
the journey of the 13 kings

13thking · Fantasy
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19 Chs

4th king the king among thief's

he was a very poor kid he was forced to steal just to eat he stole food from nearby markets

and he got water from the local river.

after he stole food for years he noticed that he was getting better at stealing so he decided to steal more then just food.

he started to steal from more people and he started to have it stored in a cave under a waterfall after a while he had a real home under the waterfall.

then he stole from the king himself No one was able to find him because he made two dagger attached to strings and he always pulled himself to the walls and the ceiling at a very fast rate.

after awhile they started to call him reverso the king among thief's after 3 years senses they started calling him reverso they finally were able to Catch him when he was put on the chopping block he wes put in the same body as the 13th king .

world gartopea

reverso the king among thief's