
The Keeper of Hopes and Fears[BL]

Kim Ji-Yeong transmigrated into the novel his sister wanted to remake. Since he already came here and had two divine helpers, He simply went to fulfill his sister's wish. So he went to remodel the villains and save the world and save the protagonist by the way. However, the situation is a bit wrong... -"For once, I am not the bad guy here!" said his second brother. "So you are aware you are the bad guy every time?" asked his 1st brother back. -"I am dying, Dad!!" shouted his adopted son. "Can't you die quietly?!" replied his adopted daughter. -"Are we even on the same page?" asked minor villain no.1. "We are not on the same planet." replied major villain no.1 -"Out of all the villains in the world...You had to fight ME?!" asked Enemy no.1 "You caught my eye." Replied Protagonist teammate No.1. -"I believe in love at first sight, So marry me." said the protagonist. "I believe in annoyed at first sight, So get lost," replied Kim Ji-Yeong. -------- It's a BL novel. The cover is not mine. There are many sub cps.

Velester · LGBT+
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32 Chs


"Ji-Han is good."

Kim Ji-Won smiled rudely as he poked little baby's soft cheeks.

The little girl cried in Kim Ji-Yeong's arms when Kim Ji-won poked her, and So Baek Su-Bin smacked his second son's head.

"Don't be rude to my granddaughter."

Kim Ji-Hae looked at the list of names.

"None of these names are artistic enough."

Everyone in the ward nodded.

It's been a week since Kim Ji-Won went into a coma, everyone had stabilized and returned to daily life but the kids would be discharged today So everyone simply came and sat in the ward to name the twins.

Kim Ji-Hoon pointed to a name in the boys' list they selected.

"Ye for Talent and Joon for handsome, Ye-Joon is good."

Kim Ji-Won shouted.

"NO! Never! That bastard Cha Ha-Joon has the same meaning!"

Kim Ji-Hae rolled his eyes and then pointed to another name.

"Hyeon a virtuous child is good."

Kim Hyuk shook his head with Kim Ji-Ahn.

"Not Stong."


Baek Su-Bin smirked and he looked at the helpless Kim Ji-Yeong who was sitting on the couch with two babies in his both arms and still looked cold and casual.

This was because the babies cried when someone else picked them and they only calmed down or smiled when they were in Kim Ji-Yeong's arms.

It seems like they imprinted Kim Ji-Yeong as their mother like baby chicks.

"Ji-Yeong, won't you suggest a name?"

Kim Ji-Yeong tilted his head.

"Kim Si-Woo and Kim Su-Jin."

The others were a bit surprised, Kim Ji-Yun softly said in this silence.

"Si for Begin, Woo for Rain. Su for lifespan or life, Jin for precious. Good names."

The others also agreed one by one and the children got their names, The baby boy, Kim Si-Woo was quiet and serene like Baek Su-Bin and Kim ji-Yun. While the baby girl, Kim Su-Jin was active and lively like Kim Hyuk, Kim Ji-Won, and Kim Ji-Ahn...ah Also like her mother.

The home welcoming the two babies was huge, Kim Ji-Yun painted a portrait of the whole family with the twins in Kim Ji-Yeong's arms.

Kim Ji-Yeong's first time handling children was hectic.

In the morning, Kim Ji-Hae will make milk and Kim Ji-Yeong had to feed them.

And the kids ate after every two hours, Kim Su-Jin was the most active little one.

She will exhaust even Kim Ji-Won and Kim hyuk.

Sometimes the two woke up at night and cried a lot.

Causing Kim Ji-Yeong to stay up late.

At first, he was clumsy and flustered and in a month he mastered all tricks.

In this month, Kim Ji-Ahn went to the hospital daily, took care of Ji-Yeon, and talked about daily life and other matters.

After a month, He has calmed down a lot but he still comes every day.

Kim Ji-Yeong could finally focus on the matters at hand.

The Guild 'EmberHope' has three dungeons now with Kim Ji-Yeong's help. The members increased to 23 and Guild officially started.

Kim Ji-Yeong will give tasks to Guild members to stop the small schemes of 'NightShade'.

Because of this, EmberHope and NightShade have been in a lot of battles.

Kim Ji-Yeong snatched three treasures from under their noses causing NightShade to be provoked and they started to attack EmberHope.

Kim Ji-Ahn also awakened 2 weeks ago due to the stimulation caused by his nightmares.

He awakened as an ice-power user and he was the first after Baek Su-Bin with the Ice ability of mermaids. Mermaid Ice's ability was different, it had different abilities like cursed Ice and Blessed ice.

What confused him this month was the activity of Ryeo Hyun-Woo and the murders of six important characters in the novel.

It seems that he needs to get the organization together earlier than he thought.

At night, Kim Ji-Yeong sat inside the room with the twins sleeping in bed peacefully.

He wrote on a black Card with golden ink.

After writing a few cards, Kim Ji-Yeong sighed and used the skill 'Live Shadow'. 10 Shadows appeared in front of him.

"Take this, send them to these people in secret."

Kim Ji-Yeong had to organize the secret force earlier, the people in this force will get the tasks that will stump those Evil constellations, Evil forces, and other Demons.


Seo Min-Ho came in the room after taking a bath, He was tired a bit today.

As he came towards the bed he found a black envelope with his name written in the golden font and the sender's name written in the left corner below his.

"Abyss Order?"

What's that?

But first...he was sure this thing was not bought by him, nor was it here when he went to take a bath.

So someone came inside his room silently and put it here.

Narrowing his eyes, Seo Min-Ho opened the envelope and saw the content.

{Time to fix the mistakes done in past, Become the Hero.}

{If you agree, put the drop of blood on your name.}

Seo Min-Ho was silent, His mistakes...


Seo Eun-Bi was writing something in her diary when she felt a presence in her room and quickly looked around but found nothing.

She was puzzled but became vigilant.

After a moment, She found.


She murmured in a soft voice.

Anyway, she went back to writing however she was stunned when she saw a black envelope on her desk.

Someone did come.

She opened the envelope with her name and 'Abyss Order' written.

A card with two lines came into view.

{Fake can't become real but they can become heroes.}

{Agree then put the blood on your name.}

She was silent, No one except her brother knows this...


Cha Ha-Joon came into the room after playing with his friend, the first thing that caught his eye was a black envelope on the coffee table.

"Huh? Who sends letters these days?"

He still picked up the envelope and looked at the name.

"Ho, Nice writing. But what is Abyss Order?"

He opened the envelope while mumbling, A two-line content was written elegantly on the black card in golden font.

{Become a hero to save the world.}

{Agree then put your put on your name.}

Cha Ha-Joon was silent.

"Is this spam? Hero? Ha, There are hunters who want to be heroes."

After a while, he bit his finger and put a drop of blood on his name.

"But the world needs a hero what can be done."


Kim Ji-Hoon, Kim Ji-Ahn, and Kim Ji-Yun also got this black envelope.


Ryeo Mi-Hi, Ryeo Clan's 3rd Young Lady, Ryeo Hyun-Woo's little aunt, Also received and she was quite amused by this childish tick but still but a drop of blood.


The last three envelopes were sent to NightShade, yes that Evil organization.

Abyss Order is formed~

Velestercreators' thoughts