
Season 1, Episode 15: Misfortunes from Ms. Fortune

The Justice Brigade got a news report saying The Villainous Four escaped prison, so they used their person locator to search for them. They found all four of them at the museum. Sungirl said, "Let's go." The Justice Brigade flew to the museum and saw The Villainous Four robbing the paintings while the girl members stole the jewels. When Yuck grabbed another picture, Sun Girl shot him with her Sun Beam. Plant Man and Yuck looked ahead of them and saw the female members of The Justice Brigade. Sungirl said, "Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure this is a no-steal zone." Yuck tried sliming the girls with his powers, but Sungirl put up her Sunshield, and he missed. Then Heatgirl threw a fireball at Yuck and knocked him into the wall. Then Sungirl used a dinosaur bone as a baseball bat and hit Plant Man out of the museum, setting off the alarm. Once the police arrived, they took Plant Man and Yuck back to jail.

Meanwhile, Iceboy and Aqauaboy were handling Ms. Fortune and Rainbow Woman. Ms. Fortune stole a necklace and put it around her neck. Then she saw Iceboy's reflection in the glass case, turned around, and saw him. Ms. Fortune ran to another room, and Iceboy chased after her. Aquaboy turned on the fire sprinklers with his powers and splashed Rainbow Woman with them. Aquaboy then punched her, and she fell to the ground. Once the police arrived, they handcuffed Rainbow Woman and took her back to jail. The police then watched Iceboy and Ms. Fortune fight. Once Iceboy corned Ms. Fortune, he blasted her with his powers, but the beam reflected off the necklace Ms. Fortune was wearing, and Iceboy froze himself. Then Ms. Fortune used her powers to cut a hole in the floor and make the police drop into it. Then she blasted the wall with her abilities and escaped with the necklace she stole.

When they got back home, the boys told the girls what happened. Sungirl said, "Well, at least we nailed three of them. We need to catch Ms. Fortune before she steals anything else." Then their red alert went off, and Iceboy checked it. Iceboy said, "It's her." The Justice Brigade followed the red alert downtown and found Ms. Fortune standing in the street. Sungirl whispered, "What's she doing?" Then, a bank truck drove up to her, and Ms. Fortune used her powers to stop it. Then she threw the driver out of the car and stole the truck since it was full of money. Before Ms. Fortune drove off, Sungirl flattened her tires with her Laser Vision. Ms. Fortune then got out of the truck and saw The Justice Brigade. Sungirl said, "I'll get her." Sungirl flew up to Ms. Fortune, then accidentally fell over her and fell to the ground. The rest of The Justice Brigade needed clarification. Then Ms. Fortune walked by Sungirl when Sungirl got back up. Sungirl brushed her costume off and said, "Must have been a gust of wind." Ms. Fortune said, "Oh, no doubt." Sungirl tried going at her again, but Ms. Fortune turned a corner on the sidewalk, and a truck hit Sungirl. Iceboy reached his hand out and said, "Sungirl!" Ms. Fortune laughed because she knew what was happening, but The Justice Brigade didn't.

Iceboy saw Sungirl as weak as a puppy and got an idea. Iceboy said, "Time to shed a little light on things." Iceboy made a crystal out of ice and aimed it at Sungirl. Iceboy said, "Sungirl, hit me." Sungirl shot her Sun Beam at Iceboy's crystal and became unconscious. Then, the beam reflected off the crystal and toward Ms. Fortune. Once it reached Ms. Fortune, the beam got absorbed by Ms. Fortune's necklace. Ms. Fortune said, "Time to bow to your defeat." Ms. Fortune aimed her necklace at Iceboy and shot Sungirl's beam back at Iceboy, knocking Iceboy down. Aquaboy said, "Iceboy." Ms. Fortune then used her powers to crack the earth underneath Heatgirl's and Aquaboy's feet, but they flew, so Ms. Fortune jumped on Heatgirl, and Heatgirl shot her powers all over, trying to get Ms. Fortune off her. Ms. Fortune jumped off her and said, "Your luck just ran out." Heatgirl got confused, looked up, and saw her flame powers destroying a crane on top of a building. Then, the broken pieces fell on top of her and smashed her into the sewer. Aquaboy said, "Heatgirl." Ms. Fortune said, "Three down, one to go." Ms. Fortune and Aquaboy stared at each other like neither had a care in the world. Ms. Fortune said, "So, Aquaboy, are you scared? As in seeing how I trashed your team without breaking a sweat." Aquaboy remained quiet and glanced angrily at Ms. Fortune. Ms. Fortune said, "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Aquaboy remained calm and waited for Ms. Fortune to make her move. Ms. Fortune said, "Very well. Time for the last one to meet his demise." Ms. Fortune did a backflip in the air and tried to kick Aquaboy, but he jumped out of the way. Then Aquaboy dropped and landed on his feet. Aquaboy tried splashing Ms. Fortune with some water from the air. Ms. Fortune said, "Talk to the hand." Ms. Fortune reached her hand out and stopped Aquaboy's attack. Then she re-directed it back at him and hit him into a building. Ms. Fortune said, "Later, losers." Ms. Fortune got away and took the money from the van with her. Sungirl got up and said, "This is bad." Heatgirl said, "Well, it's not that bad." Aquaboy said, "What do you mean? We just lost." Heatgirl said, "True, but it wasn't our fault." Aquaboy said, "I repeat. What do you mean?" Heatgirl said, "Follow me." Heatgirl flew off, and her team followed her back home.

Once they got there, Heatgirl looked it up on their computer. Heatgirl said, "Look at this. It's not us; it's her. Ms. Fortune is causing all our bad luck." Sungirl said, "How?" Heatgirl clicked a button on the computer, and it showed them the necklace Ms. Fortune stole from the jewelry store. Iceboy said, "That's the necklace from the museum. Heatgirl said, "And it's not just any necklace. It's The Necklace of Bad Luck. Whoever wears it has the power to cause misfortune to others and become untouchable." Sungirl said, "There has to be a weakness." Heatgirl did some research and said, "There is. There's a lucky cuff that gives whoever wears it the power to be lucky and do anything. The bracelet also has the power to cancel the necklace's power." Sungirl said, "Well, where is it? It's the only thing that can stop Ms. Fortune." Heatgirl investigated it and said, "This says it got transferred to The Las Angeles Museum yesterday."

The Justice Brigade went to the museum, and Heatgirl used her Heat Sensing Vision to look through the walls. Heatgirl saw Ms. Fortune inside the museum looking for the cuff. Heatgirl said, "Uh oh, she's already inside." Iceboy said, "We got to catch her before she gets her hands on that charm." The Justice Brigade walked in, and Iceboy got an idea. Ms. Fortune found the cuff in the jewel exhibit and said, "Perfect. Once I steal that." Ms. Fortune was just about to grab the cuff when she turned around and gasped. Sungirl flew in and said, "You're not taking anything." Ms. Fortune put an evil look on her face and said, "I'm not? Oh, please. Just try to stop me." Sungirl said, "We will." Ms. Fortune said, "We?" Sungirl pointed at the two other exits, and Ms. Fortune saw Heatgirl guarding one and Aquaboy protecting the other. Sungirl said, "They're going to keep us in one place. Now, let's get to business." Ms. Fortune held her necklace up to Sungirl with a smirk, and Sungirl saw it glow.

Sungirl took one step forward, and she slipped on the rug. Ms. Fortune said, "Ooh. A good start." Ms. Fortune laughed because she thought they still didn't know what was happening to them. Sungirl said, "I'll still take you on." Sungirl got up and tried blasting Ms. Fortune with her powers, but her powers reflected off Ms. Fortune's necklace and got re-directed at her. Then Sungirl fell to the ground again. Ms. Fortune said, "You may as well give up. But your kind never gives up, do they? So, I'll swipe my prize and..." Ms. Fortune tried taking The good luck cuff but couldn't. She looked behind her and saw it was already attached to Iceboy's arm. Iceboy put a smirk on his face and showed Ms. Fortune he had the bracelet. Iceboy said, "Looking for something?"

Ms. Fortune became enraged since Iceboy had what she wanted. Ms. Fortune pointed her necklace at Iceboy and said, "Fall, freeze yourself, destroy one of your friends. I command you." Then, a beam shot from Ms. Fortune's necklace, but an identical beam shot from Iceboy's cuff matched it. Iceboy said, "Sorry, but not in this century." Iceboy's beam canceled Ms. Fortune's beam and knocked her over. Iceboy said. "Looks like we're even again." Ms. Fortune said, "I still have my necklace." Ms. Fortune ran by Sungirl, who got tangled in the chandelier, and Iceboy went after her.

Iceboy followed Ms. Fortune to the fossil exhibit and lost her. Iceboy said, "I know you're here somewhere." Ms. Fortune hid inside one of the dinosaurs and then used her powers to break the chord holding the rib cage hanging from the ceiling. When it dropped, it fell on Iceboy and trapped him in it. Ms. Fortune emerged from hiding, stood ahead of Iceboy, and looked at him. Ms. Fortune said, "Nice try, but I got you; you don't have me." Iceboy said, "Do you?" Iceboy walked out of the rib cage, and Ms. Fortune saw that the ribcage had no closing. Then Iceboy kicked Ms. Fortune, and she fell to the ground. Once she did, Iceboy took the lousy luck necklace off Ms. Fortune and the excellent luck cuff off himself. After they beat Ms. Fortune, they gave the police both charms and brought them to two separate museums. They also took Ms. Fortune and sent her to jail, where her team was. Sungirl said, "Too bad you can't always wear that." Iceboy said, "Yes, but that would be too easy." Iceboy then winked at Sungirl, and Sungirl felt proud of him.

The End