
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Hypno's Naptime

As the gang were walking in a new city, they were looking around at huge buildings around them.

"It's short of feel the buildings are closing on us." Glissle said

"Yeah, they are so tall that you can't even see the sky." Yellow agreed

"Where are we currently Brock?" Misty asked Brock

"We are now in Hop Town." Brock answerd

Then suddenly Ash's Lucario came out of his pokeball and looked around.

"Is there something wrong lucario?" Ash asked

"Ra Ra(I'm Sensing something weird in the air.)," Lucario said,"(I do not know what it is but something is wrong in th city.)"

Just then they heard woman shoting,"Arnold."

Suddenly a woman ran towards Ash and hugged him. This took the gang by surprise.

"Argh. " Ash said

"Oh Arnold, I was so worried about you." The woman said holding Ash tight.

"Mam please excuse me, I am not Arnold." Ash said

The woman took a look at the boy she was hugging and gasped in shock and immediately let Ash go,"oh I am sorry I thought you were my missing son."

"Huh." The gang said in confusion.


The gang was now at the pokemon center, sitting and listening to the woman. She explained that her son Arnold, was missing and has been mising for four days." My son is not the only who is missing."She said pointing to a wall which has a lot of picture."see those posters?"the woman said,"Those picture are of the children that have disappeared. "

"That many." yellow asked, a little surprised.

"This must be a dangerous town." Ash said

Even though He remembers this episode, he did not like the feeling in the air. It made him a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly they heard a motorcycle by and looked over to see Officer jenny stopping her motorcycle near the wall. She had a few posters with her on the motorcycle. She got off of her motorcycle and walked to the wall to put some more posters on it. Ash stood up and looked towards the woman.

"We will see if we can help with anything to find your son and the others." Ash said assuring the woman.

The women smiled and said,"Thank you."

Ash noded and ran over to officer Jenny with the gang.

"Excuse me, are you the cousin of officer Jenny from Madien's peak?" Ash asked

"Yes, I am." Officer Jenny said while smiling.

"The one the most beutiful one yet." Brock said with blushing cheek.

"They are all exactly same." yellow said

"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed

Brock pushed Ash at side and stood in front of officer Jenny, "It must be trerrible to search for all those lost children." He said and took her hand,"I will be very happy to help you search."

"What?" Officer Jenny asked in confusion.

"We can both work together." Brock suggested. Officer Jenny gave him a look before pulling her hand from the grip.

Ash pushed Brock at side and turned to officer jenny with a smile,"Excuse my friend, Officer Jenny. My friends and I would like to help in the search for the kids."He said

"Well ok." Officer Jenny said


The gang and officer Jenny were walking downtown of the town.

"All of the missing children disappeared exactly four days ago." Officer Jenny said.

"Four days ago?" Ash asked

"Beside that, did the missing children had anything else in common?" Brock asked

"That is a good question." Ash said

"They don't have a thing in common." Officer Jenny answerd, "But I think other kids may know something about it. "

Officer jenny looked to the sided as the gang stopped and followed her gaze to the pokemon center.

"I see. So we will ask the kids in pokemon center if they know anything." Brock said


They all walked inside and officer Jenny turned to the gang and handed them the poster of all the missing children.

"You go ask Nurse Joy about the kids." She said

"Okay. " Ash said before walking towards the counter of the pokemon center with pikachu.

"Excuse me, Nurse Joy, Can I ask you something?" Ash asked

"Of course." Nurse Joy answerd

Ash held up the poster,"we are here about the case of missing children."

Nurse joy said with sadness,"oh those kids that disappeared all of a sudden. I saw it on the news."She said

"Please is there anything you can tell us about these children?" Ash asked

"I do like to help you but right now I am afraid my hands are full with own mystrey." Nurse Joy replied

"What do you mean? What is the matter?" Ash asked

"All of the pokemon center here are behaving very strangely." Nurse Joy said

Ash and pikachu looked at Nurse Joy in confusion.


Nurse Joy took the gang and officer Jenny to a room and showed them a few pokemon that were there. A cubone and an oddish were lyiing on the table, both of them were out of their energy.

"Just look at cubone and oddish." Nurse Joy said and put a very tried Magikarp on the table,"Even Magikarp was affected. And this type of pokemon were usally full of life."

"I have never seen a Magikarp like that." Ash said,"Then again I have never seen a Magikarp like that."

Nurse Joy looked over a tired charmander,"The flame on this Charmander could go out any minute."She said and took a psyduck into her arms,"And this one is in terrible shape."

"A psyduck?" Ash said pulling out his pokedesk and scanning the psyduck

[Psyduck, a water pokemon. It uses mysterious power to attack pokemon]

"mysterious power?" Ash said

"That is hard to belive." Yellow said

"So what is causing all of these?" Brock asked

Nurse Joy shook her head,"I have no idea."

"How long they have been acting like this?" Misty asked

"Since four days." Nurse joy said

"Four days?" Brock repated and looked at Officer Jenny."And that is exactly when all those children disappeared. "He said

" I wonder if maybe there is something is connected between the children disappearing and the pokemon lack of energy."Officer Jennu said

"I think there might be one but we have to figure it out." Ash said

He wanted to say it was beacuse of Hypno but officer jenny would be suspicious of him.

Officer jenny opened her mouth to reply before they all heard noise coming from her pocket.

"Is that your radio?" Misty asked

Officer jenny pulled out her radion,"it is picking up something."

"I bet I know what that is." Brock said as he leaned over towardas officer Jenny, "A very handsome guy dector."

"Don't kid yourself." officer Jenny pushed Brock away,"This is a sleep wave dector."She answerd

"A sleep wave detector?" Brock repated

"Lately I have been picking up some sleep waves." Officer Jenny said

"But I am sure there is no pokemon that can make waves like that in this center." Nurse Joy said

"They are from outside." Officer Jenny said

Right after she said that, Pikachu fell on the table.

Ash gasped

"Pikachu?" Ash said

"Pikachuuuu." pikachu said

Pikachu did not remove or tilt their heads up, they replied tiredly.

"Oh no even pikachu lost his energy." Brock said.

"I wonder if those sleep waves and the pokemon conditons are conected." Glissle said

"They may be connected." Ash said as he took pikachu in his arms.

Officer Jenny looked in the radio and said,"we should go and find the source of those sleep waves."

Ash and his friends noded and they walked away with officer Jenny. They walked outside and followed the signal from the radio.


They stopped near a very huge building after few minutes.

"It is comming from the building." Officer Jenny said

"Wow it is tall." Yellow said

"It seems to be coming from the roof. " officer jenny said

"Let's go." Brock said as the group and officer Jenny ran inside. They went to an Elevator and headed up to the roof, as the signal was getting stronger.


They reached up to the top and walked out of the Elevator and saw a door that leads to roof. They walked closer and opened it. The roof had a garden and at the end was a mansion.

"A mansion." Yellow said

Officer Jenny pointed the radio towards the mansion,"It is coming from inside the mansion."

"All right." Brock said and ran towards the mansion.

"Wait Brock." Ash called but he did not listned. They watched as he reached to the door and kneeled down before signaling for them to come. They ran over and reached towards him.

"Someone is inside, I am going in." Brock said as he stood up. He pushed the door open and ran in. Leaving officer Jenny and the gang in shock.

There were many people that were well dressed and a Drowzee and A Hypno sitting on a round table.

"What is this place?" Brock asked

"What is going on here?" Yellow asked

A man with Brown hair walked towards them,"Are you new members?"

"Members?" Ash asked

"We have been monitoring sleep waves coming from here." Officer Jenny said

"Sleep waves?" The man asked befor he suddenly smiled,"oh I know."He looked at Hypno,"This Hypno must be realsing the waves."

Ash pulled out his phone and scanned Hypno.

[Hypno, a hypnosis pokemon. It carries a pendulum like device and perfrom hypnosis attack. It is the evolevd from of Drowzee.]

"And that is a Drowzee. " Ash said pointing at the next pokemon

'You are correct boy."The browned hair man said

Ash scanned Drowzee through his pokedesk.

[Drowzee. It is a Psycic type pokemon. It was the first pokemon to use a combination attack like Dream Eater.]

"Hypno is evolved from of Drowzee." Glissle said

"That is right." The man said,"Our Drowzee finally evolved into Hypno four days ago."

They looked at him in shock.

"Four days ago?" Brock asked

"That is the time when those children disappeared and the pokemon started to lose all their energy." officer Jenny said

"We have been using the pokemon instead of using sleeping medicine." An older man with black hair spoke.

"What do you mean by'we'?"Glissle asked

" The members of pokemon lovers culb."The man with brown hair said

"The pokemon lovers club?" Yellow asked

"Precisely. You see all of our members absolutely love pokemon, and Drowzee and Hypno havbe become our favorite pokemon. " The man explained,"Everyone hard work paid off when Drowzee finally evolved. Livinvg our lives in this city is very stressful and all of our members suffered from many illnesses so we came to rely on Hypno's power to get us sleep in night."

They watched as a man with black hair sat in front of Hypno, who held its pendulum in front of the man swinging it back and forth untill the man asleep.

"I am gald for you guys but I think Hypno's hypnotism is causing

trouble around the city." Ash said

The man with Brown hair looked at them in shock and Ash showed them pikachu.

"Just take a look at Pikachu." Ash said pointing at pikachu.

"The same thing happend to all of the pokemon in the pokemon center." Glissle said

"It must be a side effect." The Brown hair person said

"Side effect?" Yellow asked

Brock noded,"Hypno's hypnotic powers are used usually only on other pokemon. Since the waves were changed to affect human, it is creating a side effect for the pokemon."

The man looked over at Hypno as he spoke,"somehow we accidently caused a terrible situation."

"You know what? I bet that new wave can even effect some kids that were sensitive to it too." Brock said

"I also think the some." Ash sais

Misty walked towards the table and got in front of Hypno,"Let's see."

"Wait Misty." Ash said

Hypno held its pendulum in front of Misty, swinging it back and froth. They all walked closer and watched as Misty suddenly began to act like bulbasur "Bulbasur Bulbasur." Misty said

"Oh no." Ash said

"She got hypnotized." Brock said

Misty suddenly ran past them outside.

"Misty come back." Ash said before quickly putting pikachu into his bag and got Drowzee with him. Then he, the gang, officer Jenny and the head of the club ran after her.

Misty ran to the door and they ran after her, only to see she was running down the stairs.

"Misty. " Ash said but she did not respond.

"Com on." Officer said and they took the elevator.


Once they reached to the looby, they saw Misty running outside, and quickly followed her.

"How did she get down the staris so fast?" Brock said

"Faster." Glissle said as they ran after her in the park.

"How can she run these fat?" Ash said

They suddenly stopped breathing hevaily as they found Misty by a tree but what shocked all of them that all the missing kids were thers acting like pokemon as well.

"These are all the missing children." officer jenny said

"Why are they acting like that?" Ash asked

"With that new wave the children who were exposed to Hypno's sleep wave they're pokemon now." Brock said

"Then that means those wave that zapped pokemon energy must have been transferred into the children and that's why the pokemon are so weak." Glissle said

The gentelman looked at the kids.

"How could this have happened?" He said

"A psycic pokemon's power can be dangerous and unpredictable sometimes. That is why you have to be careful when usinh psycic pokemon." Ash told

"So what should we do about this?" Brock asked

Ash placed Drowzee on the ground,"Drowzee can help."

The gentelman nodded,"you are right. We can use Drowzee to inculde the dream wavelenghts, which in this case may interact Hypno's wavelength. "

Glissle noded and said,"Yeah it may work."

"Let's give it a try." officer Jenny said

Drowzee noded as Ash quickly took out pikachu from his pokeball. Ash held pikachu in his arms.

Drowzee walked over to children and Misty putting them all to sleep with it sleep attack then clapped its hand awaking them from their trance much to their relief.

"It worked." Ash said with a smile as pikachu wake up.

Officer jenny sighed with relief,"Thank goodness."officer Jenny called their parents and they alls howed up to park relieved to see their children were okay even the woman from before embraced his son Arnold in happiness.

"What exactly happened when I was in trance?" Misty asked

"You acted like a Bulbasur." Brock replied

Misty sighed in embarrassment.

"Hey pikachu how do you feel?" Ash asked

Pikachu nodded.

Suddenly a mechanical arm came out of nowhere and grabbed Drowzee. Everyone gasped as Drowzee was pulled up and placed in a cage which had a Hypno inside that was attacked a very familiar ballon. They heard familiar laugh as well.

"Team Rocket." The gang said knowing the laugh.

They said"Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!



Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"Lucario use aurasphere." Ash said realsing his aura pokemon

"Lucario." Lucario appeared and then a blue ball appeared in his hand. Then he realsed it towards the cage. Team Rocket gasped as soon as the cages were in pieces.

"Go charizard catch Hypno and Drowzee." Charizard appeared and catched the two and took them to the ground.

"Now let's send them flying off. Charizard flamethrower, Pikachu thunder and Lucario Aurasphere." Ash said

"Hypno, Drowzee use psybeam." The gentelman said

All the attacks combined send the trio flying off.

"Another plan failed." James said

"Should have seen that coming." Mewoth said

"I hate it when that twerp keeps interrupting us." Jessie said

"It is starting to get old." Meowth said

Then the trio sighed

"LOOK LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN." Team Rocket shouted before dissappearing into the sky.

Everyone sighed in relief.

"We need to cure the pokemon in the pokemon center too." Brock said and agreed before going there.


Deowzee sat on the table where the pokemon were still lying on.

"Okay Drwzee please do it again." Ash requested and Drowzee nodded before it used sleep wave once again at all of the tired pokemon around.

After a moment it clapped its hand again waking them all up.

Ash looked over at the charmander on the other side and smiled as it stood up with a smile and its flame on its tail was back higher. Ash walked closer to it and patted it on the head as he looked around at the pokemon as they looked happy and jumping around.

Nurse Joy smiled happily,"The pokemon are all back to normal."

"Sometimes I wonder what the pokemon dream about." Ash commeted

"I wonder that too." Glissle said

"They must be dreaming of getting stronger and evolving." Brock said

They looked over at Nurse Joy as she siged and looked to the side at the same psyduck. Brock walked closer to her,"What is the matter? A beutiful woman like yourshelf should not have too much to be sad."

"All of the pokemon are better but this one still holding its head." Nurse joy said

"Leave it to me." Brocks said,"Caring for pokemon is the sole purpose of my life. The reason I exist."

"Then maybe you can help it." Nurse Joy said and they all looked at the psyduck.

"Sure." Brock agreed

Ash and the others sighed.


While they were at the pokemon center The gentelman from the pokemon club promised that the pokemon club would not use Hypno's hypnosis again and switch to sleeping pills. After they said goodbye to Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy and the gentelman they were heading out of town with psyduck following him.

While they were walking Brock was complaing but due to an accident psyduck was captured by Brock. Brock was sad.

Ash and Glissle patted Brock on the back softly as he looked depressed by having psyduck on his team.

To be countinued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Gastly(Normal), Gastly(talking)

Butterfree(pink), haunter, Gengar, primape and Dratini.

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow, Daisy oak, sabrina and Erika.

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Suggest some ideas for the story.

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts