
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Introducing Anko and Guarding an Actress

'Did he think I was against him and whatever he's doing!? It sure seems like that's the case! IDIOT! Do you think i'd still be against you after all you've done for me and how much you've cared!? Although it's stupid, I can no longer imagine a life without you and even though I'm not prepared to say that to your face . . . I still want to help you in all your endeavours . . .'

Clearly, Anko was far more enamored with Shiki than he realized and if it wasn't because her embarrassment, partially caused by how young Shiki still was, she would have probably jumped him already considering her usual personality.

From his side, Shiki could tell that Anko had realized what he was thinking and she was not happy about it at all. Quickly, he thought up a way to defuse the situation and the most surefire one was to simply accept her request and bring her to his desert fortress in a sudden show of trust.

Hopefully, that would convince her he was just being careful before and actually trusted her with his secrets and she would let his previous attitude slide.

"Well then, Anko-nee! There's a procedure that everyone who joins my little party much go through and no matter how much I care about you, this must still be done." Shiki declared.

'By telling Anko-nee that I indeed care about her a lot an initiating the procedure for entrance into my still secret group, maybe she'll conveniently let the previous misunderstanding go . . .' He thought as he extended a Soul Contract tag to Anko and told her about its use.

"Okay! So I just have to drop some of my blood onto the tag right?" Anko asked for confirmation.

"That's right!" Shiki said while thinking. 'Misdirection achieved!'

Soul contract in place, Shiki then told Anko all about his group and plan. To say she was surprised would be a massive understatement and when she learned that Tsunade was also in on it she was further stupefied. As it turned out, Shiki was not going against the village but plotting on the whole world and Konoha's Hokage was in on it too!

Next in the order of business was taking her to his fortress so she could meet the crew. Fortunately with the Ice Mirror Gates, travelling there was now an easy job and instantaneous too.

Anko kept getting stupified by all the the things Shiki showed to her and was steadily building immunity towards but then he just showed her something even more awesome and she realised how wrong she was. But the most eventful happening, for Shiki at least, was the introduction of Anko to the other members.

Zabuza was quite dismissive and just didn't care but Anko was stupefied once more at learning the Demon of the Hidden Mist was actually working for Shiki. But the thoughts of the other girls were the most interesting.

Haku merely thought. 'How nice, another sister! It's great to have so many companions when I was all alone before Zabuza-san picked me up.'

Karin thought that Shiki had just saved another unfortunate girl was was quite thrilled to no longer be the newbie in the organization.

Meanwhile, Chino and Guren were more preoccupied with other matters . . .

'Another girl around Shiki-sama, and the mature nice body type . . . This doesn't bode well for me.' Chino thought with worry.

'Why does he always bring more and more girls!? This one even had nicer proportions than me!' Guren thought with jealousy.

Guessing their thoughts, Shiki used his mental transmission to tease them and while it embarrassed them and made both of the girls blush in public for apparently no reason, it also did serve to assuage their worries since it menat Shiki's interest in them hadn't waned.

After the introductions were done, Shiki repeated the Stone of Gelel implant process to strengthen Anko. As she felt her strength increase and a new form of energy flow within her, she realised that Shiki's means far surpassed even her revised expectations after seeing the fortress.

Anko's biggest shock however as finding out Shiki's relationship with Guren, Chino and haku went beyond that of subordinates and even friends and they were in fact his lovers. She had no idea how to process this information but knew she didn't like it even though it should have nothing to do with her. Anko's first reaction was remarking about Shiki laying hands on a small child like Chino . . .

The girl in question was naturally not pleased by the remark as she threateningly announced her age and told Anko to stop making excuses for her jealousy because it was ugly. Haku merely asked "So you're not a sister? Perhaps a future one then?" in a calm voice with a harmless smile, dumbfounding the purple haired kunoichi.

Guren was glad Anko was not yet a part of the competition for Shiki's affections. She had no illusions that she would remain so but at least she could be certain she was no threat to her position in the short time.

Although Anko herself had been holding herself back due to the circumstances and how young Shiki was, now that she new there were other women not bothering with it in the slightest and fully enjoying his affection . . . Some of her reservations seemed to be disappearing without any trace.

From that day onwards, Anko seemed quite a bit less reserved around Shiki and though she hadn't gone as far as the other girls, she was certainly getting more touchy feely with him and he noticed. This culminated in a make out session in which he went almost as far as he did with Guren and Shiki had to admit, Anko's figure really was nice.

Her breast were the fullest out of his lovers and even her demeanour during their makeout session practically oozed with allure and seductiveness. His Anko.nee sure seemed to be a natural when in came to the sensual pleasures and he was excited about testing her talents further in the future.

Those matters aside, back in the village of Konoha, Shiki eyed a mission from a certain manager to guard a famous actress . . .

'Request by Asama Sandayu to guard the actress Fujikaze Yukie during the filming of her new movie in the Land of Snow . . . Hehehe~ Kazahana Koyuki-hime, the rightful heir to the Land of Snow and an outrageous beauty . . . No way I'll let this great chance go!'

While Shiki felt perfectly capable of handling the mission on his own, Tsunade told him to bring Kakashi's team along just in case. At the very least he could order them around to do things since he was the captain. As such, felt no problem taking them along.

These were the events of the first Naruto Movie - Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow. Since they were opponents that the original series' kid Naruto was able to beat, they shouldn't pose any veritable threat to Shiki.

As he and Team 7 approached the movie set, Kakashi went in to talk with the client. Despite Shiki being the captain, the adult Kakashi would inspire more trust in the minds of the ignorant and he was much more interested in meeting the beautiful target of their protection rather than the old man who requested it.

Unsurprisingly, said target jumped out on horseback, escaping from the movie set, bodyguards disguised as stuntmen attempting to follow her. The team wanted to take them down but Shiki told them that they were bodyguards with the same purpose as them and after ordering the trio to find Kakashi, he went after them at a slow pace.

As he followed them undetected, Shiki evaluated both the princess and her pursuers.

'She is indeed quite beautiful. Even more in person than in the movies, she seems quite skilled at horse riding and escaping . . . Practice makes perfect I guess. Her stuntmen bodyguards are actually quite capable for non-shinobi and non-samurai.' Shiki thought.

'Speaking of samurai . . . They seem to be quite common as subordinates of Daimyo and since they are more numerous than shinobi, they have quite the war potential. The anime kind of implied that samurai were more a thing of the Land of Iron but that's far from the truth. They have various techniques for using chakra as well.' Shiki went on a tangent, remembering about the wariors.

'Not only can they coat their weapons in chakra to enhance them, they can also greatly increase their physical abilities and even possess a samurai equivalent of the shinobi Body Flicker Jutsu, despite it being far less common and quite useless for travelling long distances but perfect for quick burst of speed during combat.' Shiki finished his thoughts on the samurai.

When he brought his attention back to the situation at hand, the princess had finally managed to shake off her pursuers and was now alone . . .

'Guess it's time to meet the lovely target of my protection and next victim of my flirting!' Shiki thought as he dropped down in front of Kazahana Koyuki/Fujikaze Yukie.

As she was surprised by the suddenly appearing boy, he greeted her.

"Hey beautiful! How are you doing?" With a casual smile.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read one week ahead but I'll still post here.

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.