
The Journey of the Ibtala'a

The story of a soul who wondered on the way to reincarnation and met a god. He was given the chance to become the beginning of a powerful race but first he, now she will have to earn it. Follow her journey of romance, love, heartbreak and fulfilling journey to reach the top and enjoy life while doing it. #gender bend #yandere #action #adventure #romance #harem *I own the right to no pictures used so far in this story. If you own the pictures then please contact me and Ill remove them.

Bored_GodlyWriter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Adventure's Guild

Author Note: Apologize about the delay. Got sick and had to take a break for a week. Please comment and rate the novel.

The expressions of lust and jealousy on most of the people in the guild was something I barely paid attention to now. I understand that it was looks that I would be receiving a lot since I am now around people.

That doesn't stop me from feeling my vanity satisfied though. I walked with the usual sway in my hips, to the back of the line that leads to one of the windows.

The line moves pretty fast, even with me politely refusing the men in front of me saying to go in front of them. I want to use this time to see the interactions between them and the guild attendants.

The talks seem pretty similar to what they would be. Adventures told the attendants what missions they would be accepting from the mission wall near the entrance, and turning in missions with proof. Unfortunately I didn't see any new adventures so I didn't know how that worked.

I finally get to the front of the line and I'm greeted by the female attendant. "Welcome to the Adventures Guilds. What do you need today?"

The look in her eyes kinda surprised me. They were clear when compared to the looks filled with lust from everyone else I've seen so far. 'I guess everyone on this planet don't have poor self control.' I thought amusingly.

"Hello. I would like it to become an adventure." I told the woman getting straight to the point. I wanted to explore and find a place to sleep before sundown. I also had to find a way to get some money to pay for those things so an extended conversation with this slightly interesting woman wasn't high on my to do list.

"Understood" She opened a drawer in the desk in front of her, pulled out a slip of paper, and started listing off questions.

"Name?" "Thema Enat Makena"

Saying my full name out loud to another person for the first time made me more satisfied then I thought it would. It also got me a look of surprise from the attendant.

I guess long names are only common in nobles like in medieval times. The woman regains her professional look and continues with her questions.

"Age" "21"

"Where are you from?" "Raised in the forest"

She paused and looked up from the paper. "Which forest?"

"Deep into the jungle outside the gate of the South District"

She gave me a shocked look like I said one of the most surprising things she ever heard. She stood up and almost shouted before I used my bewitchment magic to interrupt her. "Please calm down mam" I said while leaning forward so only she could hear me.

Her shocked look lowered into a faint look of surprise. She sat down and took a deep breath. "I apologize for that outburst mam." Thankfully she whispers the next part so that only I can hear. "Lone travelers and adventurers have been disappearing in that forest for thousands of years. It's none as the forbidden forest in this kingdom and not even the most widely known adventures and magicians can explain that place."

I quickly connect the dots and know that the disappearing people are thrown into the dungeons and die there. I mentally curse at giving more information then I should have and continue to use my bewitching magic again.

"Could you do me a favor and just write that I was raised in the forest." I lean over the railing and mix seduction magic with my voice. I feel the gazes behind me on my raised ass but ignore them so I can focus on the woman in front of me.

"I would appreciate it …" I leave the sentence hanging, showing her that I don't know her name. Her eyes are looking at the valley my breasts are easily creating and a small blush is appearing on her face.

"June" she says and I can tell the bewitching magic is making her more responsive since she is so easily getting flustered now.

"I would really appreciate it." I narrow my eyes and lock them on hers trying to be as seductive as possible. It works judging by how her blush deepens.

"I think that would work." She meekly replied while writing on the paper. I continue to flirt and distract her for the rest of the questions. They quickly end and I am given a basic introduction on what the adventurer guild is.

Adventures are all ranked based on what type of missions they complete. Some missions can only be accepted by lower number adventures since the person who made the mission has expectations on who they want to complete it. Also some missions have only a certain number of people who can accept it at once.

This building is just a branch building and there seems to be one in most towns that hit a certain population. Kingdoms have a sub branch in their main kingdoms and one of the empires of the world has the main adventures guild as one of its ruling factions.

'I guess the Adventures Guild is a real big deal, ' I thought while walking out of the guild with a mission slip. I found out that when accepting one of the missions, you receive a signed copy of the mission slip from the wall to take with you as a confirmation of an accepted mission. The signature has your name and the attendant name on it.

I accepted a basic monster slaying mission for some quick coin so that I can have some actual money on my person. As I leave the southern gate, I wink at Jongeling and chuckle at how quickly he blushes.

It takes me a little over an hour to kill an Alnamir, and take the tip of its tail as proof. The Alnamir is a tiger-like monster with a dangerous tail that can stab like a spear. It was a fun but easy kill and made me rethink about the difficult fight with those ice wolves when I was so much weaker.


I arrive back in town and turn in the mission note with proof of the kill. I receive 37 bronze coins which I have zero clue the value of. I asked June what was the value and increments of coins and was given a short explanation.

100 bronze coins equal 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins equal 1 gold coin, 100 gold coins equal 1 platinum coin and 100 platinum coins equal 1 crystal coin.

This seemed to be the value of coins everywhere on this planet and is supported by all the empires. I guess having a single income would be better for trading and stuff but I wonder how long it took for their to be a central currency in this world.

I see that it's getting dark outside and I rush to find an inn to stay out since I want to sleep in a bed tonight. It also has to be reasonably priced since 5 bronze coins can only get you two pieces of bread around here.