
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Slave Recruitment

Neither Orochimaru nor his subordinates had any idea what was going on.

How had the Reaper found them? What was he doing here? What did he want from them?

In their shock, the Reaper started talking to them in a mocking tone.

"Well, well. This is quite the shabby spot! I thought you wouldn't settle for such a place Orochimaru."

The snake answered trying to sound calm and confident despite the pain brought about by both his injuries and his current body's rejection being overwhelmingly great.

"My apologies. We've been facing some problems you see . . ."

But none of them expected the following line from the Reaper's mouth.

"Ah yes! That reminds me!"

"Thanks for the equipment, data, resources and test subjects, there are so very useful!" He exclaimed in a bright and innocent sounding tone.

Orochimaru, Kabuto and the Sound Four didn't know what to say, the cause of all their suffering was standing right in front of them, ruthlessly mocking them and they could do nothing about it. Just the way he admitted their woes were in fact his doing was utterly annoying.

"Although your expressions of annoyance are quite amusing, that's not why I cme here." Shiki said.

"Then why are you here?" Orochimaru asked.

"To make you an offer that while you certainly can refuse, I don't really advise you to do it." Shiki continued.

"I'm listening."

"Well then here!" Shiki took out a Soul Contract Tag and explained how it worked.

"One drop of blood and you're eligible to listen in. Refuse and you're eligible to an early death!" He said with a bright tone.

Orochimaru knew that in his current state, he was in h«the hands of the man before him so he dropped his blood onto it and ordered his subordinates to do the same.

The trouble twins of Sakon and Ukon tried to cheat him by only putting the blood of one of them but needless to say, Shiki noticed.

The result, at a speed no one could react to, they were set upon by blood snakes that drained all their blood and Shiki set the remaining husk on fire for good measure, putting everyone on edge and ready to fight.

"Try to cheat me again and the sweet release of death will be something you'll wish for dearly without ever getting it."

Shiki said in a cold voice, letting the existential dread from the Shinigami's power flow out in waves.

Orochimaru recognised it as the power of the spectre that was summoned by his sensei to take his soul resulting in the permanent loss of his arms, only stronger. This helped him maintain a bit of his calm since it was his second time experiencing it.

His subordinates however, were no quite as composed, trembling in place like virgins about to be assaulted by a gang of rapists, nearly pissing themselves in fear.

"Now then!" He continued in the bright tone of before.

"I'll give you back both of your arms, solve the problem of body-soul rejection you're currently facing and allow you to live forever and grow stronger than you ever thought possible . . ."

These words were met with open mouths and disbelief, most of his audience simply could not believe such words.

Orochimaru though, had the idea, that at the very least, his arms could be fixed and since and injury of the soul could be fixed, it was possible that the second promise was also achievable as for the others, he had his doubts but there was a good chance they weren't lies.

"The last two can also be applicable to any of you who prove useful enough." Shiki added giving the now Sound Three a nearly irresistible temptation.

"What about the cost?" Orochimaru inquired.

"I can't imagine such benefits would come cheaply."

"Naturally!" Shiki answered.

He then went on to reveal the conditions of veritable slavery that the Soul Contract would enforce upon them in exchange for such benefits.

Tayuya was the first to break.

"Fuck it! I'll take your deal!" She said out loud, being recognised by the tag.

"Excellent! You can come here! Shiki replied.

"Tayuya! Were servants of lord Orochimaru! To think would would simply betray him when the going gets tough yo-"

The fatty Jirobo started admonishing. His relationship with Tayuya never having been good, he called out her abandonment of orochimaru straight away. Big mistake.

"Hey fatty! She's now my subordinate, which means trash like you can't really insult her like that. Such a right is reserved by me." Shiki interrupted.

"And since you seem so very loyal to your current owner . . ."

"Wai-" Jirobo tried to buy some time to explain himself but alas, he was not granted such privileges as Shiki used his Mangekyo to directly toss him into Yomi so he could experience an eternity of suffering.

"W-What did you do?" Kidomaru, the remaining member of the now Sound One asked.

"I quite literally, tossed him into hell." Shiki replied.

Tayuya was actually quite pleased with the result. She never liked the fatty and though that perhaps things were looking up for her.

"Oh Tayuya was it?" Shiki called out.

"Yes? Umh . . ."

"You'll know how to properly address me later." Shiki said as he saw Tayuya didn't really know what to call him.

"Do try to be polite with your seniors in my organization yes? Some playful cussing will be permitted to some extent but better be careful" He warned the generally uncouth girl.

"R-Right!" Tayuya acknowledged the advice a bit scared.

Kidomaru, not wanting to end up like Sakon and Ukon, much less Jirobo, also accepted Shiki's offer while Kabuto remained quietly beside Orochimaru, his thoughts, his own.

"Only you two left! time to make your choices. My patience is limited." Shiki hurried the remaining two up.

Orochimaru didn't want to accept, but the individual in front of him seemed to know his every move with a method he was not even aware existed and couldn't sense. The Reaper seemed to grasp what his goals in were and even know how to reach them.

Being bound to his servitude seemed to be the snake's only was forward. Shiki had checkmated Orochimaru and he was left with no choice but to accept or perish at this moment.

Even if he foolishly chose that route, his soul would be used to make an Orochimaru copy. His genius might not be present in its entirety but it would be definitely better than nothing.

"Well, I guess I'll take your then then . . ." Orochimaru finally said.

"So will I." Kabuto obediently followed.

"Perfect! Let us visit our headquarters, shall we?" Reaper Shiki announced.

"Hmm, looks like you have a lot going on behind Konoha's back." Kabuto commented.

"Not really! The Hokage know about this." Shiki said shocking both Kabuto and his master.

"Tsunade is fine with this?" The snake asked with disbelief.

"Ahh! The benefits of dating her!" Shiki said out loud. He too was surprised on how easy it was to convince Tsunade to support the idea.

'I guess that's just more proof of how much she trusts and loves me.' He thought.

Orochimaru was even more shocked at the fact that Tsunade was dating someone than the fact she agreed to recruit him.

Seeing his disbelief, Shiki further explained on the matter of his recruitment.

"Well I promised her I would let her have a few minutes alone with you for some ah "catching up" she said."

To this explanation, Orochimaru could only gulp. In a one on one, at full strength, Orochimaru though he could handle her but being completely defenceless and at her mercy completely was honestly a bit frightening for him.

And so, in a black flash, Shiki had taken everyone at the location to the desert fortress by was of the Flying Raijin Jutsu.

Waiting for them was Guren, who immediately greeted Shiki on arrival.

"Welcome back Shiki-sama! Is this the "fresh meat"?"

"Right you are Guren! Get them situated while I go talk to Tsuna-nee." Shiki commanded.

"Understood!" She acknowledged.

"Wait! Shiki? Uzumaki Shiki!?" Kabuto shouted in surprise. While Orochimaru was shocked too, he had a much better hold of himself.

"The one and only! And don't forget the -sama, I'm your master now after all." SHiki said before leaving them to Guren.

"Alright you maggots! You better be eternally grateful that you existences are no longer meaningless since you now serve Shiki-sama." She started.

"I'm Guren, Shiki-sama's third officer and I'll show you around the areas of the fortress your allowed in as well as those you're not permitted to enter."

"Wh-" Kidomaru seemed to want to say something but was immediately shutdown.

"Don't interrupt me trash! Questions at the end!" Guren shouted.

"Continuing! As slaves, you don't have the rights of the full members of our organization. Prove yourselves worthy and that might change."

"Even so, as benefits for making the smart decision of slaving away for Shiki-sama, you shall be given some boons."

"Follow me!" Guren commanded after her explanation and with no other viable choice, the newcomers obeyed.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.