
Season 1, Episode 17: Monster Bash

The Justice Brigade was helping at the museum. They put up decorations for a new exhibit and mopped the place. While they were assisting the curator, a field trip from a high school took place. The kids stuck with their teacher, Mrs. Trench. Mrs. Trench said, "Ok, everybody, pair up. You're free to look around the exhibits but cannot touch anything." All the students paired up, but nobody wanted to pair up with Ren, so she went with her studies alone again. Ren sat down at a table, feeling left out, and started to talk to herself. Ren said, "Darn my stupid classmates, everyone deserves a friend, even me." Ren then started to feel sick and fell to the ground. Once she got up, her eyes began to glow, and she started to dream. Ren dreamt of herself as the most popular girl in school, surrounded by monsters enslaving the student body. Once she woke up, she got up, sat back on her table, and spoke to herself again. Ren said, "Weird dream. It would be awesome if it came true, though." While she was talking to herself, superpowers started to rush through her veins. And when she made her wish, her powers changed the table she was at into a monster. Ren gasped and returned the table to normal. Then she got an idea. Ren held her arm out, made her hand glow, and her powers brought the train from the train exhibit to life. The train then turned into a monster and went on a rampage. Ren then figured out what to do with her new powers but decided she first needed to change her clothes.

Daisy finished mopping, but then she saw the train Ren brought to life drive itself by her. Daisy then ran into the girls' room, got into her superhero uniform, and pushed the distress signal on her communicator. Once Jake heard his communicator beep, he opened it and saw it was Sungirl's distress signal. Sungirl flew after the train and then jumped aboard. Once her team arrived, Iceboy tried to freeze the train's wheels and stop it while Heatgirl and Aquaboy pushed it back, and Sungirl hit the brakes on it. When the train finally came to a stop, it stopped right in front of Mrs. Trench's class. The Justice Brigade flew in front of Mrs. Trench and her class. Sungirl said, "No worries, citizens. We're here to protect you." Then they heard someone talking. Ren said, "Was that train not good enough for you?" Mrs. Trench and her class saw Ren flying in front of them and The Justice Brigade. Mrs. Trench said, "Ren?" Sungirl said, "Who?" Ren said, "Looks like I'll have to get even with my class the hard way."

Ren made her eyes and hands glow and made a t-rex skeleton from the dinosaur exhibit, the planes from the plane exhibit, the moon rover from the space exhibit, and statues of soldiers from the statue exhibit come to life and turn into monsters. Then, all her demons lined up behind her. Ren said, "They grow up so fast, don't they? Now I finally have my friends. And now that I do, I don't need you anymore. Destroy them!" Ren then laughed like a villain and watched her new friends destroy her classmates. The planes shot missiles at Ren's class, but Sungirl destroyed the missiles with her Laser Vision, and Aquaboy flew up to the aircraft. Then the T-Rex skeleton ran up to them, but Heatgirl kicked it to get its attention, and it chased after her. The statues fired their weaponry at Ren's class, but Iceboy shielded them with Ice Shield and tried to take them out. The moon rover fired lasers at the kids, but Sungirl matched it with her Laser Vision and fought it. Sungirl said, "Get your class out of here; we'll handle these guys." Mrs. Trench and her class ran for it, but Ren had two statues block the exit. Then, the statues each grabbed a kid from Ren's class. Cindy said, "Put me down." Iceboy then showed up and froze the sculptures in ice. Then he destroyed them and saved the kids so they could run out. Ren became angry and watched The Justice Brigade fight her new friends. Ren said, "Airplanes, fire in the hole." The airplanes fired one of their missiles into the roof, and Ren flew out. The Justice Brigade flew up to the hole the airplane monster made and saw Ren and her demons getting away.

That night, The Justice Brigade flew all over town looking for Ren, but they couldn't find her anywhere. Then Heatgirl got attacked by a streetlight that turned into a snake. Heatgirl shouted, "HELP!" Iceboy blew out his Ice Breath and tried freezing the snake in ice. Heatgirl looked ahead and said, "Iceboy, watch out." A flying squid then flew by, grabbed Iceboy, and flew off with him. Heatgirl shouted, "Iceboy!" Iceboy shouted, "HELP!" Then Sungirl and Aquaboy started to hear evil laughing. When they saw where it was coming from, they saw Ren. Ren said, "Well, The Justice Brigade. And here comes your fourth member now." The flying squid then flew Iceboy to the glass building behind Ren and stuck him to it with its ink. Iceboy struggled and said, "Help. I'm stuck." Ren said, "How do you like my new pets?" The squid flew behind Ren while the snake squeezed Heatgirl. Then Ren turned a dumpster into a wolf and petted it like a harmless puppy. Ren snapped her fingers, and the wolf ran after Sungirl while the squid flew after Aquaboy. The squid then grabbed Aquaboy and pinned him to the side of the glass building with Iceboy. Iceboy said, "Aquaboy." Ren said, "2 down, 2 to go. You boys stick around while I finish your girlfriends."

Sungirl flew directly towards Heatgirl and got the wolf to eat the snake holding her instead. Ren pointed at Sungirl and said, "You'll pay for that." Sungirl scowled at Ren and said, "Bring it on, Monster Lady." Ren pointed at Sungirl and said, "I'm glad you asked." Ren brought out two compacts from pockets and threw them at Sungirl. Then Sungirl punched them away. Sungirl pointed at Ren and said, "You'll have to do better than that." Ren said, "Nearly a diversion tactic; look behind you." Sungirl looked behind her and saw the wolf. Then, the wolf lassoed Sungirl with its tail and stuck Sungirl to the glass building. Iceboy said, "Sungirl." Sungirl said, "This stuff isn't even the same stuff you guys got trapped in, and I'm stuck." Ren said, "You're right; that's super-proof hair gel. I always want my puppy to stay stylish. Now that's three heroes down and 1 to go." Heatgirl then shot Ren's wolf with her Heat Vision, cut off all its hair, and made it bulbous. The wolf then ran off like a scared puppy, and Heatgirl got rid of him. Heatgirl said, "Looks like I destroyed his locks and your puppy. And by the way, guys. We're eating roast squid for dinner tonight."

Heatgirl showed her team and Ren that she fried Ren's flying squid. Ren said, "I don't need my wolf or squid to beat you. I still have my powers." Ren made a restaurant table come to life and changed a kid's pig piñata into a giant rampaging pig. While Heatgirl was dealing with Ren's new monsters, Aquaboy wiggled a little and broke his hand free. Aquaboy said, "Now I wash that garbage off of you." Sungirl said, "But she said it was power-proof." Aquaboy said, "Maybe, but watch this." Aquabiy blew up a fire hydrant and aimed the water at Sungirl. When the water splashed Sungirl, it washed the hair gel off her. Then Sungirl grabbed a firehose, hosed the boys with it, and got them loose. Once they were free, the pig pinned Heatgirl, but Aquaboy destroyed it by splashing it with water. Iceboy gave the table monster a good punch, which got damaged when it hit the ground. Ren said, "How did they get free?" Sungirl flew ahead of Ren, declaring, "With my help. And thanks to their help, I can now do this." Sungirl blasted Ren out of the sky with her powers, blinding her, and she fell to the ground. When Ren opened her eyes, she saw Sungirl flying up to her, and Sungirl punched her away. Ren said, "Clever tactics." Then Ren collapsed and fell unconscious to the ground.

After the fight, the doctors came and got Ren. They took her to the hospital, and The Justice Brigade checked in on her. The doctor said, "She'll be fine. She took quite a blast and sock, but her powers are on the fritz. It might be hard to say if she can still use them. So, as soon as she's cured and arrested, she won't be threatening anyone for a long time, thanks to you four." The Justice Brigade then slapped hands and flew home, waiting for another mission to come their way.

The End