
The Journey of True love

Love Story Of My Second wife How she became my second wife.

David_Paul_2388 · Fantasy
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The journey of true love




How she became my second wife

David Paul

It was like a dream, but it all happens, and go, love is what makes a great end

We thought that what makes a man for one is because there is no life for more than one

But life is time and time is experience, when it is the time, it will come and go but remain in the heart of them who make a happy end.

Susan, is my story because she completes me, and with her, the definition of love was given in a way that it cannot be denied

The incredible power is in the word of them who has love in them, Susan has these words.

It all happened but when it is happening, will may not notice that we are creating a future filed with Surprises

sometimes our imaginations could come to reality even when we call it a night mare.

Am telling you never to forget everything happens for the benefits of woman, but it's another story to tell, it only the men who are wise will understand this, it all end up in pain the suffer it the must because the enjoy it the most.

May the knowledge be open to them who seek for knowledge and they find out the meaning behind every sing life that we are embedded on, we live in myth fabricated for the benefit of other people, based on there on experiences hoping we are trying to make things right under the intoxication of the word called love.

I never call it a trial but it all happens in the process of which is visible, seen, feel, how it be it never happen or come in existence,

it happens between me, Daniel and Clara and my wife Susan, how could it be it was a night mere nor an imagination but believe me love come or happens to them who are open to the universe,

those who seek for God wisdom of loving and those seek for understanding no body is chasing anybody but we are suffering from the pain caused by the unknown decisions by us.

If only we tend to know the meaning of what we thought we know and work toward the meaning of the word called love,

how could it be that we allowed love to manifest it's self before we incur our own prodded definition of what we called love.

June 2020 was the month I may not forget in my entire life because it started because of the general short down (COVID 19) but how could it be that was when a life, love and unprojectable love life began, I called it the revaluation of a new beginning.

This was the first time in humanity for the entire world to stay indoor not because of a physical fight or war but because of the discovery in human ability

we all suffer from the choices we made in other to gain more wealth or power, the question is what will it profit a man to gain the whole world

or make the whole people to bow down for one man and you will end up a regretful end.

this was when a new journey of new life, new relationship and new marriage started, it all started from me (Daniel)

I have a strong fever because all this time the country has not been functioning well, we had no light neither do I have enough to keep my family, it's not easy on many men this time.

I was hospitalizing without me knowing until my eyes was open to realize that I was in the hospital, I never knew I have been in Comer over an hour in the hospital

the fever was the higher one, why won't it be, spending over three months in darkness.

How could it be that you will not be forced to be friend with many mosquitos, June normally is among the rainy months, is always raining and more life is giving to the mosquitos

the find it so easy to live younger in the dark which is also the time for proper feeding in the communities of mosquitos.

I spent two weeks in the hospital because of the proper checkmate of the corvid 19 virus because the country and the world are no more a safe place to be again, am telling you, human bean will build and still destroy their world.

I was detained in the hospital because of the fear of the virus which made the government to stop movement all over the world.

When I was discharge from the hospital we went home, I spent two weeks before I regain myself to normal, but before recovery it was like hail on earth

we had nothing to feed well my two children hope, Allura and my wife Susan and me, who is still recovering from weakness, not that I have work nor any means of making money.

It seems that this had never happens under this sun, but it's a short story that took over a year.

After I am okay my wife started a serious illness that nearly make me want to ask God why, are my burn with pain and still supposed to die in pain,

life hasn't been easy for me even why growing, why are the still following me even as I get marriage father in heaven if I have done you any wrong, please forgive me the pain is too much.

It's all a discipline, that makes our story so strong.

I took my wife to the hospital with no penny, frustration became my second brother, this time I wish to open the earth and found myself in another world where there is no pain nor cry

I wish I can vanish I wish I can question God or after many tears' money will start to come from nowhere but to no avail.

Then, I thought pain is an enemy because I called it my worst enemy but believe me pain is never an enemy pain is the only way to heal but this time, I was healed with the one who later became my second lover and second wife.

Clara a goddess a woman with quantum's she deserved to be love in return but how was it if I missed this love story to the world and take it to the grave without a spell to your name,

how could it be if there is no such existence of you, who will be accrued to this beautiful honor you are called love.

there is no balance in life but it all elusion if you find that person who completes you, believe me even the pendulums will find its resting point.

My wife was admitted to the hospital with no hope but the doctor gave me hope when the attended to her with no money deposited,

this was the only chance I had because we spent many months indoors hopping, she will get better but to no avail

it was happening y like a movie but really reality.

Life is a journey with fine wine, if only you endured to the end.

the journey of life comes with different faces but it really hot when it hurts.

I have no money to go home after a help from whom I did not even know he helped me to take my wife to hospital, I need to go home to visit my kids over a long hour of living them at home,

it will take me more than two hours to reach home because I don't have money for transport.

what a life field with many agonies, on my way home, I meet a beautiful woman who is stranded on her way home, this was when a new chapter began in my life, should I say why did it come to be.

But she is the one who completes me when it seems that, there is no helper in human existence.

Clara was stranded when I was passing, hi she greeted when I almost passed her,

Hi, I returned the greetings to her.

To how it might be if I know she is the one, Please I was stocked here for over an hour.

She spoke.

What happened? I inquired.

My car could not move, may be is heat up,

Are you sure you have oil in the engine? sometime when a car oil or water is not gaged well, it might cause overheating, wow that would be the problem she replied.

Believe me women like men who understands their problem and have the solution to solving the problem.

Where are you coming from? she asked, Hamm, I don't really know what to say, should I be honest or change the whole pain to sweet life, thinking in my mind, really honest is what reviews the truth.

Yeah, just coming from the hospital.

What happened, who is not feeling fine, hope you are, okay? she inquired.

Yes, but not really.

what's wrong, hope is not serous one and who is that?

Is my wife, she is not okay, she is having a severe fever.

So how is she now, hope she is getting better?

Not really, we just got to the hospital few hours ago.

Still in the talk I found out that the water thank that supplies water to the radiator is dried up

the car goth heated up because there is no water in the engine.

this is the sign that show she is the owner of the car and probably not yet marriage

I never imagined that but later I found out.

Hmm, Can I know your name, oh am Clara, am Daniel.

Is nice to meet you, you are welcome.

we greeted awesomely.

You don't have enough water in your engine.

she shouted, that is true, is been more than two weeks I field up the water.

So grateful to have you today, you are welcome.

Thanks to God, behind there is a little stream, and she gat two empty rigorizes in her car, I used the two can to Fetch the water, few minutes the car engine started again.

Am so happy that you met me here, I spent time waiting but you rescue me with the solution of my problem, you know what, no I responded, I will like to see your wife

Sure, thanks.

We drove from there back to the hospital, this time my wife situation is in the hands of the lord, she could not recognize me neither to the person who came to see her, she didn't know if someone is with me.

then the doctor has given the bill of what I need to do for a proper medication.

How could it be that there is nothing called helper, because my helper this time is unknown woman who redeemed the life of my wife till the day, she left the hospital.

when I collected the paper base on what the test result is, the money is big but how could it be that 75k will one day be a small money to my existence that was what I asked myself as she transfer the money without waiting or seeking for adjustment.

Ok, don't worry, she said as she collected the paper from me, let's call the doctor for immediate medications

who are me to pay the money to? She asked.

A girl came from the reception with the hospital account number, within some seconds she transfers the money.

Let me tell you the truth, its sweets the body of any man when a woman helped him more than any other thing on this earth.

I don't know how to express my excitement to her, I felt as if I was rescued from the hole of death, I nearly knelt down for her.

how could it be if her car didn't not get heated.

Everything happens for a reason, believe me or leave it the journey between us started when her car stopped her on her way home.

This was when I get to see her, know her, get connected with her.

Love can be found anywhere, even in the water or in the fire you can still find your helper and your lover

that person who will love you for what it means to be loved, you will find them in any situation am telling you this.

Sometime it all comes in an on expected way, but this one, is a miracle, yes is really a miracle.

After making the payment, and appreciating her, she said she want to go and meet up with her schedule

and I said OKAY, and I need to see my kids.

Your kids she asked? yes, I have two kids.

Let's go I will like to meet them, what a great day.

We drove home from there, when get home my two kids ran to me, me my kids, this is Hope and Allura, hi, how are you doing? she greeted.

I don't know if she noticed my kids, they are hungry because we left home many hours ago, she surprises again

guess what's that, what happened again, she sent 25k to me again after the payment she had in the hospital.

Dany, she called me, please can I help you, just want to send you small cash to buy something for my little friend

it was like a dream; it seems is not happening to me this time.

What a sweet name she called me, my name to be, then she collected my phone number, and left to her.

That was how I was saved from the frustration am facing on how to get money for my wife hospital bills and having enough cash that moment.

The nest day she called me to check on how things is going my wife health and if everything is going aright with me.

When she called, hello, Hi I replied.

Dany, how are you doing, this name makes me to like her the more, her voice was so sweet on calls, hope you are okay and your wife health how is she doing?

hope she is recovering?

Yes, I thank God the medications are working well on her, she can talk now than that yesterday, and she has eaten something before now.

Thank God to here, I will come to visit you later, ok thank.

She ended up the call.

I don't know what to call her, a friend, sister, or a savior, she deserves to be called any name worth calling a helper, a savior, a kind hearted woman.

It's morning time when she called, then I just finished cooking and getting my children ready before I left home to check on my wife in the hospital before she gets hunger too much.

I was on my way going to the hospital when a car beep on me, guess who, is Clara she is coming to the hospital to check on me.

Hi Dany, this is the third time she called me that way, where are you going? oh, to the hospital, am coming to meet up with you.

Thanks for everything, I don't really know how to thank you, you came in to my life like a Goddess, you save me and help me out when I have no hope thanks so much.

Honestly, she completes me these days, we get to the hospital together, my wife is getting better this time, she can talk now.

She was happy to see me, how are you doing Horney? am getting better, she was happy to see me that moment, I get sat closed to her on the bed, while Clara was standing.

Honey, I called my wife, she looked at me, this is Clara she came to visit you, she is a friend.

Hi Susan, she comes close to my wife, hi miss how are you doing, hope you are getting better now?

Yes, Susan replied, I nice to meet you.

After few minutes she left the hospital and go to work, while I stay with my wife Susana.

The medication was working well on her, I can see some improvement from the previous day than the day she was admitted to the hospital.

That same evening, when I get back home, I was seating with my two little kids. trying to make them happy, so they will not feel their mothers absents.

As we were having little fun, I had a car coming toward my apartment, when I look closely, I realized it was Clara.

This time she came with another big Surprise, hi how are you guys doing, with a smile on her face she hugs Allura, and held Hope, Hi Dany hope you are smiling too? yeah dear.

Love is a drug that when it intoxicates the lover, the do things beyond imagination

but I ask is she made for me? Because it hasn't come in to mind of making her my wife because I so much love my wife that I don't think I can ever do anything outside both of us in the name of love again.

But how could it be, if not for her help, who knows how the life of my wife could have ended because it was when she paid Susan started receiving medications.

As she hugs my kid, she gave me a heavy bag, guess what is inside?

she went home to prepare food for my wife. when she handed me the bag and told me what is inside

I don't know what to do, I felt to cry or to hug are too. Let's go to the hospital, okay, without wasting of much time we get to move to the hospital.

Few days later my wife become more better that she demands to go home, when she came home the next day, we just woke up that very morning, preparing the breakfast, I was in the kitchen when Clare came.

She was going to work and she decide to check on my family.

Hi, she greeted when she came to the seating room, Hi Clara, good morning, dear, how was your night, hope it went well?

Yeah, my night was awesome, and yours? It was splendid.

I just come to know how you guys are doing before going to work? oh thank, I don't really know how to appreciate you for all this kindness, may God continue to reward you.

Amen, she replied.

I will be going now; you've tried thanks so much.

Greet your wife for me when she wakes up, okay, I will reach you on phone later, she said, okay, thanks I appreciated.

In not less than 2 hours I received 10k from her, Clara credit me another money, this time is the fourth time she is helping me with money.

This love is enough, am telling you she has giving me enough of love and has shown me what a caring heart is all about.

I was still at home when she sent me a massage, i.e.,

Hi Dany how was your day going, hope your wife is getting better now?

Can I take you to lunch today? just want to see you out today.

call me when you are ready, I will come to pick you up, ok, thanks.

Why should I reject an offer of the God sent woman to my life field with pain, the biggest choice now is never to say no to you Clara

that was in mind, I never knew that day is going to be a journey.

That was the day I got to know Clara a little better, when I called her in some minutes to 12pm mid-day.

When I called, she was happy to see my call, I think she was hoping to see my call that moment because I haven't finish dialing her, number but she picks the call immediately

Hi Dany, hi, I replied.

Where are you, are out from home?


Okay, I will be coming to your junction to pick you up.

Okay, will be waiting I replied.

Few minutes later she drove to meet up with me down the junction,

Wow you are such a fast driver I just teas her a little.

So which side are we going now?

Okay, I will take you to one of the best ristorantes where I believe in there cooking.

That's cool, I replied.

When we arrive to this beautiful place, really it was a beautiful place.

We chose a hidden side of their bar, where the light is little dimmed because the uses blue light to beautify that side.

Dany, she called me when we sat down.

What will they offer you? Anything I said.

Okay I want to eat fried rice with chicken she requested, and I chose to go by that too.

She starts by asking me about my wife and her health, we were talking about that when the food was served to us.

What a nice food with good aroma

I could not get my eyes out of her as we are eating,

I realize that Clara is just a girl of 30 years in my mind, I never look in to her that way since we have been friends, neither have I ask her anything about her, while she never stop gifting me and my family.

This time is the only chance and time I have to know the woman who has been so nice to me.

Clara, I called her, then we are done eating.

Yes, she answered.

I think is better not to just eat and went home, can we use today and the little opportunity to know you more.

Yeah, hope you enjoyed the food? yes, I did, it is very nice, there chef, really is a good one, that's cool, I just want you to try there food today.

That's good, I appreciate, so can I know what you are doing to make money as a lady, and you never told me about your husband

who is this blessed man governing and taking care of this beauty?

I use joke to start a serious conversation.

Tell me what you do?

Okay, hmm, she started,

This place we are belongs to me and I have a place where I spends time every day and that's my factory where I produces organic skin care for woman.

Here we are is my first investment, but the other factory is my dream

it has been in me both when am in school to have a place where I do production of anything.

That's when I discovered organic products and I invested in it for about three years before now.

Wow what a woman with a dynamic life, honored with understanding that separated her from others women, you are such an amazing one.

Thanks, you are welcome.

So, tell me, who is this happy man behind you? he must be blessed; I believe he is among the happy people on earth.

She laughed with an endless smile on her face and ask me question that later come to be.

With smile on her face, she asked me, what if you are called to be the one?

No, I don't really get you, you mean hmm, I got choked.

But you know my family before now?

She asks me a question that I felt I know but couldn't give a single answer as she asks me.

She said, what is love? if love rain we can still make the best couple before death.

This time I don't know if she is the speaking or someone behind her.

How, who give her these thoughts, this is what I was asking myself later, who gave her this understanding?

Believe me love finds its way in the heart and hands of them that are open to the universe, open to understanding, open to loving, open to giving

one thing must lead to another if only we make the start a descent begging.

We continued, no! don't tell me you are not coming from a home, I mean your husband house?

Now I realize why she could call me three to four times a day, why she asked me out for lunch, there is a reason for everything.

Then I decided to ask her again.

Do you have a problem with you husband? I will make sure I bring peace among you trust me, she smiled. That's not the problem.

Do you believe she said she is single, how could this be, a girl like you, Clara?

In my mind I couldn't hold my thoughts of what could be the problem, how is this possible in today's world?

Truely her story made me fall in love with her, I chose to complete the space in her heart that she deserves to be held upon

that is giving her the love she deserved, she needs a man to complete her.

Lunch took over two hours before I realize my wife might need my help at home, she is not yet strong enough to do all things.

She was still talking when I interrupts her, Am our time, I said.

Ohm really, my wife, so sorry let's go, she said.

On our way going, she was happy to have me with her today, as she said.

when we get to where we can buy something, she stopped to a store of which I ask what happen, she said let get things for your kids and wife. wow thanks.

We get to the store, our bags were filed up with different type of food stuff, we drove to my home.

Fortunately, my wife and two kids were watching movie when we arrived, they were happy to see me, but I noticed my wife feelings, it wasn't a good facial expression.

After spending some time with my family, Clara decided to leave to her home.

Shocking to me the next day, I received a text from Clara, she said.

Dany, how could it be that I spend last night with you, all my night was filed with the imagination of how both of us spend cool time in the same bed.

I saw you in my dreams, you give me the best coddle ever, you are my imagination Dany.

Can I see you today, of cause with no withstanding, I reply the massage.

Yeah, I will drop a call when am done.

Like I never imagine, I never for any day want Clara to be my wife, but she really stole my heart within few months of knowing her.

12:30 noon, that was when I finish with home, I make sure my wife will not be needing anything when am out.

I drop a flash call to Clara, she called just 30s I called her.

Hi Dany, Hi. are you done, am coming right away, ok.

Today is another day of new Surprises, how could it be if I had not meet Clara, when we get to where she wants us to meet.

Hi Dany is nice to see you again, yes, nice to meet again.

So, I will take you to another sweet place like yesterday, okay, that's cool.

We drove to where I have never in my life imagine if it can be found in my area but a little far, what an amazing woman.

She just wants to show me of and ease me from frustrating life I have been into, I don't know how she get to know me, like me so deep.

Today am prepared to know the man behind her, because I never believed all she had said the other day.

When we get to the place, she orders for chicken and fruit guise of which for two.

To cut the long story short, when we are done eating, we greeted each other and it's time to talk.

The worst thing a man would do is to be eating from another man sweet without him knowing, but I never know Clara is still single.

Then I started the conversation, Clara can I know what happen between you and your

husband, or why haven't you married?

She looks at me direct to my eyes, with a strong facial oppression, of which not a good one, she asked.

Do you want to know more about me? she asked.

Yes, you've not told me anything regarding to why you are still single.

Yes, life is a place where everyone must carry his or her own cross in a different way, after listening, her story got me shocked, it was a long one but I will tell you small of her story.

She started, I had a man, who is awesome like you, nice body, wealthy, a man any woman would like to fall in love to, he is love and caring.

I never in my entire life believe that one day I will not nor never see him again.

We have been in relationship for more than four years, we started when am still in school

he helps me in school more than any other person has, he made my education so simple that I lack nothing in school.

A year after my graduation, He engaged me, it was a call for happiness, after many years of dating.

We planned to get married at the end of year, massages have been sent across to family and friends.

people knows that we are getting married, it was a great joy to my family and his family too.

A week before our marriage death keep us apart. What happened to him? I ask immediately, He had an accident on his way to his office.

So sorry, my heart beats for her that moment she was talking, I felt to held her closed to me, it was a painful experience, but a new begging to me.

That was how everything began, from that day she made it open to me that she doesn't have or be in the hands of any man things change,

For one day, Clara never stopped calling me in every hour, she could call, text, chart but guess what is a long story.

One faithful day, Clara called me, hi Dany? Please I need you, I want to talk to you please come to my home this evening.

My wife never knew what is going on between us and I don't want anything that will cause any problem in my marriage

I really love my wife and she is the mother of my two kids, how could this be possible.

I leaved to Clara home, she was fully ready for me, she couldn't go to work because I couldn't go off her head

Hi Clara, hi Dany am so happy that you came. this was the third time am going to her home.

What do you have for me? just joking but means a lot to her, she replied, all of me.

Ok, just seat down first, what can I offer you first, just water I replied.

Is all right, she gets me water.

So, what do you have for me, you said you wanted to tell me something.

Yes, she couldn't allow me to finish, really, yes, she said again.

Ok tell me, am all ears.

Clara looks at me the way no one has ever look in to my eyes, Dany? she called.

Please am ready to do anything you ask me to do you for you, my heart has been restless since I meet you

you are always in my head, I couldn't take you off my head, please make me your second wife.

I nearly shout it out when she says so, second wife? yes, she repeated, how, what do you want me to tell my wife.

Then I decided to leave her home with anger on my face, but she didn't allow me to step an inch.

Clara pushed me down to her couch, she was seriously in need of me, she said, am ready to respect you as my husband and as your second

wife, am ready to be by your first wife, am ready to love your two kids and make them my own, please Daniel you are the man in my dreams.

Okay I had you, I pleaded that she allow me to go home and call her later.

ok I will but promise me you will not let go please, I promised her.

That night was a story to tell, I couldn't eat and sleep I couldn't hold myself of what is happening, is this real or just a dream, is love or lost, what can this be?

I was awake to the extent my wife noticed I was awake and worried.

The nest day I called her to know how she is doing and where we can meet up today, which she said is her home.

am afraid because I don't know the level of love, she has for me; I believe that love has the power to do anything if only it's real.

I went to her home, when I get, she cooked and was waiting for me to dine with her.

everything was happening like a movie to me until she proves to me how possible is going to be, me making her my second wife.

We were eating when she asks me if she is not worth enough to be my wife.

Dany? she called me,

can you tell me while we cannot make a happy home? okay, this is my suggestion, I will make it simple for us, I don't think if I can leave you.

I will come to your home; I will meet your wife I believe with tears in my eyes she will understand what it means to be loved.

Dany am ready to kneel before her and beg to be part of her and am going to complete her with love. she will not reject me.

I promise, take me as your own, I love you from the dept. of my heart.

She couldn't allow me to say anything, she made me to believe her with many words and tears.

How could this be, why now am married, what will I tell my two kids, is this a dream or happening to my life, how could this be the will of God.

Many things happen within this time, but how it came to be, the end product of everything marvels me.

I accept all she said and went home that day. when I get home my wife has sensed something is going wrong somewhere.

I came back home almost late hour that day.

My heart? Susan, my wife called me, with tears on her eyes, she asks me.

If you can tell me what going on, the truth I will never cry for you again.

My heart beats like a car engine, I don't know what to say, she was still looking at me direct to my eyes, how can I escape this challenge today.

This is the first time am having issue with my beloved wife, my first wife the woman who teaches what love really meant to be through actions.

I said nothing was going on, I went to see friends.

Then why keeping late time, you have started changing, please don't change from who you have been

I don't think if I can endure pleas, she pleaded.

The big deal is about to happen. Two days later, I was with my wife and kids in my living room when Clara knock on the door.

With tears on her face, she knelt down for my wife, this is in my present and my two kids.

Susan if only you know what it means to love, if you really believe in love, please make me your own, am ready to be by you, I will take your children as my own, I will give you my all.

Susan was confused, what is going on she looked at me, just tell me what's happening, it took us all the evening to calm ourselves down.

When Clara left another fight began, my wife was going crazy, with many thoughts running her head,

why don't she start by asking me questions or fighting me, she don't really know where to start from.

Daniel, this is all you have been hiding from me, is that the friends you have been visiting for long now, can this be possible.

So sorry I have to calm her down first by kneeling down before her, I held her, I cried before she calms down.

Yes, I have been going out to see Clara, but it started when you are in hospital, she has been the one who is supporting me

she paid for the hospital bills, and has been sending money to me since then, she never stops caring for you and my kids.

Am so sorry, it is happening this way, I said know to her but she insisted to show how much we can make a good family even when we are together.

That night was a hot one, we couldn't hold each other, because she never stops crying.

Clara came three time, to plead for her acceptancy but it all happen in the last one that breaks my wife heart.

Love happens to them who gave it understanding, to them who are open to the universe, to them who pray for love, to them who are open to giving.

This last day Clara came with a smile on her face, she did not look burdened or looks like someone who has been facing love and emotion trauma.

Hi she greeted, she handed over a bag she came with, who knows what's inside, but the first thing that came out of the bag was a paper, Susan picks an envelope in the bag,

remember this bag contain other thing but Susan picks an envelope.

She opens the envelop and was reading, to me everything is going well but guess what happened nest?

tear gush down her cheek, when Clara saw what's happening, she ran to Susan, knelt before her, this time the both hugged each other in tears.

This is how I get married to two beautiful women, who never for any reason get mad at each other, happiness never ceased from their faces.

But the question is, what was written in that paper, what words is what melted my wife heart to agree even when they are crying?

This question comes with another part of this book, and it is your motivation that will encourage me to teach you or write what really happen in our marriage life and what makes my wife to accept her as a second wife.

Am also open to putting these contents in to acting, if you are ready for a bigger firm contact me.