
Season 2, Episode 4: Anger Management

Daisy's sister, Lisa, was visiting Daisy's hometown and spotted The Justice Brigade fighting a monster. Once they finished fighting the beast, they went home, took off their masks and costumes, and walked into their house. Once they got there, they saw Lisa waiting for them. Lisa said, "And just where have you been?" Daisy glanced angrily at Lisa. Daisy said, "Lisa? If you need me, I'll be in my room." Daisy left, pushed Lisa to the sofa, and locked herself in her bedroom. Lisa said, "Sorry about that. I'm Lisa, Daisy's older sister." Jake said, "Any idea why she's so mad at you even though you've only been here a few minutes?" Lisa stated, "Growing up, she considered me a pest and never listened to me, not even when I was just trying to help her." Jake said, "Maybe I'd better go talk to her." Hannah said, "I'll prepare dinner." Lisa said, "Hey, do you have a TV? I want to watch some." Frank pointed to the living room and said, "Right over there." Lisa walked over to the TV and then turned it on. Then her face glowed red, and she looked at herself becoming younger in her compact. Lisa said to herself, "Marvelous." Lisa closed her mirror and stated, "People's anger keeps me looking fabulous. And with me around, Daisy couldn't be angrier and more miserable. She's like a walking spa treatment." Then Lisa heard Daisy scream and break something in her room. Lisa smiled and used the remote to look for a show she liked.

While Lisa was watching TV, Jake knocked on Daisy's door. Daisy said, "Go away." Jake opened the door and said, "I come in peace." Daisy then shot a Sun Beam from the palm of her hand and wrecked part of the wall by Jake. Jake said, "Aggressive much." Daisy laid down on her bed and said, "Leave me alone. I already deactivated all the superhero alarms, so goody two shoes Lisa won't suspect anything. Oh yeah, I will stay locked in my room as long as she's here." Jake walked in and closed the door. Jake said, "What if an emergency comes along?" Daisy said, "I'll be there." Lisa then walked by Daisy's door and heard Daisy and Jake talking. Daisy said, "But if Lisa's here, I'll never leave my room. She's an annoying sister who doesn't know how to mind her own business and has no respect for her sister's privacy. So, if she were here, I would say to her face, 'MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!' So, consider her the new Daisy while she's here." Daisy then opened her door and kicked Jake out of her room. Then she slammed the door shut and locked it. Jake banged on Daisy's door, saying, "You do not get to kick me out. Open up the door, open up." Daisy heard Jake but ignored him and then put on her headphones so she wouldn't have to listen to him. Lisa heard Daisy and Jake arguing, making her younger and more muscular.

Jake then looked up and saw Lisa. Jake said, "How much of that did you hear?" Lisa said, "Enough. Maybe I should talk to her." Jake said, "Few problems. 1. She locked the door, and 2. You're the last person she'll listen to." Lisa said, "We'll see about that. And I can pick the lock on the door." Lisa used her credit card to unlock Daisy's door and open it. Lisa said, "If there's one thing I know how to do, it's use a credit card." Lisa walked into Daisy's room and shut the door. Lisa said, "Hi, Daisy. Can I talk to you?" Daisy said, "Sure. Let's start with this. PILLOW FIGHT!" Daisy threw her pillow at Lisa and hit her down. Jake put his ear on the door and listened to what was happening in the room. Then Daisy whacked Lisa with a stick she had stored away in case a bad guy entered her room. Then Daisy opened the door and beat Lisa out of her room. Then she slammed the door shut, locked it, and barricaded it. Lisa said, "Yep, she hates me." Jake said, "And that only took 2 minutes." While lying on her bed, Daisy covered herself with her sheets and didn't come out for hours. Hannah shouted, "Dinner time!" Lisa, Hannah, Jake, and Frank showed up for dinner, but Daisy refused to come down. Hannah said, "Maybe I can get her to eat something." Hannah walked upstairs with a plate of food for Daisy. Jake said, "Huh. 3, 2, 1." Then they heard a bunch of beating noises and the sound of a door slamming. Once Hannah returned downstairs, the others saw she had a black eye, her hair got messed up, and her knee scrapped. Hannah said, "She accepted my peace offering and beat the crud out of me."

While the others were eating, Daisy ate in her room, looked out her bedroom window, and saw several bank robbers robbing the bank. Daisy then got into her superhero uniform, put her mask on, and went after them. While Sungirl was handling the bank robbers, everyone at the dinner table was quiet because they couldn't get through to Daisy. Then Hannah opened her mouth and looked at it. Once she did, she saw her Heat Sense coming out of her mouth. Hannah glanced around but noticed nothing unusual, so she ignored it and continued eating.

Meanwhile, Sungirl was fighting the bank robbers. Since she was fighting, she decided to take all the anger her sister gave her out on the bank robbers. Sungirl kept punching one in the stomach hard and fast until she gave him one big punch in the face and punched him away. Then his partner tried to shoot Sungirl, but Sungirl put up her Sun Shield and blocked his attacks. Then she blasted him away with her Sun Beam and knocked him out. Once the cops arrived, they thanked Sungirl for catching the bank robbers and took them to jail. Sungirl then flew home and flew back inside her bedroom window. Once she arrived, she removed her mask and uniform and put her regular clothes back on. Then she climbed into her bed, covered herself under her sheets, and went to bed while she stayed angry at her sister.

Daisy stayed in bed the next day because she was too angry to come out. Jake then went to breakfast and saw Hannah using her Heatgirl powers to make it. Jake said, "Hannah, why are you cooking? That's Daisy's job." Hannah said, "All is quiet with Daisy." Jake said, "She made up with Lisa?" Hannah said, "Nope. All is quiet because she's not speaking to her, and she won't leave her room." Jake knocked on Daisy's door upstairs, but no one answered. Jake then opened her door and saw Daisy under her sheets. Jake said, "Daisy, are you OK?" Daisy blasted Jake away with one of her Sun Beams from her finger, and he got hit against the wall. Then Jake made his eyes glow blue and put an angry scowl on his face. Jake flew up to Daisy, grabbed her, and smashed her through the wall.

Jake said, "You want to fight; you got it." Jake made his eyes and body glow blue and changed his clothes into his superhero uniform. Then Daisy made her eyes and body glow yellow and changed her clothes into her superhero uniform. Iceboy then shot an Ice Beam at Sungirl, but Sungirl put up her Sun Shield and blocked his attack. Iceboy made his eyes glow blue and said, "Don't make me hurt you." Sungirl made her eyes glow yellow and said, "Don't make me laugh." Sungirl shot Sun Beams from her eyes, and Iceboy shot Ice Beams from his eyes.

Lisa and Hannah then opened Daisy's door and saw she wasn't there, but they noticed a big hole in her wall. Lisa said, "What happened?" Hannah said, "I think I have an idea." Iceboy got slammed through the floor, fell onto the kitchen table, and destroyed it. Then Sungirl jumped through the floor and landed on Iceboy. Iceboy said, "OK, spill. Why are you so mad at your sister?" Sungirl grabbed Iceboy, spun him around in circles, and threw him to the living room. Sungirl said, "Because she was a pest growing up. She had no regard for my privacy." Sungirl destroyed the sofa with her powers and found where Iceboy was hiding. Lisa and Hannah heard a bunch of pounding from downstairs, and Hannah's Heat Sense went off again. Lisa and Hannah ran downstairs and saw Sungirl and Iceboy fighting. Hannah put her index fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly to stop them from fighting.

Once they stopped, they both flew out the door. Lisa wondered what they were doing in the house in the first place, but Hannah knew. Sungirl and Iceboy flew in their windows, took off their costumes, and put their regular clothes back on. Daisy said, "Well, I'm never leaving my room." Then Jake left his room and went downstairs to watch TV. Once he got down there, part of the ceiling fell from all his fighting with Daisy. Jake looked around and saw the coast was clear, and since it was, Jake used his Iceboy powers to fly all over the house so he could fix and rebuild everything.

Once he finished, he saw Lisa's reflection in the window and saw her sneaking downstairs to the basement. He wondered what she was up to, so he put on his superhero costume and mask and spied on her. Iceboy hid behind the sofa, peered around it, and saw red energy floating above Lisa. Then it went into her body, making her glow red and get younger. Lisa said, "Man, that's good." Lisa opened her compact and saw how young she was. Lisa stated, "People's anger and frustration is the nectar that keeps me looking fabulous, and with other people's anger and frustration, there'll be enough anger in this town to keep me looking young forever." Lisa then turned her body red into a light beam, flying directly through the ceiling while laughing evilly.

After Iceboy heard Lisa's speech, he flew upstairs and knocked on Hannah's door. Hannah opened her door and saw Iceboy in costume. Hannah said, "Iceboy? Why are you suited?" Iceboy said, "It's Lisa. She's evil." Hannah said, "I know she drives Daisy nuts, but that doesn't give you the right to call her evil." Iceboy said, "Maybe not. But I followed her into the basement and saw her using her powers and giving an evil speech to herself. Remember when your heat sense went off at dinner yesterday right after Daisy kicked you out of her room?" Hannah said, "Yes." Iceboy said, "Well, anger is like heat. You get fired up and then scream. Once you came downstairs, your heat sense went off, probably because Lisa was absorbing Daisy's anger." Lisa then showed up, and Hannah grabbed Iceboy and brought him into her room so Lisa wouldn't see him in costume. Iceboy whispered, "Watch this." Lisa walked into Daisy's room, and Daisy beat her up and threw her out. Lisa looked around, thought the coast was clear, and didn't see Heatgirl and Iceboy spying on her. Lisa then took out her compact, and Heatgirl and Iceboy saw her face glowing red and Daisy's anger healing her. Then Heatgirl's heat sense came out of her mouth, and Heatgirl figured Iceboy was right; she had been sensing Lisa's powers.

Since they were sure Lisa was evil, they had to warn Daisy and Frank. Iceboy opened his communicator, and both Daisy and Frank answered. Daisy and Frank saw that Iceboy was suited, and he was with Hannah. Daisy said, "What do you two want?" Iceboy said, "It's your sister. She's evil." Daisy said, "Tell me about it." Iceboy said, "No, she's evil for real. She's absorbing anger, especially yours, and becoming immortal. That's how she heels so quickly after you kick her out of your room and why Hannah's heat sense has been going off. She's been sensing Lisa's powers." Frank said, "That would make sense." Daisy said, "If my sister did have superpowers, don't you think she would have caused some chaos by now." Iceboy said, "She already has. She's been absorbing anger from the town, especially yours, and getting more powerful. We have got to stop her." Daisy said, "OK, we'll try." Iceboy said, "Meet us downstairs in uniform in twenty minutes."

Lisa walked towards the living room and said, "I can't wait until I've destroyed everything." Then she got blasted to the ground with a Sun Beam. Then she looked in front of her and saw The Justice Brigade standing in front of her. Iceboy said, "You made a big mistake stepping into this house." Lisa said, "Really? Well, Daisy and friends..." Lisa made her eyes glow red. Lisa said, "Do you see this coming?" Lisa transformed herself from a human to a shadow spirit. Then she smiled evilly and used her powers to blast Iceboy away. Lisa said, "You may have discovered my secret, but I found yours. How else can The Justice Brigade live in the same house as my sister and her friends?" Sungirl said, "We're still going to stop you." Lisa reached out both her arms and put an evil smirk on her face while she started to glow red. Lisa then got younger and more powerful. Lisa said, "That's it. Express your anger. See how good it feels. And the angrier you are, the stronger I become." Heatgirl flew up into the sky and then down towards Lisa. Lisa looked up and saw Heatgirl coming, and then Heatgirl grabbed Lisa and smashed her through the floor into the basement. Lisa got up, and so did Heatgirl. Then, Heatgirl used her powers to move their basement sofa towards Lisa and smash her into the wall. The rest of The Justice Brigade flew through the hole they made and saw them fighting. Lisa used her powers to push the sofa out of the way and then used it to hit Heatgirl away. Lisa then flew up to Sungirl, grabbed her, and flew her across the room and up the stairs. Lisa kept holding onto her while she took Sungirl wherever she wanted. Sungirl shouted, "Let go of me!" Lisa said, "Why would I do that? Your anger, your frustration, it's delicious." Lisa flew Sungirl to the window, and they looked out it. Lisa said, "And the best part is. As soon as I'm done with you four and keep you angry at me and each other forever, there'll be enough people out there for me to have immortality. And once I do, you'll never come to their rescue because you'll be too mad at them, and everyone will think it was all your fault." Sungirl said, "Man, I am so tired of you making me miserable. And I'm so tired of making others miserable, too." Sungirl started to glow yellow while she was talking. Sungirl said, "My friends never gave up, even when I was mad at them." Sungirl made her eyes glow yellow and said, "And I won't let them down." Sungirl broke free of Lisa and glanced angrily at her, which gave her even more power. Lisa glowed red and said, "Thank you. Now, sister dear, it is time for you to suffer." Lisa flew up to Sungirl, but Sungirl flew around her and said, "Or maybe it's time to get tougher." Sungirl grabbed Lisa's tail and threw her out the window. Sungirl flew into the basement and told her team her sister was gone. Then Sungirl's sister grabbed her and slammed her against the wall. Heatgirl said, "I thought you said she was gone." Sungirl said, "Guess I was wrong." Lisa said, "Look at you. Look at all of you." Sungirl made her finger glow yellow, but Lisa smacked her hand and made her stop. Lisa said, "What are you? Are you freaks trying to fit in with humans? Or creepy humans with creepy powers?" Heatgirl looked up and got an idea. Sungirl said, "Both. No, neither. I don't know." Lisa said, "You're a bunch of freaks. You're not a normal girl, and you never will be." Lisa covered Sungirl with her red anger energy, dropped her, and she fell to the ground. Lisa said, 'Who cares for something like you?" Heatgirl said, "We do." Heatgirl pointed up, blasted the ceiling with her powers, and collapsed it onto Lisa. Heatgirl said, "I'm not sure if this will work, but it's worth a try." Heatgirl made her eyes and hand glow red, lifted Lisa out of the pile, and tried her hardest to drain her of her powers. Heatgirl said, "I think it's working." Once Heatgirl started draining Lisa of her powers, she became weaker and older. Then, she aged from 14 to 24 and became powerless. Heatgirl said, 'Boys, will you do the honors." Iceboy said, "With pleasure. Sweet dreams." Iceboy shot Lisa with one of his Ice Beams and froze her, and Aquaboy flew her out of the house and took her into custody. Sungirl said, "Hey, Heatgirl, when can you do that?" Heatgirl said, "Since just now. I have a new power."

After they got rid of Lisa, The Justice Brigade got out of costume and had dinner. While they were eating, Daisy set her fork down and felt terrible. Daisy said, "Guys, I'm sorry for everything I said and did." Hannah said, "It was your sister wanting more power. We forgive you." Jake said, "Yeah, we forgive you." Frank said, "What are friends for?" Then, all four of them became friends again, and they continued eating their dinner. Then, their red alert went off. They smiled and then flew downtown in costume to stop a few jewel thieves, which they did.

The End