
Season 2, Episode 8: Friending With Enemies

The Justice Brigade was packing up for vacation. Once packed, they used their Justice Brigade Jet to fly to their destination. On their way there, they flew into a storm that blew their jet off course, making them crash land. Once they did, they climbed out of their plane and tried to figure out where they landed. They looked around and saw a harbor. Then they read the writing on one of the boats and noticed it said the S.S. Sydney. Daisy said, "We must be in Australia. May as well enjoy it."

While in Australia, The Justice Brigade started to hear music playing and followed it to its location. Then they saw a stage with nobody on it in the middle of the street, but a crowd was standing ahead of it. The Justice Brigade entered the group and saw the singet walk out on stage. Then the spotlight flashed on her, and when it did, The Justice Brigade saw it was Candy, but she was dressed differently than usual and didn't have her guitar. Candy then sang a pleasant song into the microphone on the stage. While Candy sang, the crowd smiled because they liked it. Then the music picked up, and Candy sang louder. When she did, the sun flashed on her like she had done something good. When her song was over, everyone clapped for her. Then Candy walked backstage, and Hannah used her Heat Sensing Vision to see through the curtain. She saw Candy putting her costume away and getting ready to leave.

The Justice Brigade then got suited and followed Candy after her show because they wondered why she didn't use her superpowers. They saw her carrying her guitar case and go into a therapy building. The Justice Brigade then followed Candy in but lost her. Iceboy said, "Where did she go?"The lights then turned on, and they saw the place was full of villains wearing the same necklace. They saw almost every villain they had beaten in the past. Delilah and Candy were hanging out. The Villianous Four were all there getting spa treatments. Muffy and Flamer were playing a dance video game against each other. Madalyn and her crew, The Super Crew, Clownpira and the circus freaks, and The Talking Predators also exercised in the fitness room. Penny and Samson then threw coins in the well in the backyard, which made Wishaldo come out and grant their wishes. Sonny and Lisa exited the elevator together, and Sungirl wasn't too happy to see Lisa. Aquaboy said, "Wow. It's like every villain we ever faced is here." Sungirl said, "Well, not quite. A few villains are missing."

The villains then welcomed The Justice Brigade to Super Therapy. Candy said, "Welcome, Justice Brigade, to Super Therapy. The perfect place to live if you're a super." Ms. Fortune said, "Yeah, even though I'm a jinx, I've learned I can use my bad luck powers for good instead of evil. I thought good was never an option for me when I developed my powers when I was born, but now I know it is." Iceboy said, "How can we be sure we can trust you or even this place?" Miss. Fox said, "Well, for starters, you can talk to Agleh, who runs this place and straightened us out." Aquaboy said, "Where is she?" Agleh came out of her office and said, "Right here."

Agleh welcomed The Justice Brigade to Super Therapy, introduced herself, and gave them necklaces like the villains wore. The Justice Brigade put the chains on and said, "You look like a nice lady; we'll give you a spin." Agleh said, "Thank you. Now, follow me to your rooms." Agleh showed The Justice Brigade their bedroom and said, "I trust you will be most comfortable here." The Justice Brigade walked in and turned on the lights. Once they did, they saw four beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a TV. Iceboy then jumped on his bed, laid on it, and enjoyed the place because he was having fun. Iceboy said, "This place is awesome. I bet the TV is awesome, too." Since Iceboy was enjoying himself, his team left him in the room while they looked around.

The Justice Brigade saw Plant Man using his powers when they got downstairs. They hurried to stop him, but once they saw he was only using his powers to fix the dead plants and make them healthy again. Heatgirl said, "Wow, Plant Man, you're a great florist." Plant Man said, "Thanks. That's how I got my powers in the first place. I was a florist like anyone else, but some of my plants died. So, I created this formula that would make any plant grow anywhere, but I spilled it. And when I tried to clean it up, I got exposed to it, which gave me my powers. With the side effect of growing plants anywhere, I could use them to get what I wanted. So, I became the leader of a villain group. But now I'm using my powers to help plants, not use them for evil. Watch this." Plant Man snapped his fingers and made a tree grow from the ground. And when it grew, it turned into an ice cream tree. Plant Man said, "Who wants ice cream?" Heatgirl said, "I'll take one." Madalyn said, "So will I." Ms. Fortune said, "I will, too." Lisa said, "Don't count me out." Then sunlight shined on Plant Man just like it did for Candy because he did something nice.

After their ice cream, Sungirl and Aquaboy figured Heatgirl was having too much fun to stay with them. Sungirl said, "I don't get it. This place doesn't seem evil at all. Even though evil galor is here." Aquaboy said, "Well, then there's only one explanation. That this place is awesome, and we should have some fun." Aquaboy went to have some fun while Sungirl continued investigating. Sungirl climbed inside the ceiling and crawled through it. Then she moved part of the ceiling away and saw Agleh singing. Agleh sang, "Things are working to my ultimate desire. Soon, I'll have my revenge, and the world will be mine." Then Agleh laughed evilly and took off her disguise, and Sungirl saw that Agleh was Helga. She saw Helga walk by a full-body mirror and noticed her name tag read "Helga," not "Agleh." Sungirl whispered, "I don't believe it, it's Helga. The evil woman who tried to enslave elderly people." Sungirl then fell through the ceiling and landed in front of Helga. Helga smiled when she saw Sungirl, and Sungirl felt like she was busted. Sungirl said, "Um, hello."

Helga pulled a lever on the wall, and the floor underneath Sungirl's feet opened up. Sungirl held onto the top of the chute and looked up at Helga. Helga said, "No, no, no. This place is for KIND people. All dirty-minded people go down the garbage chute where they belong. Bye-bye." Helga knocked Sungirl down the line with a broom, and she landed in a dungeon. Once she got up, Helga seeled her in, and Sungirl stood up. Sungirl said, "Great, a dungeon. I knew this place was evil." Ms. Fortune said, "Wow, nothing gets past you." Sungirl saw The Villainous Four in the dungeon with her, and her team came out. Iceboy said, "We figured this place was evil when we fell here." Sungirl said, "But I saw all of you up there. If we're all down here, who are they up there?" Yuck said, "Those are part of Helga's evil plan to get rid of us and every superpowered person on Earth to represent her new hobby." Sungirl said, "Evil plotting?" Muffy said, "Being kind." Flamer said, "That lady can't stand fun. She brought us here to try to make us change our ways, but we still want to be evil." Madalyn said, "So while we were having fun using our powers here, down the chute we went, Helga replaced us with good deeds doing android doubles." Sungirl said, "Robots? But those things looked, sounded, and felt like real people." Clownpira said, "True, but the minute we stepped foot in this place, we placed these necklaces over our heads and put them around our necks. While wearing them, they scanned our DNA and allowed Helga to make robotic clones of us in her office. After her androids were made, she got rid of us by throwing us down here." Sungirl said, "So your doubleganger performed in town, Candy?" Candy said, "Yep." Sungirl said, "And Plant Man's doubleganger made the ice cream tree?" Plant Man said, "Yep." Sungirl said, "Then we're stopping Helga."

Sungirl flew up to the top of the chute, and her necklace shocked her. Then she fell back down the line and into the dungeon. The Archer said, "We can't use our powers as long as we wear these necklaces. They'll shock us if we try to either use our powers or take the necklace off. They're like obedience collars." Sungirl said, "Then we'll have to get out of here another way." Miss. Fox said, "How are we supposed to do that without our powers?" Everyone looked at The Talking Predators and said, "Hmm." The Talking Predators looked around and saw everyone was looking at them. Mr. Jaguar said, "Why's everyone looking at us?" Miss Hawk flew up to the top with Mr. Otter on her back. Then Mr. Otter used his claws to make a hole in the ceiling and get out. Since Mr. Otter's hole was too small, The Justice Brigade got on their hands and knees and let Sungirl and Miss. Fox climb on them. Then they got on their hands and knees while Mr. Coyote climbed on top of them and lifted Mr. Jaguar. Once they got to the ceiling, Mr. Jaguar quickly used his claws to cut a hole in the roof that was big enough for everyone. Then he climbed out, and Sungirl said, "Ok, everybody out, and carefully." The villains climbed up the pyramid The Justice Brigade and Talking Predators made, rose through the hole Mr. Jaguar made, and escaped. Once they were all out, the villains helped The Justice Brigade and Talking Predators out, too.

After everyone escaped, their robot doubles showed up, and all simultaneously said, "Naughty people." Robot Wishaldo said, "Helga won't be happy to see you all." Robot Delilah said, "Let's show these villains how to be heroes." Robot Iceboy said, "Why did we start talking like robots?" Everyone went after their doppelganger. Lisa tried punching her robot double, but it avoided her attacks and said, "Violence is never the answer. I don't believe in hate and love making others happy. You should try the same." Lisa said, "No such luck, talking toaster." Lisa finally punched her robot double and hit it down. Iceboy's robot double was firing ice at him while he ran. Robot Iceboy said, "Only a matter of time before I hit you. Then your beloved Sungirl will be mine." Iceboy got mad at his robot double and threw some ice at it. Iceboy said, "I think she prefers humans."

While fighting, Helga was about to get away with her plan dressed as Agleh. The mayor arrived in his limo, and Helga shook his hand. The mayor said, "Well, I see your plan to turn the bad to nice has worked so far. But first, I would like to see your changed villains." Helga said, "Of course." Aquaboy then got hit out of the building by his robot and landed right in front of the mayor. Aquaboy said, "Hi." Then the mayor saw Aquaboy's robot double and everyone else fighting their robot doubles. Shocked, Helga grabbed her broom and said, "Nasty, evil PEOPLE!" Everyone panicked when she saw The Justice Brigade and the villains fighting their robot doubles. Helga tried beating the villains and The Justice Brigade with her broom and said, "No more evil." Sungirl jumped ahead of Helga and said, "Oh, eat dirt." Sungirl kicked Helga into a trash can and took her remote. Then she pushed the button, and everyone's necklace got deactivated and fell off their necks. Sungirl said, "Everyone ready?"

Iceboy shot his robot double with an Ice Beam from his hand and froze it in solid ice. Delilah brought out one of her space lasers, fired it at her robot double, and destroyed it. Madalyn shouted, "I wish everyone's robots were destroyed." Wishaldo glowed his hands and said, "So you have wished it, so it shall be." Wishaldo's robot double did the same. Then Madalyn's robot doppelganger used her powers to knock Madalyn and Wishaldo away with someone's car. Still, Wishaldo's robot double granted Madalyn's wish and destroyed himself and everyone else's robot doubles. The police then showed up, helped Helga out of the trash can Sungirl, knocked her in, and arrested her. Then the other villains left, and The Justice Brigade thanked them for help.

The End