
The K-Pop Dream

Dylan was an ordinary 18 year old with a particular taste for the older girls. What will happen when one day he finds himself in the past possessing a body no longer his own. Dylan: "Where am I?" "OMG i'm hot!?" "Its time to .duh duh duh. Pick up noonas!" How far will cheesy pickup lines and knowledge of the future take him ? Its anyones guess *Picture does not belong to me. All rights and credit belong to the original author* Also if anyone wants to buy me a coffee. Here is a dead patreon where there is no benefits because I'm shameless https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15839221

CountSpankula · Urban
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173 Chs

First "Date"

"You want to know something? I have never been in a car alone with a man aside from my dad and manger" Tae confesses

"Seriously? What about dates?"

"Uhh I can't really be pictured... so we would usually meet up with separate vehicles or with a friend"

"Ooooh, is this a dispatch exclusive?" I ask her quite interested in the dating habits of a star

See looks to the camera and asks politely, "Editor nim please cut this part out"

"Have you ever been in a car with another woman?" She asks with a slight smile and shy glance lifting the edge of her right eyebrow

"No comment" I laugh and play it off despite her glare. I might be young, but I'm not stupid.

Changing the subject, I decide to bring up what we will be doing today, "What do you think of extreme sports?"

She thinks for a second, "Uhhh". This little pause makes me a little nervous before she breaks out into a charming smile "Sounds fun"

Her answer instantly relieves all my tension, "Really? That's good"