
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Introducing to the Family

In the privacy of the Senju compound Tsunade, with Shizune ever by her side, stood seated across from Shiki to discuss some rather important things.

"Shiki, I wanted to ask you a question . . ." Tsunade started.

"A question?"

"You said you were waiting for the right opportunity . . ." She continued.

"Right opportunity???"

'What the hell is Tsuna-nee talking about!?' Shiki thought.

Tsunade seemed to be on the verge of snapping as she shouted.

"When are you planning on taking care of that piece of filth Danzo!?"

". . ."

'I totally forgot to tell Tsuna-nee about it!' Shiki realized.

"Actually-" Shiki attempted to talk but was interrupted.

"Although that old bastard is actually talking sense lately, that does not mean he shouldn't be killed for his crimes!" Tsunade exclaimed.

"I know! That's wh-" Shiki attempted to explain but was interrupted once more.

"His sins are unforgivable! And who knows what the old bag is plotting despite his current attitude!? A sewer rat like him definitely has some sort of dastardly plan in the works!"

Tsunade continued.

"Alright, STOP!" Shiki shouted making Tsunade freeze and even surprising Shizune.

Tsunade was not even angry but instead shocked, it was the first time Shiki had raised his voice to her. Up until this point, in any disagreement, Shiki and Shizune were the voices of reason and rarely shouted for any reason. Shiki did not even raise his voice at all.

This was a side of Shiki they had never seen before. His presence was authoritative and solemn, promising a bad ending if disrespected.

"This kid, I know he is doing a lot of stuff in the background but I wonder how far has he actually gone?" Tsunade wondered while Shizune still seemed to be in shock.

Shiki then calmly spoke but without loosing his aura of authority.

"I admit I should have mentioned this to you before Tsuna-nee, but as I was trying to say, the Danzo currently strutting about is just a very convincing clone of my creation, I killed the real one shortly before this year's Academy graduations."

To say the two kunoichi were shocked was a massive understatement, they were utterly stupefied. Not only had Shiki disposed of a strong and experienced shinobi, who was regularly guarded, but he also replaced him with a fake that not even those who new him for decades could spot and silently took over one of Konoha's biggest forces . . . It was frightening.

Still, Tsunade recovered from the shock pretty quickly, the boons of plentiful experience. So she directed her words to Shiki once more.

"I see . . . I guess I should apologise for shouting at you as well, but with what you told me today and the demeanour and aura you showed . . . I'm very interested in what exactly have you achieved. How about you give me a rundown, if you're willing of course." Tsunade requested.

"I've got an even better idea!" SHiki replied.

"How about a tour of my base, and you can meet my direct subordinates and observe my achievements yourselves. What do you say, Tsuna-nee, Shizu-nee?" Shiki offered.

The offer was gratefully accepted and Shiki wanted to bring them there right away with his Flying Raijin but they wanted time to prepare themselves they already expected to be utterly stupefied and didn't want to diminish Shiki's respect for them and make to too smug.

As such, it was decided that they would go tomorrow which was just as well, since this way Shiki could call in everyone to introduce themselves to the two most important women in his life that basically raised him from a brat that had bare entered this world into a fine shinobi, fully capable of taking advantage of his knowledge from his legacy and the series.

After said introductions were done, then he would show of his material achievements, just how far his reach had extended to the world and all the power, resources and knowledge he had amassed.

To say he was not a bit nervous was a lie. Shiki had grown very close to his two "sisters" and didn't want to harm their relationship but decided to trust that even before his more questionable actions, they would not judge him.

The only thing he had never revealed and probably never would was his soul desecrating practices, this was something that should be a secret eternally his . . .

Another day passed uneventfully, at this stage, although Shiki had set various things in motion, it would take a little time to see the effects but for now, it was time to show the fruits of his hard work to Tsunade and Shizune.

"Ready?" Shiki asked.

""Ready."" The two kunoichi answered.

"Since you gave me a day to prepare, I called all of the core members back to base for a little while so they could introduce themselves to Tsuna-nee and Shizu-nee."

"I see. The let's get going!" Tsunade exclaimed, she was raring to go and see just what her little Shiki had been up to.

And so, the trio disappeared in a white flash of Flying Raijin as they were instantly transported to the Mugetsu Desert Fortress.

As they arrived, the two kunoichi noticed a lineup waiting for them in welcome.

"So this is what you've been doing lately heh? Anko?" Tsunade commented.

She had already expected hit since Anko had a thing for Shiki and the sannin knew it so she just teased Shiki about poaching her shinobi for his endeavours without permission and let it go.

"Alright everyone! You already know who they are since I've told about them, so go and introduce yourselves!" Shiki commanded moving on from Anko.

With Shiki's order, one by one, the core members of Mugetsu and those who despite not being members were partners stepped forward, one by one, and introduced themselves to the two kunoichi their leader cited as the ones who raised him.

"It's a great honor to meet you both! I've been in the care of Shiki-sama for a while now as one the the first core members. My name is Guren!"

'Shiki-sama . . . And most of them and beautiful girls with a single exception . . .' Tsunade thought while giving a curt nod to Guren while Shizune gave a more respectful response with a slight bow and saying it was nice to meet her as well.

Then Tsunade asked.

"So, what are your specialties?"

"Yes! I specialize in wide area surveillance and suppression using my Crystal Style kekkei genkai!" Guren proudly reported.

'A rare kekkei genkai, and one I've never heard of . . . Shiki has found a capable subordinate . . .' Tsunade evaluated before praising Guren with a simple "Good work.".

Guren herself saw it was a sign of approval from her in laws and was happy enough.

Next up was the second core member who came up carrying a small black dog.

"My name is Chinoike Chino, I'm honored to meet you both as well! I'm the second core member to join and this is Inugami, our mascot!"

'Chinoike! I remember them, a clan possessing the doujutsu Ketsuryugan which was touted to be as powerful as the sharingan.' Tsunade evaluated in her mind.

"I specialize in infiltration, ocular genjutsu and direct combat using my dojutsu kekkei genkai, the Ketsuryugan!" Chino continued in a bright voice.

'Just as I suspected! Where does this kid keep finding such capable shinobi with kekkei genkai and convince them to serve him?' Tsunade wondered as she gave another curt "Good Work."

Shizune greeted Chino a bit more respectfully just like with Guren before her and the little blond girl was satisfied with the results like her companion before her.

Haku was next and seeing yet another kekkei genkai user who also happened to be a beauty caused Tsunade and Shizune to notice a trend.

Zabuza was up next and this was someone both kunoichi recognised as the infamous Demon of the Hidden Mist which caused no small amount of shock and left them wondering what kid of magic had Shiki used to recruit such a high profile character.

And going by Tsunade's observations, the other introduced before were at least just as powerful if not considerably more so, specially the first two who seemed to be the strongest. The third one was also quite powerful but she seemed more restrained.

Leave it to one of the greatest , possibly the greatest, kunoichi in history with her accurate assessments of Shiki's subordinates.

"I'm Uzumaki Karin! Still a trainee but Shiki-nii-sama is training me in the hijutsu of our Uzumaki Clan so my hope is to become a fuinjutsu specialized and powerful kunoichi worthy of Shiki-nii-sama!" Karin introduced herself with a blush and upbeat tone.

'So he found another Uzumaki . . . It would be great if he could rebuild the clan. The world became less after their loss . . .' Tsunade thought, being a little more gentle with Karin than with the others.

Next up was a new face that joined after the raids on Orochimaru's facilities. She was once a test subject for the snake. After Anko joined, they seemed to have hit it off due to their shared dislike of Orochimaru.

Her name was Isaribi, a girl from one of the filler episodes that could transform into a fish human hybrid with something called the Kaima Transformation.

The experiments left her having scales and such, even in human form but after Shiki fixed that, she decided to follow him and thus became a member. She was usually working in water based hideouts and mission but Shiki called her in for the introductions.

Fubuki and Tatsumaki introduced herselves at the same time as sisters and Shiki informed Tsunade that they were the first implementation of the two leaders per village system thought up by Shiki with the sister being the leaders of Yukigakure.

'In other words . . . He took over a village making its leader and her sister who was also a high ranking kunoichi his subordinates, willingly at that. And they were absolutely okay with doing things according to his plan without question and settled into their new positions perfectly . . .'

'I wanted to not show too much shock and admiration for what Shiki achieved lest he grew too arrogant but this . . . His plans were implemented to a much further degree than I imagined . . .'

Finally Koyuki introduced herself in a manner fitting for nobility with the utmost respect, giving the Konoha kunoichi two massive impacts that completely broke the dam.

"It is my utmost pleasure to meet the both of you. I am the Daimyo of the newly renamed Land of Snow and Spring as well as Shiki-san's lover and future wife." Koyuki greeted with a respectful bow.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.