
A sister's Birthday

We all have that one special person

With who'm we share our fears

Our love, our thoughts and mostly our meals

In my case its a her

Who has tortured me for too long

And now sometimes I realise

How much I would miss her if she were gone

She steels all my dresses

From lipsticks to purses

And its not long until she comes for my pulses

And I know she thinks she's pretty

But there's something she doesn't know

That no matter how hard she tries

She'll always resemble a gnome

And i wish i could tell her

How much she means to me

But the truth of the matter is simple

I hate to be chopped from one peice

In the end I'd like to disclose

The name to all the misses

It was after all my stupid sister

It was her birthday

And it would have been wrong

If I wouldn't have written this poem

For my big bottomed tart