
The Journey To Immortality

All the misfortune in Siyang's life were part of his destiny. From the day he was born in the first world, he was destined to die at the age of fifteen. And the four worlds he'd been to, he died at the age of fifteen. In the first world, he was known as the youngest genius businessman, Luo Siyang In his second life, He was known as the youngest cold blooded assassin, Mu Siyang In the third world, he was the powerful demon prince and in the fourth world, he was the disguised princess who killed ten thousand years old turtles and was forced to death by the king.  One thing for sure was in all these worlds, he didn't experience happiness. The terrifying thing was, after he left a world, he wouldn't remember anything again. That's why he kept repeating the same mistake.  Li Siyang promise himself that in this life, he won't die so easily. Because he wasn't born here, but was Transmigrated. He met seven other youths, and they became the `Squad 7' of Snow Tower Academy. Li Siyang = Leader

Grace_Gaye · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Li Xie Ying looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. Life was still going on, but her life was about to come to an end. No one would be able to keep her alive, currently, there's no way to save her.

A Palace guard keck the stone she was standing on, as the stone fell, the rope on her neck tightened, she was hung on the tree. After a while, she could no longer hold and waved her hand to her dad "live well, Father." She closes her eyes and drops her head. Having lost all of her spiritual energy after sealing the thousands of years of odd turtles, she was no less than an ordinary human, yet, these people weren't grateful and decided to take her life, afraid that she would be a threat to them.

Li Fei pushed those guards that were stopping him, he ran to the stage and hugged his daughter's dead body crying, "Xiu Ying, wake up. Xiu Ying, did you hear what I say? Wake Up, Father will take you away. Father will take you to a place where you don't have to suffer. Xiu Ying? Why aren't you responding? Xiu Ying! Xiu Ying! Wake Up! Ah...."

Others look at him with pity but there was nothing they could do. The sky darkened, as darkness took over the earth, thunder rumbled in the sky as lightning struck down to the earth. The heavens didn't accept the sacrifice.

Li Xie Ying was sleeping on the bed when she heard a voice next to the bed "My Princess today, is the last day if you don't wake up, the doctor said you will never wake up again. You have gone through the worst already, are you giving up now?"

Hearing the tense voice Li Xie Ying open her eyes. "My Princess, you are awake I know you won't die." the girl exclaimed

Li Xie Ying put a finger to her mouth meaning silent the girl nodded her head obediently but the excitement can be seen in her eyes. Xie Ying looked at her from head to toe and asked: "Who are you?"

The girl answered without thinking "I am Li Na, your servant. I have been serving you for seven years now. Your highness." Li Na didn't give it a second thought knowing that her Princess had been in a coma for two weeks.

Xie Ying looks around the room outside down at every corner. This is not her room although it looks similar and this girl said she'd served her several years, she may remember her maid. Where is this place? From what she recalls, just a few minutes ago she was killed leaving everything behind including her dad. Could it be… Wait! Where is Dede?

"Dede? Dede wakes up."

"I wasn't sleeping, your Highness. What can I do for you?" Dede asked

"Good you are not dead."

"As long as you are alive I won't die your Highness." Dede response

The two uses mind communication

Dede is a nine-tailed fox spirit that's stuck with Xie Ying she can transfer It to a pet to give it a physical form. The first pet that she uses was a dog her dad gave as a birthday present she named Dede. After she was killed Dede left the dog's body and followed her.

"Um, Dede, do you know where this place is? And why does this girl call me princess? Aren't I supposed to be dead?" Xie Ying asked

"This is the Rong Kingdom." Dede said, thought for a while and continue "And this is the royal family Li palace, here you are princess Xie Ying, the third princess of the Rong kingdom "LI XIE YING'' The heart of the king."

"Wait a minute Dede," Xie Ying interrupts "that is my original name if that's the case, then why I'm in the Rong kingdom which I never hear about before, and then have a maid for seven years overnight?" She asked

"My princess, you do remember that you were killed in public right?" Dede asks but Xie Ying didn't answer "Don't worry it's not time to tease you yet. This body you took over died five minutes before your death, she died from food poison and this maid is her most trusted servant, she was poisoned by her stepsister and her royal mother but no one believes that her royal mother would kill her. You were given a second chance to live all thanks to her. Before her death, she uses the soul transmigration formula to summon any available soul, luckily you were chosen." Dede explain

"The act of passing into another body after death: the transmigration of the soul. I read about it before but I didn't think it was real. Dede, is there anything I need to do?" Aske Xie Ying

"There is nothing special to do then live a second life. Moreover, the third princess doesn't hold a grudge against people except wanting to get close to her mother and sister, and brothers. Her first and second sisters were adopted by her royal mother but the woman liked and favored the two girls for some unknown reason. She also has two older brothers and a younger brother, the crown prince (Li Yujun), the second prince (Li Xijiu), and the fourth prince (Li Junhai). Li Xie Ying isn't treated well by her royal mother and siblings, only her dad (King Li Simeon) treats her well. Your personality is the same as hers." Dede paused and said in a teased voice "there's no need to act, this is not a fantasy novel where after transmigration, you'll either be a host, the main character, or a side character."

This starting isn't good but I'm sure you won't be disappointed as the story goes on

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