
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Gift/ Tattoo

After consuming the fruits Rosé bought a pack of cigarettes and he then put the cigarette in his mouth and burnt it with his finger ,after he lit his cigarette he checked his status



Physique:Anime physique


Chakra: infinite








Shop points : 48,200


[Super Growth],[Appraisal],[shop,][chakra control],[skill copy,][Tattoo designer,][telekinesis,][Yami Yami no mi] [Mind control ] [Massage god's hand] [pleasure god's finger] [infinity]

[Hakai] [Cell Activation Jutsu] [Rumble-Rumble] [The Paw-Paw Fruit]. [The String-String Fruit]: [Tremor-Tremor fruit ].


Rosé the thought about who he should give the extra fruit he got ,after some contemplation he decided to give Naruto the [The Paw-Paw Fruit],Boruto [Rumble-Rumble fruit ] and Hinata the [The String-String Fruit] .

Rosé was not sure how to give them the fruit because he wanted to stay hidden then he thought about calling them home and making food for them and putting it in it .then there was the equipment he bought for Naruto and Boruto but he would give it to them when Boruto starts using a sword

While Rosé was thinking about this there was a customer in his shop it was Sakura ,Rosé greeted her with a smile and asked "aunt Sakura what brings you here "to which Sakura replied "I've come to get a tattoo done " then I asked her what kind of tattoo she wanted to get ?but Sakura didn't seem to sure about what she wanted. Rose then said "Aunt Sakura since it's you first tattoo why don't I make a special one for you "Sakura listening to this and said sure

/Quest /

Make a tattoo for Sakura and increase the popularity of the studio



Sakura liked the suggestion and agreed to it after that ,then where do you want it this put Sakura in thought and then again Rosé suggested how about your stomach , Sakura nodded her head in agreement .

Rosé then Said "aunt Sakura please remove your tap and lie side ways on the chair .

Sakura was a little hesitant but still went ahead and did what she was asked to do

Sakura removed her top and was wearing a black bra she then lay on the chair facing Rosé

Rosé then activated his [Massage god's hand] and touched Sakura just under her bar this made Sakura moan which surprised Rosé and he moved his hand away , he then looked at Sakura and asked "aunt is there something wrong are you hurt "this question caused Sakura to blush as she herself didn't know what happened ,Trying to change the topic Sakura told Rosé to continue [Rosé smirked in his mind ]

Rose then took out a cigarette and started smoking he then started massaging the area under Sakura's bra ,she tried her best to not moan and control her love juice ,this was the first time Sakura had felt such pleasure and that was only from some slight touch she could not control her thoughts and they ran wild .

Rosé achieved his goal of having some fun all while also making sure that Sakura would come back to him

Rosé then continued making progress on the tattoo ,the design this time was of Sakura tree that has a dragon coiling around it ,the tattoo covered the stomach area of Sakura ,the tattoo took 5 hours to complete and those 5 hours were the worst and best moments of Sakura's life as during these 5 hours Sakura had many small orgasms which she tried very hard to hide .

Rosé noticed it but did not say anything as he kept smoking after the tattoo was done Sakura and Rosé took a photo together in which rose was holding Sakura by the waist and pointing towards the tattoo ,Rosé the went ahead and framed it in the common room

After that Rosé and Sakura sat down and had some snacks and tea ,Rosé then offered Sakura a cigarette which. She gladly accepted , he then light the cigarette for Sakura and then spoke to each other for an hour,Sakura really enjoyed Rosé company,and same goes for Rosé he was sure they would become great buddies and something more in the future ,Rosé then made his was towards Sakura and then put his had on her on the stomach and massage her all over which made her feel extremely pleasant and. Caused her to have a small orgasm .

Rosé the. Looked at Sakura's face and the said "aunt the tattoo is done and has dried ,I hope you come back and spread the name of the studio and also if the tattoo it is too dry please come back and I'll massage it with special oil "

Sakura was to flushed and just nodded .

Sakura then left with only her sports bar on and left her top at the studio ,Rosé then picked the top up and put in his office as a souvenir .


Rosé then returned home as he entered the house he was greeted by Himawari who came running and jumped on him and hugged his

Rosé carried her in his arms and made his way to the dining room and he saw the whole family was gathered there he then when and sat with them and then they talked about how their day went after that Rosé made his way to the kitchen Where Hinata was cooking and then went ahead asked "mom can I make the dessert for today " Hinata looked at him and the smiled and said okay

Rosé then prepared the desserts and mixed the fruits in them and gave it to Naruto ,Boruto and Hinata .

Rosé was not going to tell them about the powers they would get and let them figure it's out themselves .

After they finished thier dinner ,Naruto left for his office while Boruto and Himawari went to bed , Rosé then made his way to his room he got out of his clothes wore his shorts and made his way to Hinata's room ,he then went and cuddled with Hinata and went to sleep .
