
Chapter Seven- Chris

Louisa woke up with a start, all bothered and sweaty. She had been having a wet dream.


Ever since she had heard that Will was in town, she just couldn't stop thinking about him.

But she had to. She chided herself. The insensitive bastard was getting married, and he had broken her heart. Nothing could repair their relationship but her subconscious wouldn't accept that.

With a sigh, She grabbed her phone from her bedside drawer and checked the time.

It was 4:30 am. She definitely wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep anymore, even if she tried.

Today was a Saturday, meaning she had no work, so she figured she'd just while away time by doing some cleaning. She had promised Isabel that they'd go out later in the day, and she couldn't wait. They hadn't hanged out in a long time.

By 8am, the whole family was up, and breakfast had already been had. Louisa and her daughter were going to the Efua Sutherland Children's park. There was a show going on there that Isabel had expressed interest in, and she didn't know that that was where her mum was taking her for it was a surprise. Mrs. Mensah had graciously declined the offer to tag along, because she had plans with Melissa's nanny and didn't really want to cancel.

The duo finally got to the park amidst Isabel's cries of excitement. Try as she might, her mum had been tight-lipped about where they were going and nothing Isabel had done could make her budge, but as they neared the park, she had figured it out on her own, hence the screaming.

She threw her arms around her mother in appreciation as soon as they had found a spot to park and alighted from the car.

"Honestly mum...you're the best."

Louisa laughed. "I know love. You have your phone with you right?"

Isabel nodded in the affirmative.

"I also have some snacks and water in my bag pack mum. I'll be fine."

Louisa grinned in satisfaction. "Alright. I'll be at the cafe over there. You call me when you're done okay. Or if you need something. Have fun."

With that mother watched her child head towards the Skygirls programme. Louisa had researched about them....the Skygirls... they were a group of girls who sought to empower teens to be who they wanted to be and to believe in themselves. She loved their message, so she figured she'd staunchly support her daughter when she began to take interest.

Louisa ordered for a second glass of orange juice as she scrolled through her news feed on Instagram. She had funnily wanted to bring along some work so she'd be productive but her mother would have none of it.

"Put yourself out there Louisa. You're beautiful and men won't hesitate to fall at your feet. Just give them a chance." Her mother had said.

Louisa smiled at the thought. She was glad her mother didn't talk about dating and marriage much like she had seen some people's mothers do.

One friend she knew, Yaaba had her mum pestering her so much that the poor woman went abroad and never contacted her family till she had found someone and they had gotten married.

Louisa was so lost in thought that her name had to be called twice before she came to her senses.

"Goodness Louisa, I've been standing here for a couple of minutes now. You seemed so far gone."

Louisa squinted, trying to remember the handsome face standing before her but try as she might she couldn't get it right.

"Uh...you seem familiar but pardon me, I can't remember who you are." She stated shyly.

"Oh don't worry, I understand. It's me, Chris Ayettey. We went to Uni together, remember?" The well dressed handsome man smiled.

Had Louisa been fair, she would have been blushing like there was no tomorrow. Chris. They had been....you could say friends back when she was in Legon. They were both in law school, and did the occasional group work together but that was just about it. The last time Lou heard about him, he had been abroad.

"Oh my God. Chris! It's been so long."

She stood up to give him a handshake (a hug would have been too awkward) and motioned for him to sit amidst laughter.

Chris grinned. "I can see you still have that cute laughter of yours. You really haven't changed."

The two engaged in conversation for about two hours. It had been just like old times, even better.

Chris admired Louisa as she spoke, her toothpaste commercial smile, her alluring eyes and gosh...the dimples. She could bring any man down and the cutest thing was she didn't know it.

Oh and her body.

Don't even get him started on her body, he was but a man with feelings and he had to adjust himself several times during their conversation to feel comfortable.

Louisa halted conversation when she saw her daughter approach their table.

"Isa is everything alright?" She asked worriedly as she stood up to assess the teenager. She looked worn out but had the biggest smile on her pretty face."

"Of course mum. I can't be any better. Today has been the best day of my life." Isabel laughed and stretched dramatically for effect.

Her mother joined in on the laughter. "Hey! You said the same thing on your last birthday."

Shaking her head, the duo giggled and it took Chris's throat clearing to make Louisa remember her manners.

She made introductions. "Oh Chris. I'm so sorry. This is my daughter Isabel. Isa this is Chris....a friend."

A daughter. She must be married then.

He quickly checked her ring finger and realised there was no ring. He let out a breath of relief. He was going to pursue her with his everything, it seemed fate was giving him a second chance and he wasn't going to let it pass him by.

"Hello Isabel, such a pretty name for a pretty young lady." He stated.

Isabel smiled politely. She liked the man....he seemed ...mesmerized by her mum and he was nice. It was a win win situation.

"Nice to meet you Uncle Chris."

"Now young lady. Why didn't you call? I told you to when the show was done." Louisa said in her serious face.

"Mum. I could see you from my spot so why call? I'm a big girl now you know?" Child said breezily with mother rolling her eyes in mock annoyance.

"I know honey..." Louisa pulled her daughter into her arms and ruffled her hair. "But you will always be my baby girl."

Chris looked on in....awe. Louisa's interaction with her daughter was ...turning him on. It made her even more desirable and.. he knew that he'll have to make a move if he wanted to see her again.

Standing up, he said. "Uh Louisa, I'll have to take my leave now."

"Oh. So soon?" Louisa innocently asked.

Chris laughed. "It's been two hours love."

Isabel could barely keep her smile at bay. He called mum love. He must really really like her then.

Chris continued. "I have a business proposition for you Louisa. But I'll have to talk to my partner first. So give me your card, I'll keep in touch."

Isabel was full on grinning now. He's really smooth. I like him for mum.

Louisa on the other hand was so lost as she ransacked her handbag for a business card.

She sighed when she found one. "Here Chris. Do keep in touch and it was nice seeing you again."

Chris grinned. "Likewise. And it was nice meeting you too, Isabel. Alright. I have to get going. Another time."

"Bye." The duo chorused. Mother and daughter settled into their seats as Louisa ordered another glass of orange juice.

Isabel was wriggling her eyebrows so much that Louisa could no longer ignore her.

"What!!" She laughed.

"He likes you mum."

"What? That's why you're wriggling your eyebrows? Please. He's probably married with kids." Louisa laughed in disbelief.

Isabel winked. "I checked his ring finger mum...He's definitely not married....and you're welcome."

Louisa was shocked. Her daughter was really growing up. Laughing she said, "Finish your juice young lady."

As they drove home, Isabel recounted tales of the show and how she got to meet certain celebrities. The young girl was very hyper, so hyper that it wasn't a surprise that she passed out even before they could get to the independence square.

The peace and quiet made Louisa reflect on the day's happenings. Christian Ayettey. Back then he had been really nerdy, but he was cute. Now all his boyish charm had evaporated and had been replaced with manly charisma. Louisa had felt some kind of attraction but she didn't really want to think about it.

"Mum?" Isabel murmured.


"Can we get fried rice from Papaye please?"

"No honey. There's food at home. But we can get some ice cream though."

Isabel nodded and went back to sleep.

Louisa turned on the radio, tuned in to some soothing country music and hummed along as she steered them home.