
episode 5 DWMA

"what is it" kanade asked

"black hazard form and metal cluster hopper form

"what's the problem" she asked

"if i am correct then they make you go vert berserk mode but they are strong now the good news there's away to control black hazard however it will throw our versatility and i have yet to find a way to control hopper yet and hoppers worse as you go berserk instantly versus a time limit for build and then you go berserk" sora said

"how long" she asked

"no idea haven't used it yet but if what my knowledge of the form is accurate than it very's from person to person" sora said

"well at least you have them in last ditch scenarios" she said

"oh yes the metal cluster hopper form especially because of the unique abilities it has" sora said

as they reached DWMA she had pull over at the first window she saw

"42 42 564 whenever you want to knock on deaths door" she murmered

"hey lord death" she said

"is that you cessily what happened to duke" death asked

"I got sora back after he ditched me then again I can't blame him and anyway I got sora back" she said

"well good for you and it is quite nice to meat you sora heisei Suzuki one of the strongest weapons to exist

"well I heard you made certain that that kishin was taken care of" death said

"about that I would suggest reevaluating your mission board if I wasn't there that thing would have transformed and killed them" sora said

"understood I will make sure to do so thanks for the information" death said

"he will be joining DWMA as my current weapon if you'll allow it lord death" she said

"not at all having a team of his power and your skill would be quite nice at our disposal" death said

"awesome we are on our way" she said she then got back into the bike and sora began the trek for death city which with the bike was a lot faster when he saw the steps he was like nope he was not climbing all the way up there but then he smiled mischievous he got an idea

"hey Elena I am about to do something really stupid" sora said

"I'm in" she said

"of course you are" sora said his smile increasing From big to monstrous he backed his bike up quite a bit

"you aren't" she said although she rather liked his evil plans they were always fun

"I so am hold on" he said and he started zooming up the stairs albeit rather uncomfortably bumbily once they got there sora learned his lesson next time he will just open a black hole

maka was already at the top chatting with her friend tsubaki nakatsukara

"hey tsubaki

"is black star running late again" maka asked

"probably where's soul he's always with you" tsubaki said

"no idea he said he needed to take care of something what that may be I have no clue"

as they just sat their they heard a few students talking about something

"hey did you here the news elena's replaced her weapon partner with her old one I heard he is insanely strong he is supposed to be joining this academy today" one said

"I can't wait to see how powerful he is" another asked

"I'm still surprised he forgave that bitch after all the things she did to him wells he's loyal to a fault I will give him that" maka said still furious and Elena for what she did to him

"we are talking about elena right what in the hell are you talking about she is one of the nicest and most skilled people here" tsubaki said confused

"there's a reason she is so nice" maka growled before telling sora's story tsubaki grew more disgusted the more she heard and when maka finished tsubaki had the exact same views she was a terrible partner

"she confirmed it too and to make matters worse when he told her he had enough you know what she did she left a letter and tried to disappear however it is not that simple with sora so he found her and gave her a lesson she will never forget without laying a finger on her he showed her his full power and when she saw it she wanted him back he just left at that point all he really wanted was her to at least say it to his face instead of leaving a letter that by the way was written with insulting words to one of the most loyal people I have ever scene this dude would rather die than allow his partner to even feel pain" maka said

"how can he forgive that bitch" tsubaki asked as a weapon she was more furious than maka she understood a lot better how he could be abused

"and you know that sad part is the dude is defending her he is that loyal I've scene it when duke left sora tried to stop him the only reason why he let the guy leave was because he had a point that she could do that to literally anyone and this was before he re became her weapon this dude is insanely loyal and to a bitch like her but he won't let anyone with bad intent near her he senses bad intent he stops it before it gets any closer" maka said

"wow he is definitely dedicated unlike that bitch who should have been dedicated and loyal to him in return instead she breaks his heart" tsubaki growled

"are you sure he's coming soul" a boy asked

"positive black star since elena is bringing him" soul said

"I find it hard to believe that he is a weapon that is stronger than I am" black star said

"this dude is crazy strong trust me" soul said

"we shall see about that I the great black star will test his strength

"here he... what the hell" soul said

"yaaaahoooooo" sora said who just rode his bike up the stairs and used them as a makeshift ramp

"you want to make this more showy" sora asked Elena who smirked

"I love how evil you can be yes lets make it as showy as possible" she said sora in turn smirk before transforming into kivala Elena grabbed it jumping off the bike

"henshin" she said transforming into kamen rider kivala who glided to the ground and landed at the top quite elegantly before walking up to soul before undoing the transformation

"now that was one of the most grand entrances ever" black star said elena and sora bowed extravagantly

"we thank you for enjoying the show" they said together

"YAHOOO" black star yelled jumping off the spike and landing perfectly on his feet he stood up from the crouching position gravity put him in

"I AM THE GREAT BLACK STAR THE ONE WHO WILL BECOME THE STRONGEST MEISTER AND SURPASS GOD" black star yell at the top of his lungs once he finished sora and elena looked each other for a moment before laughing hysterically

"BLACK STAR SOUL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING" maka yelled angry at the two of them

"ah maka your here right on time" soul said

"and you brought a teacher perfect" black star said

sora was confused

"alright whatever you intend to do do it fast we still have classes you know" the teacher said making sora even more confused especially when they charged him


"we are allowed to have fights but only if a teacher supervises it" elena said

"I see well then I give you a choice do you want to fight me or us" sora said gesturing to elena he was going to be fair and give them a chance

"the both of you meister and weapon" both soul and black star said at the same time elena and sora looked at each other and thought the same thing these two are very stupid and very screwed sora transformed into kivala again and again elena grabbed it

"henshin" she said transforming into kamen rider kivala and drawing her sword she would let them make the first move but make no mistake they would get a taste of her blade she continued training after they separated in hopes he may forgive her and she got her wish she always would imagine all the advise sora gave her on how to fight as she was an inexperienced meister with an inexperienced weapon taking an experienced job that would have killed her if he hadn't last minute saved her he told her he could teach her how to fight and she readily excepted and then when her training was done she asked if he wanted to be her weapon he agreed that was how they first started their partnership and she remembered everything she taught her constantly training and putting his words into action while he may not be the best swordsman he did know the best technique and she became one of the best because of his teachings and with him by her side she believed she was unbeatable they charged at her but she just walked them with the side of her blade

"ha some armor and a flimsy sword isn't going to stop the mighty black star" black star said

"hey elena" sora said

"yeah" she said

"beat the crap out of them" sora said

"oh with pleasure I have always wanted the strength to shut him up" elena said

they charged again black star tried to hit first with a spinning kick elena easily dodged it and then sending a barrage of punches her way elena dodged her with virtually no effort soul came behind trying to do a sneak attack which was parried with elena's blade while catching black stars fist with her left hand black star tried to punch with his other hand elena just leaned back causing black star to punch soul in the face


"HEY IT IS NOT MY FAULT WO--WOAH" black star defending himself from verbal assault

Elena turned quickly while still holding black star's hand throwing them into each other

"DAMMIT BLACK STAR" soul yelled

"HEY YOU WERE THE ONE IN MY WAY" black star yelled back

"you boys done yet" elena asked and they knew she was smirking at them behind that helmet

they glared at her before looking at each other and a signal was sent that they understood

soul charged him slashing left and right but Elena just lazily parried or dodged his attacks

"you know these two aren't that good without their respective partners" elena said

"wait where did black star go" sora said

"YAHOO PREPARE TO BE SNEAK ATTACKED BY THE MIGHTY ASSASSIN BLACK STAR" black star yelled out rather stupidly so elena parried his attack with ease now that she knew he was there but then she realized she was stuck in a pincher attack

"crap" Elena said

"take black star's attack and dodge soul's" sora said jumping in Elena trusting her partner did so

black star slammed his fist into and elbow into elena's back elena felt almost nothing thanks to the armor he the sent a giant blast that was black star's wavelength tsubaki have a happy cheer when she saw the attack hit but then that turned to confusion and fear when elena stood there as if nothing happened

"I must hand it to you that was an impressive and well staged attack there one flaw and that is that I'm.immune to soul attacks

"what n-no way" black star said before he was sent flying by elena's kick before round house kicking soul into black star and then jumping into the air a full moon began to appear out of nowhere

"let's end this" Elena said

"agreed" sora said

"darkness moon burst" both sora and elena said before kicking both of them back to Timbuktu

elena and sora and sora were heading for the death room after escorting the idiots known as black star and soul to the nurses office they ran into a red haired man who introduced himself as spirit albarn or deathscythe

"so your elena's partner sora heisei Suzuki yes" death said

"aye" sora said

"the same that has done all of this" death said showing all of the battles sora has recently been in

"yeah why does it matter though" sora asked

"it doesn't I am just extremely curious as to how a weapons soul can fight all on his own and kill all of those witches and kishin" death said

"partial transformations" sora said

"huh" death said

"how my power works is that I can turn into drivers and use theirs powers however that does not mean I can't partially transform myself to use one of them" sora said

"hmm very interesting alright" death said and a large white hand appeared holding a sheet of paper a key and a card with my face on it

"here's your schedule the keys to your living quarters I assumed you two would be living together given your relationship before the huge falling out and I see i was correct and here is your student ID welcome to DWMA classes start tomorrow

"right" sora said

he grabbed the items and both he and elena walked out she was silent the entire time figuring that was best

"you felt it as well yes deathscythe" deathscythe said

"oh yes we are quite lucky to have such a powerful weapon that can fight by himself at can't wait to see what he can do with a skilled meister like elena" spirit said

since k have no idea what kivala's finisher I created my own based on the fact that she is a local sibling

jexisherecreators' thoughts