
The K-Pop Dream

Dylan was an ordinary 18 year old with a particular taste for the older girls. What will happen when one day he finds himself in the past possessing a body no longer his own. Dylan: "Where am I?" "OMG i'm hot!?" "Its time to .duh duh duh. Pick up noonas!" How far will cheesy pickup lines and knowledge of the future take him ? Its anyones guess *Picture does not belong to me. All rights and credit belong to the original author* Also if anyone wants to buy me a coffee. Here is a dead patreon where there is no benefits because I'm shameless https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15839221

CountSpankula · Urban
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173 Chs

Call Me!

Hora doesn't seem to quite understand what I mean.

"A writer once said that before like, we have 2 types of emotions, certainty and doubt. After spending time together one gradually loses doubt and becomes certain of like"

Hora contemplates, before lifting her head, looking directly into my eyes.

"We are in that stage?"

"Are we not? We did just kiss. I can't let you just take advantage of my body like that you have to take responsibility!"

She covers my mouth with her hands, not letting me speak any longer, looking+ at me angrily

"Can you not be so loud? What if my parents hear?"

"Choo-shi I like you. I'm certain. But ...you aren't yet certain of me. I understand. Won't you give me the chance to turn this prove myself?"

I wait patiently for her answer.

What is only a few seconds seems like an eternity.


I resist all temptation to pick her up and twirl her around.

That would be a little over dramatic.

Who would have believed that I would be in a 'some' relationship with Hora the man slayer!

"But on one condition" She adds next

I knew it!

It could never be so easy!

Impatiently I respond "Anything... Anything tell me"

Facing my excited expression, she seems to find it cute.

"Don't tell anyone, ..... until I'm certain okay?"

Who would I tell anyway?

I wouldn't want to stir the hornet's nest of jealousy so soon after mending the fence.

"I promise"

Burning this Image into my brain.

The sky, the sounds, Hora, Me.

If I'm ever asked how my first love went. I will say that it was straight out of a fairy tale.


MC: Don't ruin this moment!

I grabs onto Hora's soft hands even tighter.

Interlocking fingers we feel each others temperature.

But before we can enjoy the moment any longer, the gate behind us swings open.

Hora hurriedly shakes off my hand, stepping a few meters back

"Unnie, when are you coming in?"


Thank god it was only Chae-hyun and not Mr or Mrs Bae.

We look to each other and both see the relief in each others eyes.

We laugh for a second as Chae-hyun seems confused.

"Yeah i'm heading in now, I was just talking with Dylan about school okay"

"Hurry then, mom said she needs your help"

"Be right there"

And with that, the little messenger heads back inside.

"Well, I have to go inside now"

"Yeah, you do" I say somewhat disappointed.

Just when the mood was getting good!

Still enrapt in silence, she walks backwards ever so cutely as she puffs her cheeks slowly taking step by step before stopping.

"Call me tonight"

Did my ears betray me? Did I just hear that correctly?

I look towards her and as if to confirm my doubts.

When she repeats "Call me"

"Huh, you want... me... to call you?

"Why do you think I gave you my number?" She says gigglingly

"Aren't we a 'some' , if you are not going to call me, then who are you going to call? now get going"

"YES ma'am!" I say with a face full of giddyness as I head home.

I'm beat.

It was a long day.

I got up at 7 am , went to a waterpark at 9 am, played with classmates and Chae-hyun till 5 pm and at 6 pm , I got into a some relationship with Hora.

A lot happened today.

After I take a quick shower and order something to eat.

I decide it would be better if I first send her text before calling, what if she's busy with her family or in the shower.

Type .....type ... Erase ....type .....type. erase.

In the end it takes about 3 attempts and a proof-read before I press send.

"Choo, can I call you? Dylan"