
The Kidnapping of James Potter

James Potter didn't expect to be kidnapped by a crazy old man with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. He had just wanted to enjoy his summer before his fifth-year. Now he is told he needs to save the wizarding world while some of his friends betray him and everyone he knows dies. Sucks to suck I guess.

BronzeTurtle · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Ch. 1 Crazy Old Man in my Room

The last thing James expected to happen after returning home from his fourth year at Hogwarts was to be kidnapped by an insane geratric old man with a lightning bolt scar on his forhead. He had always thought the craziest thing that could happen was one of his best friends being a werewolf, or Snivillus never learning what shampoo was, not that it had.

"See ya Jamiewamy," Sirius said, clapping him on the shoulder with a grin. "Try and get your spirit animal over the summer alright?"

James had a pretty good idea what his was now, though Pete was still having trouble, Sirius already knew, but they all agreed for it to be a surprise that they'll show together.

James returned the grin, even if he could see the hard edge that his best mate's eyes now held.

The crow of a woman named Walburga Black gripped her son by the forearm, already screeching about his horrid muggle clothing.

James had to hold back a snarl, seeing her long black nails actually drawing blood as she dragged her son away, her horrid house-elf levitating Sirus's trunk along with Regulus' who had appeared at some point to follow his mother. The quiet shadow not even blinking seeing his brother be hurt.

James sighed, his heart burning with rage, but he knew he couldn't do anything… yet.

He caught sight of Remus waving to him, his father leading him through the muggleborn gateway. Well, not the muggleborn way, less well off families used it as it was cheaper than Floo powder.

Peter had practically bounced away to his mother the moment the train stopped, shrieking about making sure to send letters. James couldn't wait for Peter's voice to stop cracking, but it had been for the past four years.

"Move it Potter," a familiar voice growled.

James felt his heart stop for a moment before suddenly beating so fast as though it was trying to break through his ribcage.

"Evans, I hope you don't forget me while were apart, though I bet it would be hard to forget a mug like mine," James said turning a giving her a lopsided grin.

"I have enough Dreamless sleep potions to keep away the nightmares don't worry," Lily shot back, her bright green eyes cold.

Fuck she was in a bad mood, he needed to stop talking.

"So you even see me in your dreams? Can't say I'm surprised."

"Sadly, its why I stopped keeping a dream journal," she said, trying to move past him.

He should let her, she obviously was in a hurry to get home and see her family.

Instead he moved in her way, running a hand through his hair.

"True, why waste time writing about it when you can see the real thing in person?"

Lily closed her eyes, which really was a shame, and took a deep, patient breath before opening them again.

"Go the fuck away."

Damn, he knew it was bad if she was cursing. The shock of it was enough for him to stand there as she moved around him.

He still remembered the first time they met. He had just met Sirius, and despite being a Black they were suddenly finishing each other's sentences. Then they stumbled into a compartment that already had two people in it.

The moment she turned to him and he saw her emerald green eyes time had stopped. He didn't remember exactly what was said, only that they also met the very unpleasant Snivillus as well. But despite that first moment of seeing her James found that Lily Evans was really annoying.

Bossy, arrogant in a unique way, and completely unable to have an ounce of fun.

The first few months of the year had been her screaming at him and Sirius for every little thing she didn't like, it got aggravating fast.

So they made it their personal mission to annoy her as much as possible, and while Sirius was good at it, James was a natural.

But despite genuinely finding any interaction with her terribly annoying, he could never get that first image out of his head. The moment when she turned, sun kissing her deep red hair, turning it into a bonfire, and glowing, beautiful emerald eyes. Filled with wonder, kindness and a magic that even he never knew existed until then.

That moment in time had been burned into his mind for eternity.


He shook himself, pushing away the image of green orbs to the back of his mind. His parents, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter stood in front of him, a worried look on both their faces.

Fleamont, gods why did Grandather name him that, looked very similar to James, but shorter than even fourteen year old James was and a darker tone to his skin, remnants of their Roman origins. Wild jet black hair that despite being the creator of Sleekeazy's hair potion, never used. His hazel eyes were a match for James's but his smile was wider and less smug.

Euphemia was tall, almost six foot, with plaster white skin and straight blonde hair. Her blue eyes were filled with mischief and it was her that James got the lopsided smirk from.

"I think our boy here got hit with a few too many bludgers this year," his mum said, still smirking but now pushing back his hair as to look for bruises on his forehead.

"Don't know why he decided to play that blasted game, dangerous as hell," Fleamont said, a large smile on his face as he took James's trunk from him.

"Sorry, got it from me dear, but its not as though standing over bubbling death all day is safer."

"Is if you're not an idiot," dad mumbled, tugging on his stained and hole filled sleeves from the hours he no doubt spent brewing before picking James up.

Euphemia's eyes narrowed.

"What did you call me?"

Fleamont blinked in confusion.


James smiled.

"Can we go now?"

"Ah yes, your Uncle Charlus and Aunt Dorea are coming over for dinner tonight," Dad said, marching over to the Floo where he began to pat his many pockets.

Mum rolled her eyes, taking the pouch of Floo powder from her own robes and handing it over.

"Ah, when did you take that?"

"You never had it because you have a terrible memory."

"Terrible memory? I could recite One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi word for word."

"Just go," Mum said, pulling James close and pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"I'll be taller than you one day," James muttered darkly.

"Ha, no, got too much of your dad in ya for that."

"Potter Manor!"

The manor was just like usual, bright whites with deep browns,. Giving it both a pristine and earthy feel at the same time. Compared to places like Black Castle or Malfoy Manor it was much smaller, not that James had anything to complain about.

"Go ahead and put your stuff away, dinner will be in about an hour."

"Thanks Mum, love you!"

Euphemia smiled, pulling James into a hug, even lifting him up with her strong beater arms and spinning him around.

"Love you too!" she said, planting a dozen kisses on his face.

Dad peeked his head from around the corner, already heading toward the potions lad.

"Ah crap, love you James," he called.

James rolled his eyes levitating his trunk behind him as he climbed the stairs. Really his father was a bit of an airhead sometimes. Reminded him of Mary.

He opened the door to his room. The king sized bed, and various posters making him smile. Merlin his mother hated all the bikini model muggle posters he charmed to make them dance.

"Hello James."

James squeeked, his trunk falling to the ground as he lost concentration on the spell.

In the corner of the room was… a very very old man. He looked to be at the end of his life, which for wizards could be upwards of two hundred years.

His hair was white wild and wispy, he had a small scragly beard, and looked to be made of nothing but bone and sinew. His eyes were a dull blue and a deep scar in the shape of a lightning bolt was on his forehead, startlingly visible even with all the wrinkles.

"W-who are you? Why are you in my room."

"I am going to kidnap you for a few weeks."

James' eyes went wide and his mouth spluttered for a reply.

"Don't worry, you'll be brought back in one piece… hopefully."

The old man stood, surprisingly quick.

James ran for his door. I wouldn't open, fear clogged his heart and he screamed.


"They can't hear you, basic sound canceling ward," the old man said from a foot away.

Damn, how had he moved so quickly.

James turned, the shorter old man staring up at him, his eyes flashing to different shades of color before settling on blue again. What?

Of course James did the obvious thing any wizard would do when an old man was threatnening to kidnap you. He tried to punch him in the face.

The man caught the blow without any difficulty, his eyes never wavering from James'.

"I said not to worry. Well, whatever, we're wasting time."

The Potter Manor wards were amazing. They would stop anyone from apparating in, though once inside you could do it as you pleased, but you couldn't apparate back out of the wards. They also should have stopped anyone from coming through them without permission, even to the point of hurting them if they held bad intentions.

Apparently whoever this old man was didn't follow those rules because with an ear-piercing shriek he shattered the wards, apparating away with James.