
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

First Training Session

"Alright, now that the matter is settled let's all get some sleep! I'll have something for you to do by tomorrow Shiki." Tsunade announced, meanwhile she though in her head.

'It's actually kind of refreshing to have someone with this kind of mindset around, maybe this cynical kid will be the one to achieve his dreams. I wonder what you two would think of him? Nawaki, Dan . . .' Shaking those thoughts out of her head Tsunade turned to Shizune.

"So Shizune, you were praising the kid's talent so how about you tell me why you think he is worth training."

Shizune, diligently as she is, told Tsunade about Shiki's training in detail even adding her own conclusions about it.

Hearing Shizune's input, Tsunade started to consider how to approach Shiki's training.

"Hmm, for now let's see if there are any more skills he might have learned but forgotten due to his memory loss, he already checked most of the basic ones so Shizune, gather the thing required to test the others and since he already mastered the tree climbing exercise, the natural progression is the water surface walking exercise. So we just need to find the closest suitable river or lake."

"Understood Tsunade-sama!" Responded Shizune full of spirit while thinking.

'This really was a great choice although Tsunade-sama's heart is far from healed, we're finally making some progress!'

"Well that's that, let's go to sleep Shizune!" And with that announcement, both kunoichi went to sleep hopeful for a better tomorrow.

- Next Day -

In the morning, Tsunade, Shizune, and Shiki all rose early, this time the redhead didn't even need to be woken up and after a filling breakfast Tsunade and Shiki went to a nearby pond they heard about from some of the townspeople while Shizune procured supplies for the training.

The journey was filled with solemn silence making Shiki slightly excited for the training after all, having a capable master really expedites the process. As they arrived at their destination Tsunade finally spoke.

"Shizune already told me how there might be some skills you have forgotten after the incident and she is currently gathering supplies to test some of them you haven't already so meanwhile, we'll start with a training that doesn't require those things, that is why we came to this lake since you already mastered the tree climbing exercise, now we move on to the next logical step the water surface walking exercise, we will not leave town until you can do everything on top of the water that you would be able to do on solid ground."

"Now I'm sure you know the basic principle of the technique required right?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes Tsuna-nee! The principle is to emit a constant stream of chakra from the bottom of the feet and using the repellent force to walk across the water's surface." Shiki gave an exemplary answer.

"That's right, this is something that can only be learned by doing it so the most I can do for this particular training, is to supervise and correct any mistakes you might make so let's get on with it!

And so the practice began and to Shiki's surprise he easily managed to walk on the water's surface.

Seeing the boy's surprise on how easy it was Tsunade explained.

"So long as you got a half-decent chakra control, it's fairly easy to walk on water the purpose of this training is to make this skill second nature, something you do without thinking about it, so . . ." Tsunade paused and jumped into the lake as well. ". . . We're going to do some light sparring like this."

Shiki immediately became fearful almost to the point of falling into the water. Seeing the expression on the redhead's face Tsunade further explained.

"Even if I say sparring, for now I'll just dodge your attacks so you don't have to worry, for now at least, first focus on physical movement only, after you got that down, you can start focusing chakra of specific parts of your body to enhance your attacks." While she said that, Tsunade thinked to herself.

'If his chakra control becomes good enough, I can then teach him to expel all the focused chakra at once to massively increase the power of his strikes just like me not to mention this will better teach him how to mould and focus chakra durim the heat battle.'

And with Tsunade's words reassuring him, Shiki began attacking. His taijutsu skill were nothing to impressive even considering his age. At first the boy would sometimes loose focus and fall in the water but in the last hour or so he could continue attacking without any loss of concentration.

Shizune had already arrived a while ago but she merely watched from the shadow of a nearby tree. As time went on both Tsunade and Shizune noticed something incredible. Despite his rather unimpressive start, Shiki's taijutsu skills were improving at a visible rate, this was something Shiki himself didn't notice.

'This kid, the more he attacks the more efficient his moves become. Although I suspect his defense is still quite crappy his skill at attacking is already beyond genin level in terms of refinement. What a monstrous comprehension!' Tsunade thought to herself.

In truth this was one of the benefits of Shiki's Gift of Transcendence. Due to his otherworldly comprehension abilities, he subconsciously started to eliminate inefficiencies in his movements this was an enormous advantage the redhead didn't consider, he merely through the gift would help him understand complicated jutsu faster however that was just the tip of the iceberg.

He could intuitively sense the flaws in any action he takes and subconsciously eliminate them and, although to a lesser degree sense the flaws in others and subconsciously take advantage of them. When he learned to intentionally apply this, he would not only be able to better read his enemies he would also be great at teaching others.

Since Shiki was already doing a good job on the current task Tsunade decided to further test him.

'Let's see how far this comprehension ability goes.'

"Alright kid let's stop!"

Shiki was slightly surprised and brusquely said.

"I don't need a break yet!" As he assumed they were taking another break.

"Relax we're not taking a break, we're upping the difficulty of the training since you seem to have this down."

"Oh!" The redhead was surprised but no longer had any complaints.

"So from now on, while greatly holding back, I'll attack too." As she said this Tsunade thought to herself.

'I won't strike too hard, just enough to take the air out of his lungs but I'll mercilessly exploit any gaps in his defence to see how fast he can close them."

"Ready yourself!" And so Tsunade jumped towards Shiki and struck, his poorly mounted defense amounting to a whole lot of nothing!

This time the training didn't go so well since despite the gaps in Shiki's guard closing up after being exploited once there were way to many and he lost focus on his chakra as he was struck making him fall into the water but the setbacks only turned him into a bona fide tryhard and so, relying on his great vitality and physical energy as an Uzumaki he forgoed lunch and kept on training until dinner time.

Just as Tsunade thought about ending the training for today, Shizune could see from the side a nearly equally skillful taijutsu exchange, of course all Tsunade needed was to increase the strength of her blows to a level Shiki couldn't handle and she would easily win but the boy's fighting style no longer had any easily exploitable flaws.

"Alright let's stop for today!" Tsunade announced.

'He would really benefit from multiple opponents with different styles, it would drastically increase the level of his taijutsu, maybe I'll get some other people to spar with him after we get to the village, also someone to teach him weapon techniques (bukijutsu). . .' Tsunade planned in her mind.

"Yes ma'am!" Shiki answered.

Tsunade laughed a bit at this form of appellation and continued.

"You better rest early today after dinner we'll test your skill with shuriken and the Unsealing and Enclosure jutsus tomorrow.

As the two reached the edge of the lake Shizune came forward and greeted them."

"Good work today Tsunade-sama, Shiki-kun"

Hearing Shizune Shiki spoke up with a fake sad tone.

"I already address Shizu-nee like so why does Shizu-nee still address me in such a distant way -fake sob-"

Unlike Tsunade, Shizune actually failed to notice the sly glint in Shiki eyes and quickly apologized being a bit flustered.

"S-sorry Shiki it's not like that at all, but since you prefer it I'll call you like this from now on!"

"Hehe, yay Shizu-nee!" Responded the redhead while jumping towards Shizune and hugging her as if the previous sadness was a fake, probably because it actually was. Shizune flusteredly accepted the hug with a slight blush wondering if this is what it is like having a little brother. Poor Shizune, she had no idea of the perverse planes already swirling in the devious boy's head.

'This brat!" Tsunade though while shaking her head with wry smile.