content in his life until the recession hit, and he had to migrate to another country to provide better conditions for his family, little did he know that it would be his last seeing them. Unfortunately, Mohan was murdered in a homicide and his family starved to death. He is now reborn as a detective, he meets his soulmate coincidentally during one of his cases. Will he get her back? will he solve his murder from his past life? and will he stop the criminal who is now trying to break his happily ever after?

Manogna_Boppudi_ · Urban
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46 Chs

The hunt

Yesterday, something quite surprising happened to me. I had a dream about my father, which was unexpected. This dream stirred up a whirlwind of emotions inside me – shock, confusion, and a profound sense of guilt. I couldn't quite understand why this dream had chosen to resurface, especially on this particular day. I used to dream about him a lot when I was younger, but as I grew up, a part of me seemed to forget him. Maybe that's the reason behind this dream, I thought. The dream left me feeling a mix of emotions, and I couldn't help but wonder about its significance after all these years.

Now that I know why I dreamt of him, I had a moment of clarity. I came to the realization that I had been unfairly blaming my father for something that was entirely beyond his control. This realization hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as if I had been carrying a heavy burden of blame for things that he had no power over. It was a profound revelation, and it was difficult for me to accept that the resentment I had harbored for so many years toward him was baseless and unproductive.

From the depths of my heart, I felt sincere remorse. I felt sorry for holding onto those unfounded feelings, and I realized that I could be proud to be called his son. It was a significant moment of healing and understanding, allowing me to appreciate my father for who he was and let go of the unnecessary burden I had been carrying for so long.

As the conversation unfolded further, I began to empathize with my father's perspective. I understood that he must have experienced a tremendous amount of pain and sorrow, just like I was feeling at that moment. He didn't want to leave us; it was a choice he was forced to make, to choose between his own family and all the other families who were in dire hope of their return. He took a decision that he unwillingly had to as the head of the group.

This revelation left me in a state of emotional confusion. I felt lost, not knowing how to process these intense emotions. It was as if I had suddenly discovered that I had unintentionally caused my father immense pain, and I struggled to find the right words or actions to make amends. Would he forgive me for thinking so awful about him? Will he still continue to watch me and guide me from above? Will he understand the pain that I went through despite the fact he did nothing wrong?

I found myself on my knees, tears streaming uncontrollably down my face. It was a moment of overwhelming emotion. In the midst of my despair, Rajesh sir, a kind and reassuring figure, gently patted my head and guided me to sit on the couch. His calming presence slowly began to ease my inner struggle. Regaining my composure took some time because when I heard the news about my father, it was as if I disconnected from the harsh realities of the world.

My mind began to wander, pondering the father I never truly knew. You see, I had always been in the dark about him, and my mother's fear of me joining the force or her unwavering defense of him puzzled me. She guarded his memory with utmost protectiveness, refusing to let anyone utter a word against him. It left me surprised, for my knowledge of him was sketchy at best and I never understood why she defended him when he ain't with us anymore.

But as I sat there, my thoughts drifted into the depths of the past, and it became clear why my mother acted the way she did. Her love for my father was such a beautiful bond, to begin with. It was a love so strong, so unyielding, that it explained her silence about him while fiercely defending his name in the face of adversity. I realized that the bond they shared was unbreakable, and I could only admire the depth of their affection, even if I couldn't fully comprehend it before.

 So now, yes I have to get back to what I came for. After the fiasco, I calmed myself and started explaining the anonymous notes to Rajesh, sir...

"The reason we are here is a very serious concern we have been having since the first press meet. I wanted to ask your opinion about it. Don't worry we consulted the commissioner first, and we informed him about our journey here," I explained, my tone serious and purposeful.

"I never thought that I would find this, especially in your house. I would like to apologize for my emotional outburst; I couldn't control it."

My host looked at me with understanding. "I understand, and I am finally glad that I met you. I was curious about how you grew up, and I know your father better than you know him. I spent most of my young days with him, and he would be extremely proud of you. You have the same zeal, the hunger to help others."

The words brought a sense of connection between us, a bridge spanning the years and the gaps in our knowledge. I realized that this unexpected encounter was not just about solving mysteries but also about rediscovering a part of my father that I had never known. It was a moment of shared understanding and mutual respect, transcending the weight of the past.

I nodded and started explaining to him about these anonymous notes:

"Sir, so far we received two anonymous notes, one on the press day during the press meet and two days before yesterday."

"What did they say? Who were they meant for?"

"The first one said I know what happened in there previously, if I know what happened back then, don't you think I will know what might have happened in there now? Curious much? Contact me...and we had our fair share of discussion regarding this letter."

"What was your conclusion?"

"At first, we thought it was the killer, but I don't think he would take all the risk to come out in public just to hand us this note. Why would he confess to the crime? Then we considered it might be the other killer, but we found no notes at the crime scene, right? I don't believe he would make such a foolish mistake, especially at this critical juncture. The note's purpose remains a mystery, and it's leading us to more questions than answers. The situation is becoming increasingly complex and puzzling, and we need to approach it with caution and diligence."

"What do you mean?" Aman asked.

"Let us imagine if he is the one who sent us the note, why would he do that? to show that he is still working on the spree? and what would he get from that? his vision is very clear, he wants to commit all the murders that were written in the book. Why would he break his spree for someone else?"

"For attention" Aman claimed.

"Why would he want attention? Isn't he getting it on his own? Live streams, I mean who would even do a live stream without showing the victims or himself? he clearly knows how to make people curious about him, he still wants fame, and attention but also wants people to fear him...this case, compared to his murders is a very petty case."

"I agree with you Tarun" Rajesh sir replied back.

"What about the other note?" he questioned.

"It said, I am not who you think I am, I can be your flashlight...contact me" 

"What did you do this time?" Rajesh sir asked.

"The first instinct that I wanted to do is to make sure everyone is safe. None of us knew what was waiting ahead for us...so yesterday we helped both Kang Woo's family and Woo Shik Hyung's family to move to the camp. Now, the commissioner also ordered us to set up an office in the camp, so that we can make sure no one suspicious enters the camp without surveillance."

"Good, instincts just like your father...what do you want to do about these anonymous notes?"

"To begin, I don't want to spend too much time thinking about it right now because our main priority is our current case. However, I have this strong gut feeling that I should meet this particular individual. So, I've decided to be patient and wait for another message. When I receive that note, I'll reach out to this person, whoever they may be."

"I understand where you are coming from...let us wait for another letter or note whatever they sent and then take necessary action. For now, make sure none of you leave the camp, and order all the necessary supplies. I myself will be talking to the commissioner regarding this issue, and request him to give you the biggest house available in the camp so that all of you can stay together and work together without any worries."

After exchanging that important information, Aman and I began our journey back to camp. Throughout the trip, we remained unusually quiet. It was the first time in all our time together that we couldn't find the right words to start a conversation. Yet, the silence was oddly comforting. It felt as though we both needed this peaceful break from talking, like a deep breath for our minds. The quiet allowed us to digest the new knowledge we'd gained and gave us time to reflect on our next steps. In the hush of the moment, we found a sense of solace and understanding that words couldn't quite capture.

Upon our arrival at the camp, I promptly retreated to my room, leaving a curious crowd behind, all eager for explanations. Aman kindly explained the events at the house, and much to my relief, everyone respected the decision I had made and never questioned my behavior that day. That night, an unusual dream puzzled me, featuring a stranger, an unfamiliar face, yet an overwhelming sensation of closeness. Who was this person? The mystery remained stuck in my thoughts.

I couldn't help but wonder why my mind played these unusual tricks on me, revealing individuals I couldn't possibly recognize. Did these dreams hold some kind of meaning, foretelling future encounters, or did they unveil hidden connections from the past? It was a puzzle without answers, and it left me in a state of deep uncertainty, brewing a mix of anxiety and fear within me.

With every dream and vision, my insecurities and fears thickened, clouding my thoughts further. I found myself in a whirlwind of confusion, like an endless maze with no exit in sight. This uncertainty haunted my thoughts, a riddle I yearned to unravel but was left in a state of bewilderment, where past and future remained entwined in a mystical mist, waiting for the fog to clear.

The next morning, we were assigned the biggest house in the camp. It was a two-story house. The first floor had two master bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. The second floor had three bedrooms and a study room, which we converted into another bedroom. The basement had a huge living room, a mini kitchenette, and a laundry room. We turned the basement into our office room. It wasn't exactly what we had envisioned, but it turned out to be a comfortable and spacious living space.

The big house, although unexpected, became our sanctuary. It was a symbol of hope and togetherness. It taught us that sometimes, life's greatest blessings come when we least expect them. We started living as a united family, and the shared space allowed us to bond and connect in ways we never could have imagined when we were alone.

Laughter and joy filled the rooms of our new home, making our hearts feel lighter and our burdens a bit easier to bear. We found that the sense of togetherness and the support of our newfound family members made the camp a more enjoyable place to be.

As the days went by, my confusion deepened. I needed to figure out what to hunt or who to chase in order to make these visions stop. Who was the killer? Who was the person I saw in the dream? Who is the anonymous writer, and why did I feel the need to communicate with them? These questions weighed on my mind, and only time could offer the answers.

The mysterious dreams and the mysterious note had thrust us into a whirlwind of perplexity. It was evident that our quest for justice had stirred something beyond the ordinary, something that transcended the boundaries of a typical investigation. It was as if the threads of fate were interwoven with our actions, leading us down a path filled with twists and turns, and we couldn't predict where it would ultimately lead us.

Each night, I found myself immersed in a world of dreams and visions. These nocturnal journeys took me to places I had never been and introduced me to people I had never met. The dreams were vivid, almost too real to be dismissed as mere imagination. It was as though someone or something was guiding me through these cryptic landscapes, offering clues and revelations that left me both intrigued and disconcerted, but I would forget them as soon as I wake up.

I don't know what I am hunting in my dreams, but I ain't no quitter.