
the kaiju ninja summoner.

what if a very weak reincarnated ninja founds godzilla, and made a summoning contract?

Edris_Naw2 · Others
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4 Chs


"Alright, the winner is fujin kawaski now make the symobol." the teacher said, waiting for the two children making the symbol.

obito was just defeated to the second dead last student, in the classroom, he failed to impress rin, by finally winning a match, but he sadly lost.

fujin throws his hands at the beaten up obito, obito toke fujin hands and made the symbol.

"you have made progress obito." fujin said with bright smile, which made obito smile aswell, 'the only thing that is good about him is his smile' obito thought.

"thanks fujin-kun."

with that ends other students was turned to fight each other, after the academy ended, fujin went to the forest, to train there.

fujin was born in a civilian family, his parents was known as a strong shinobies, 'I need to get strong', fujin shouted as he hits the tree,

he is currently 9 years old, his parents died during the 2nd great ninja war, they left some moneys, for fujin, it can help fujin survive for 5 years, IF fujin spends its correctly.

so fujin set a goal trying to become a chuunin in the next 5 years, so he could survive in the missions.

in his past life fujin, name was, john park, he was a anime fan he most watched naruto till his death in 2022.

having all the knowledge of the furture is like cheat, but its truly sad that he didn't got any powers like other mcs in other novels.