
The Journey of the Ibtala'a

The story of a soul who wondered on the way to reincarnation and met a god. He was given the chance to become the beginning of a powerful race but first he, now she will have to earn it. Follow her journey of romance, love, heartbreak and fulfilling journey to reach the top and enjoy life while doing it. #gender bend #yandere #action #adventure #romance #harem *I own the right to no pictures used so far in this story. If you own the pictures then please contact me and Ill remove them.

Bored_GodlyWriter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

*Spoiler* Skills That Were Used For Synthesis

Will be constantly updated so don't make paragraph comments

< Racial Skill Gained: Ice Resistance(Ice Wolf)- Cold resistance is now twice as much as resistance stat.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Ice Magic(Ice Wolf)- You can now use Ice Magic.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Silence(Giant Rat)- You can move your body in a way that eliminates your movement sound

< Racial Skill Gained: Water Resistance(Giant Crab)- Resistance to water pressure is now twice as much as resistance stat. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Pincer Grip(Giant Crab)- Your hand grip is now twice as strong as strength stat. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Wall Sticking(Giant Bat)- You can now stick and walk on any surface like a giant bat. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Disease Resistance(Giant Bat)- Resistance to disease is now twice as much as resistance stat. Already completely resistant to sexually transmitted diseases.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Fluidness(Giant Worms)- Your bones are much more malleable and you can move and bend in ways you couldn't before.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Earth Magic(Giant Worms)- You can now use Earth Magic. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Limited Form Change(Slimes)- You can now make small changes to your body at will. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Absolute Breed(Goblins)- You now have the breeding capabilities of a goblin. If sperm enters your vagina or you put sperm into someone vagina, they have a 100% chance of getting pregnant if you choose. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Organic Weapon(Kobold)- You are lose stats and flesh to make a weapon that grows with you. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Steel Stomach(Ogre)- You can eat most things and have it not negatively affect you. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Pain Resistance(Zombie)- Pain is now a particular itch. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Black Magic Resistance(Mummy)- Resistance to Black Magic is now twice as much as resistance stat.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Black Magic(Mummy)- You can now use Black Magic. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Strong Bones(Skeleton)- Bones do not break as easily. Bones are twice as strong as constitution stat. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Living Ghost Body(Ghost)- All ghost are now able to be seen and interacted with. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Fire Resistance(Cerberus)- Resistance to Fire is now twice as much as resistance stat.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Bewitchment Magic(Mermaid)- Resistance to Bewitchment is now twice as much as resistance stat.>

< Racial Skill Gained: Voice Bewitchment Magic(Mermaid)- Your voice is permanently soothing and enchanting. You can put magic through your vocal cords to make it bewitching too. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Venom(Basilisk)- Your canines can eject deadly venom. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Fire Magic(Demons)- You can now use Fire Magic. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Light Magic Resistance(Angels)- Resistance to Light is now twice as much as resistance stat. >

< Racial Skill Gained: Light Magic(Gods)- You can now use Light Magic>

< Racial Skill Gained: Magic Body(Dragons)- The astral stat is 2.0 times as effective instead of 1.5 times as effective.>