
The Journey to Porto Biondo

Running late, the young Lionel Shepard just about made it onto his train for his Summer holiday. However, his lateness didn't sit quite well with one of his fellow passengers, a businessman who sat right beside him. With them both getting off on the wrong foot and with their journey to Porto Biondo taking a total of two days, how would they two learn to accommodate themselves to one another? Would their journey end in an awkward departure, or would their 2-day journey to Porto Biondo be the one they'll remember for the rest of their lives?...

Strale_theauthor · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5.

Not long passed before the train slowed down and halted for its second stop. Earlier in the morning, they entered the country of Arittoria. Their stop in this new country was nothing short of scenic.

With the train station located so close to the seaside, the beach was visible in the distance and it seemed to be swallowed by the broad ocean. And by the horizon, islands protruded from the body of water and rose into the sky for hundreds of metres. Variations in the sizes of islands were vast.

Lionel found himself in awe, gazing at their beauty. Above him, the crying of seagulls was heard as the birds flew toward the water.

Without him realising, to his right, Carter was on his way back toward Lionel. He held something in both of his hands.

"Lionel," Carter's voice pulled him out of his trance. Looking up at the man who approached him, he held out that something in front of him—ice cream. "Here...".

"Ah, thank you!". As soon as he took hold of it, Lionel brought the cone to his lips before licking the cold snack.

"It's a hot day, so I thought it'd do us both good, a cone of ice cream," Carter said, looking at Lionel.

Pausing after a second or two, Lionel's gaze met Carter's. A sheepish smile grew on Lionel's lips. "First the dinner and now this ice cream. You shouldn't have, Carter...".

"Hush and eat, or else it'll melt," Carter responded. "Besides, it was only like two dollars.".

In the end, Lionel sheepishly responded, "Thank you.".

Just like the day prior, the heat followed them, and - if anything- the high Summer temperatures seemed more intense in Arittoria.

With both Lionel and Carter standing under a shadow projected from the roof of the station to protect them from the scorching sun, they slowly licked their ice cream.

"So..." Carter began, breaking the silence. "You said you're a scientist. What do you do in the vast field of science?".

"Well..." Lionel began. "I contribute to the research and development of medications.".

"So kinda like a job in Pharmaceutical science?".

"Yes, precisely," Lionel responded. "And you said you were a businessman... Is there... is there anything more to it?".

At first, Carter chuckled. "I'm afraid not. That's all there is to it. A man who does business...". Once more, silence. Carter tried to think of a topic to bring up in his and Lionel's conversation. "What do you do in your free time, Lionel?".

Licking his ice cream, his gaze returned back to Carter. "Well... I mean, when I have time, I love to listen to music and write a bit. Nothing serious though. I also enjoy going for walks and I love cooking.". Briefly pausing, he tried to think of anything else he could add. But with his pursing his lips, he realised nothing more could be said. When his gaze returned to Carter, he saw the way his eyes were raised ever so slightly. "Why are you looking at me like that? Was it something I said?".

"No, no. I am just surprised," Carter replied, not being able to lift his eyes off Lionel.

"Alright... now you tell me, what do you do in your free time?".

"I... well, I also enjoy listening to music. A lot actually. I like to exercise, I also really enjoy reading which is why I am taken back ever so slightly when you said that you write.". Carter proceeded to make another pause, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "What do you write?".

"Oh, it's like... poems really. I write short stories also, but it's a rarity. I don't have such mental capacity to carry on an idea for all too long. Let alone multiple of such," Lionel responded. "What do you like to read?".

"I think I usually gravitate toward action-packed stories, crime stories. In recent times though, I found myself drawn toward romance," Carter responded.

"And who's your favourite author?" Lionel further inquired.

Letting a blow of air through his lips, he found a hard time trying to think of a response. "I... I am unsure..." Carter started, letting a mere laugh crack through the surface. "I would have to go with Lilian Clarke, or maybe Mavis Stone.".

"Lilian Clarke?" Lionel almost gasped. "I love her! She's a rare phenomenon in the Veursian, criminal literature.".

"You do? You know her too?". Carter couldn't help but feel mere excitement swirl in the pit of his stomach. "Is she your favourite too?".

"I do love her, but I'd be more into romance as opposed to crime. So, I think I'd have to go with Morris MacIntosh, however, one can never go wrong with a bit of Theodore Baraville either.".

"I've heard that the Clarke sisters are also pretty talented," Carter began. "And wasn't one of the Clarke sisters married to Theodore himself?".

"I believe it was Tamara Clarke..." Lionel replied. "I know there were 5 or 6 Clarke sisters. With Eileen and Tamara Clarke being the only two sisters who proceeded to go down the path of literature.".

With Carter nodding his head, a moment of silence ensued before Carter decided to break it once again. "Do you think that Lilian Clarke is related to them?".

"I don't think she is..." Lionel responded. 

With them both eating the final bit of their ice cream, they disposed of the tissue that came with the ice cream cone.

"So, where do we go from here?" Carter asked. "We can go back into the train, but we'll cook in the heat, or we can walk around for a bit more and then go back onto the train... and cook less.".

"The latter sounds the better of the two options," Lionel responded, chuckling as he followed Carter.

Minutes passed before they found themselves in a befitting loop that led around the station. Mere chatter carried on between them both, with moments of silence filling up any gaps in their conversation.

"So, tell me..." Lionel began. "In all honesty, Carter, you're a good-looking man. You've got to have a girlfriend or something back at home, in Veursau...".

"Bold of you to think my partner could be a girlfriend," Carter responded, a smile patched onto his lips. It only grew when he saw the slight shock expressed on Lionel's face—the subtle reddening of his cheeks.

'C-could it mean that... he has a boyfriend?' Lionel couldn't help but ask himself.

"But no, I am single...". The smile on Carter's face was reduced to a fraction of what it was seconds ago. "I told you about my ex back on the train. Ever since then, I haven't really been able to find someone else...".

"You couldn't find anyone because... you're still hung up on her?".

"Oh, no, no. Not at all. No one really caught my attention, that's what I meant," Carter replied. "What about you? I'm guessing you have someone at home.".

Lionel laughed at his words. "I can only wish...".

"What? He doesn't live with you?".

"'He'? Bold of you to assume I'd have a man at home, waiting for me," Lionel responded, returning Carter's wordplay and the smile on his lips failing to go away.

"Well, do you?" Carter asked, his smile matching Lionel's

"No, I don't. As a matter of fact, I don't have a man in my life.".

Carter raised his brows ever so slightly in mere surprise. "Really? Have I made a mistake then? Do you have a girlfriend?".

"No, no I don't," Lionel responded, his smile receding ever so slightly. "I am single, just like you.".

"And how could that be possible?... A guy like you all single," Carter started before he raised his hand and began counting on his long fingers, "You've for the brains... You're kind... Humorous... Engaging...".

"You're too generous with your compliments, Carter. Thank you," Lionel started. "But I could say the same for you too. You're funny... kind... caring. You've obviously got the brains too, I mean, you're a businessman at the end of the day. So you're doing something right!".

"Look who's being generous with their compliments now!" Carter laughed out. The smile on his lips showed off his white teeth and Lionel sure did notice. 

Carter's smile set off waves racing from his chest throughout his body. Like tsunamis. Lionel felt himself slowly heat up. "I- I mean, I only speak of the truth, Carter.".

"Ah, hush...". With that, a much anticipated moment of silence ensued. 

It gave Lionel a chance to try and calm his nerves.

"Would you look at that...". Carter looked at an establishment nearby. "All these laps and I only noticed it now. Do you wanna go for a drink?".

"A drink? Where??" Lionel inquired, looking behind him to where Carter looked toward. "There?". He pointed to the small shop that had a free table.

"If you want to... we still have a bit of time until the train leaves.".

"I mean... sure..." Lionel surrendered.

With them both taking a seat and with a drink ordered between each, they slowly sipped away.

"Lionel, I want to tell you something...". 

"I'm paying by the way..." Lionel spoke up instantly. Which, in turn, caused Carter to laugh. "It's only fair, Carter.". 

"You're cute, you know that?" Carter spoke out. 

"I think I've heard such not too long ago, Carter.".

"But now I really mean it, Lionel. Especially when your cheeks go red like they are now...".

"Carter..." Lionel blurted out. His cheeks only further reddening at the mention of his reaction. 'What is happening to me... Why am I reacting like this?'. "I hope you realise I like men, Carter.".

"I think you've made such a fact clear a little bit ago. But what about it?".

"Just thought you should know. Since you called me cute...".

"Quite frankly, I don't have the memory of a goldfish, Lionel," Carter responded, putting the straw of his drink into his mouth. "I know what I said.".

"So..." Lionel began. "Are you then also... gay?".

"I don't know what I am," Carter responded. "But honestly, I don't want to think too deeply about it all. I like who I like.".

Lionel's cheeks flared up again ever so slightly. "That's a good way to live by.".

"It is," Carter responded. "I've never had a boyfriend before, but there's a first to everything as they say.". He passed merely. "Have you ever had a boyfriend, Lionel?".

He shook his head. "No...".


"You sound surprised, Carter...".

"No, no... I just thought... Since you look cute, I thought you had someone like that in your life before," Carter responded.

"I can only wish... But I guess it's not my time though. Not just yet.".

Carter nodded to his words. And with Lionel looking down at his wristwatch, he took a note of what time it was. "Should we begin our way back?".

"Sure, yeah," Carter responded. "But I have to run to the restroom very quickly.".

"Sure thing. I'll go and pay then.".

"Wait till I come back," Carter responded and stood up, leaving no room for Lionel to retort. "I'll be back in a few.".

With Lionel all alone, he surfed his phone. Not even two minutes passed when he heard Carter's voice. "Are we ready?".

"Yeah, lemme just go and pay-".

"No need..." Carter answered back.

"W-what do you...". And then it sunk within Lionel. "You... you didn't...".

"Come on," Carter spoke up again, trying not to let a smile appear on his lips.

"You paid?? But... I said I'll pay... Carter...".

"You'll pay for something else, Lionel," Carter responded. "Besides, I don't keep a receipt of who needs to pay back and who doesn't.".

"It's not about that, Carter. It's the fact that you've spent your money. On me...".

Carter stopped before turning around. He took a step or two toward Lionel. It only made their height difference that bit more obvious. 

"And I've no regrets... However, I'm sure you'll find a sufficient enough way to pay me back," Carter's words were followed by a wink, and with that, he turned on his feet and proceeded his way toward the train. Leaving Lionel blushing harder than ever.