
The key to my broken heart

What has been done can't be undone. What has been broken can't be fixed What has stopped can't beat/rise again and a broken heart can't be healed. But can it be turned around? Can something that has been done be undone? Can something that has been broken be fixed? Can something that has stopped beat again? Can a broken heart be healed again? Even though all this doesn't work out, even though it's fixed but a part remains the same, can all this be done? Can these two find the key to healing their broken hearts?

Gamergirl123454566 · Urban
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1 Chs

part 1

Lorenzo's pov

I sat in the back of the class, not paying attention at all, wondering why I had come here in the first place. I lay down and closed my eyes, not wanting to hear or see the teacher's face.

Finally, the bell rang, so i quickly stood up and dashed out of the class then i went to my locker i so hated school then i heared a voice "hey" and I turned to see my best friend, Peter, standing with his bag. I said, "Hey dude," as I shook his hand. "So, are you going to the next class?" I replied with a disgusted face, "You know how much I hate school."

While I was talking, I was hearing little voices,and when I turned to find the voice, I saw Heather, one of the cheerleaders, standing there.

Hey," I asked, "Umm, umm, um.. Lorenzi,Lorenzi, me and my friends are going to this club. will. Will you be there? She was talking while moving her body in a seductive way.

I don't like to date girls, so I fuck them instead. I knew, by the way she was looking at me, she wanted it. Then, II will only treat her once and then dump her. She knows that, but she still wants to try.

i just hate girls that are persistent. They irritate me I said yes,then she went back to her flock of girls and they started squealing like rats.

Then the bell rang for lunch, and Peter and I went to our seats with all of my other friends. While I was eating, I saw a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes come in and sit with two other girls.

I turned to where Peter was talking and hit him slightly. "Hey,Hey, who's that girl that just walked in?" "Oh, in?" "Oh, her name is Sky. She was introduced doing classes while you were sleeping. I said to myself, "Well, I guess I have a target.

I have to make this girl fall in love with me and do what I please with her. I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with me? I have beautiful eyes and a strong abdominal body that girls will dream of; and my voice is so charming, why wouldn't she fall in love with me Peter knew what I was thinking so he said ." Sorry, dude, she is off limits. They have already told her about you and she is more of the quiet type," "well what harm can do while trying " I said with a smirk while looking at her direction.

School was over and I was about to get on my bike to head home to get ready for the club tonight when I noticed Sky walking.

I reached out to her and gave her my most charming smile ever and said, "Hey, maybe I can take you to your house," but she didn't even look at me and just continued walking. Well, don't worry Sky, you will be mine soon.

I hope you like it, and I will update this book pretty soon. If this is the case, please let me know if you find any grammar errors or if there is anything else I can do to improve the story. Thanks. I hope you love it. It.

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