
The Kanja High System

Kanja High is a school that is roamed with those who are associated with the supernatural. However, there is a certain problem. The students aren't aware of each other's identities and thought to themselves that they are the only ones that are unordinary out all.

GodlyUser · Fantasy
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3 Chs

What's Inside The School.

As the boys approach the school gates, they both looked at each other and began to climb over the school's fence. They both sneak past the security and walk straight into the school.

"So, what are exactly are we finding?" Haku asked.

"Oh, did you remember the homework sheet the teacher gave us this morning?" Kyung-Min asked.

"Ah, yes," said Haku.

"Well, I left it inside of my desk and just that I forgot to come back and take it home with me, my parents are gonna be mad when they find out I forgot to bring back my homework," said Kyung-Min.

"Wow, you're so forgetful," said Haku.


"Whatever, what does this have to do with me?" said Haku.

"Oh, I just need someone to come here and back me up, you know, to watch for the security. Every night, the security of the school would inspect the school and see if things are all right, so we need to stay alert, which is why I need you to go outside and watch for the school's nightguard," said Kyung-Min.

"Fine, but hurry up, I ain't getting into trouble," said Haku.

Kyung-Min nods. Haku walks outside of the classroom. The moonlight begins to shine through the classroom's windows as he stood there. He notices someone walking towards them.

'Huh?' Haku looks and sees that someone is coming.

He immediately rushes into the classroom.

"Yo, someone is coming, hide!" he said.

With his homework in his hands, Kyung-Min instantly runs towards the school's closet and hides inside along with Haku. They both stare outside, seeing a girl who is walking into the classroom.

"Wait, is that...Mitsuko?" Kyung-Min asked.

"What is she doing here?" Haku muttered.

Mitsuko inspects the classroom for a while before she instantly grabs a cube inside her pocket and throws it onto the table.

"What is that?" Kyung-Min whispered.

"I don't know," Haku replied.

The cube shattered into pieces, and a blue portal forms, the two boys hiding inside the closet stare with a disbelief look on their faces. Mitsuko walks into the portal, and it disappears.

"What the hell," Kyung-Min said.

The boys step out of the closet and look at each other.

"What the fuck did we just saw?" Kyung-Min asked.

Haku stayed silent. He didn't know what to say. What he could do now is stand there and did nothing.

"Oi, Haku, what the heck did we just saw?!" asked Kyung-Min.

"I-I don't know, but we need to get out of here. We'll talk about this tomorrow," said Haku.

Kyung-Min stares at him before decided to exit the school with Haku.

<To be continued...>

Chapter 2 finally done.

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