
The Keeper of Broken Hearts

From the moment I died, I had given the chance to live again. Everyone who knew me, had forgotten me. To live as the only Keeper, I have to be powerful to protect those who are broken. ... But I failed to protect those who are keeping me from being broken again.

Mss_BlackTopaz · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 25

~Fyla's POV~


"Argh!" I said and covered my head with my pillow.


"YOU MIGHT WANT TO WAKE UP?! ARE YOU NOT HUNGRY?!" my brother said and tried to remove the pillow from my head. I must persevere, I cannot let him see my situation or else it'll bad as hell.

"Arghh... 10 more minutes... Please..." I said as an excuse, I really don't want him to see my face, my lips... Everything.

"*Sighs*…. Okay, you're that tired?" he asked and sat at the corner of my bed as I felt it going down.

"Yes... Sorry." I whispered and begged my tears not to drop. I wanted to tell him everything but he might think that I'm crazy. No. If I tell him everything, he is the one who will be crazy. He might not be able to stop himself from killing that man.

"Okay... Just rest then... I cooked mushroom soup, don't forget to heat it when you eat. I'll come get you at around 7pm, we'll eat at my resto. Rest well, okay?" he said and kissed me the top of my head. He still treats me like a little girl. I don't complain about it anymore. Its just that he loves me so much.

"Okay, see you later." I said and tapped him without looking. When I heard the door close, I removed the pillow and inhaled.

"Just talking made me so breathless."

I slowly got up and my whole f*cking body is aching.


I walked to the mirror, raised my shirt and saw the large bruise on my stomach. My lower lip looked liked a purple tomato that is going to pop anytime. My face is bruised too.

"What a life."

*Loud thud*

"What the fuck is that?!" I cursed and ran out the door to see a long blonde haired man laying on the kitchen table. Thank God it's made of wood!!

"H-Hey!" he said, sitting up.

"Sorry bout that." he added and jumped over.

"How did you— KAYELLE?!" I asked.

"Hi! I was planning on going to you but I don't know how and where you live so I tried my powers while in this form and I guess it kinda worke—WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED TO YOU?!"

"Long story." I said.


"Okay, besides I don't plan on doing it again. I can't fall for you, it'll be the cause of my death." he said it like it was nothing.


"It's true though." he said.

"You must eat first, then tell me how you get those wounds and bruises of yours." he added and started heating the soup. How the did he know about the soup???

"Why are you moving like... Uhm... I.... Uh....—"

"You mean gay?" he continued. I nodded and he smiled.

"I am gay, if you woke up like that when we parted that night then I woke up like this and I embraced it. I love everything about him." he said and sweetly smiled at me.

"I'm a flirt. " he added and winked at me.

"I could see that." I said and walked over.

"Eat." he simply said and put the bowl infront of me.

"By the way, why aren't you surprised about everything? Unlike my "reaction", you seem cool about it."

"I don't know. Maybe I just accepted my fate?" I answered.

"That... I'm not an ordinary person." I added and genuinely smiled at Kayelle.