
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

After the events with the Biker Gang, Ash and his friends countinue their continue their journey. The gang was walking along the path to cinnabar Island when they saw some clouds were gathering.

"A storm?" Ash asked

As soon as he said that it began to pour down on them making run for shelter.

"Let's get out of this." Brock said as they ran along the path, hoping to find shelter.

"Where can we go? We're in the middle of nowhere." Yellow pointed out

"Guys look." Glissle pointed out of them

Looking in the direction he was pointing to, they saw it was an old looking mansion in the middle of nowhere.

"What's that?" Brock asked

"I don't like the look of it." Yellow commented.

"That'll have to do, let's go." Ash said. They all went inside the house shaking the water off of them.

"Hello? Anyone here." Ash called out

"Is anybody here?" Yellow asked

The gang walked further in and noticed a stage that had a sign above that read 'IMITE HOUSE' on it.

"It looks like some kind of theater." Brock said

"Yeah." Yellow said

"Well, since nobody's around, we might as well stay here untill the rain stops." Ash suggested

"Good idea." Glissle agreed

Soon, pikachu noticed something.

"Pika (Look guys)." Pikachu said

Everyone turned to pikachu and saw another pikachu right infront of pikachu.

"Where do other pikachu come from?" Glissle asked

The other pikachu was copying everything that pikachu was doing.

"How cute?" Yellow said as she piked it uo, "Hi there."

Yellow's happiness soon turns to surprise and shock when she noticed that chespin's face with different from pikachu's. She dropped pikachu," What is this? What's wrong with it?"

"What's your problem?" Ash asked

"That pikachu doesn't look right." Yellow said pointing at Pikachu

Everyone looked and saw what Yellow meant.


In the world of Kanto, where dreams take flight,

A tale of rebirth in the morning's first light.

With a Pikachu by my side, our bond innate,

We're reliving our journey, it's the "Journey of Fate"

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

From Pallet Town's charms to the Viridian skies,

We'll aim for the stars, with wonder in our eyes.

As Team Rocket schemes and Gym Leaders await,

We'll rewrite the story, it's our "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

A reincarnated soul, with a heart that's pure,

In the world of Pokémon, our spirits endure.

In Kanto's embrace, we'll appreciate,

The joy of reliving this "Journey of Fate."

In Lavender's mysteries and Celadon's grace,

Through battles and laughter, we'll find our place.

With Misty and Brock, by our side, we'll create,

A legend reborn in this "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

As we chase after Mewtwo, through victories and weight,

Our adventures continue, it's a story so great.

In Kanto, reborn, our bond we celebrate,

Our anime legacy, this "Journey of Fate."


"Could be a new type of pikachu." Brock suggested

"I don't think so." Glissle agreed

"Could this be a Ditto?" Ash questioned as he knelt down in front of it.

"A ditto?" Brock asked, curiosly

Ash scanned the pokemon.

[Ditto, a Transform pokemon. It is able to rearrange the cells of its body and assume any form. Its only attack in Transform]

The weird looking pikachu transformed into a pink blob with a smiling face.

"So it is a Ditto." Brock concluded

The heard someone giggle and a voice said," You are actuay the first to figure that out."

They turned towards the source of the voice to see a girl. Ash recognized her as Duplica

"Who are you?" Yellow asked

"My name's Duplica from The House of Imite." Duplica answerd

"Pleasure to meet you Duplica, I am Ash ketchum." Ash said

Everyone introduced themselves and the pokemon.

"Duplica, like Duplicate?" Brock said

"Yuo." Duplica nodded and turned over to Ditto who bounced over to her and ahe caught it as it jumped into her arms, "still trying to get out of your habit, Ditto?"

Ditto nodded sadly.

"Habit?" Yellow asked

"Whenever Ditto transforms into a pokemon or anything else, its face stays the same." Duplica answerd

"I want to become a Ditto Master, but I can't beacuse when Ditto transforms into other pokemon its face doesn't change. And teh audiences don't like it very much." Duplica explained

Ditto looked down.

"I just don't know what to do." Duplica said

"How about we help Ditto practice untill it's able to get right?" Ash suggested

"Huh?" Duplica said blinking at Ash.

"I can easily tell that you cared deeply about Ditto and I know with enough practice, Ditto can transform as long as you belive in it." Ash stated

Duplica had a complicated expression and looked down at Ditto, "Dittox what do you think?"

"Alright let's give a try." Duplica said smiling

"Okay then, first things first, Ditto should try transform into someone or something that it's familiar with." Ash instructed

"But what should I ask it to transform into?" Duplica pondered

"Well try asking it to transform into you?" Brock suggested

"That's a great idea. If Ditto tranfroms into Duplica then maybe it can get the hang of transforming into something else without a problem." Yellow said

"I'll try it, Ditto tranform into me." Duplica odered

Ditto jumped out of her arms and transformed into her but the face still didn't change much to theirdisappointment.

"It didn't work." Brock commented.

"You're right." Glissle agreed

"Give it one more go, Ditto." Ash encouraged

Ditto, still transformed into Duplica, transformed into Ash this time and one of its eyes looked like Ash's.

"Oh its eye." Yellow said

"That's a start." Brock smiled

"Try pikachu again." Ash said

Ditto transformed into Pikachu again this time and the face was almost halfway there.

"Almost there, Ditto you can do it." Duplica encouraged

Ditto tried once more time and transformed into Duplica again only this time, Ditto finally got it.

"You did it." Ash and Glissle praised

The pokemon cheered as well

Duplica hugged Ditto that was still transformed into her, "I am proud of you Ditto, I know you can do it."

Ditto hugged its trainer back.

"Congragts Duplica." Ash said

"Thanks Ash." Duplica replief

"Many trainers who have a Ditto would probably give u,p But you didn't." Glissle suddenly said

"He is right. " Ash said

Duplica smiled at that.

Auddenly, the lights go out and the spotlights pan around the curtains, the gang's surprise as Team Rocket rose from under the stage.

"Such a good oment." Jessie said

"What? Who are you?" Duplica smiled

They said"Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!



Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth, That's right." Meowth said

"Okay, show over. Time to go back home." Ash said

"Quite twerp. You'll be happy to knwo we are not intersted in your pikachu today." Jessie said

"We are here for Ditto.'James said, Meowth agreed

Pikachu quicklt got in front of Duplica and Ditto and used Tackle on Meowth which sent the cat pokemon back to Jessie and James

"Well that didn't work." James said

"I can see that." Jessie snapped which caused James to flinch and step back.

"Primape come out." Ash realsed his fighting pokemon

Team Rocket flinched when they saw Primape in front of them.

"Primape use Karate chop and Low kick." Ash odered

Primape launched both attacks on Team Rocket which caused them to fly off stage on the other side of the gang.

"Pikachu use tackle." Ash commanded

"Pikachu use thunder shock " Ash said

"Duplica use Thunder shock." Duplica odered

All attacks went towards Team Rocket and sent them flying into the sky.

"I can't belive taht we got beaten by the pikachu and Primape." Jessie said

"I can't belive that the twerp caught that primape." James said

"You know what I belive?" Meowth asked

"Yeha." Jessie and James replied

"TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN." They shouted before they dissapeared

"Well done everyone." Ash complimented the pokemon.

All the pokemon smiled and cheered.


Duplica was outside fixing the sign on the mansion.

"There, the imite house is reopened." Duplica announced

"Congragulations." Ash said

"You did it, Duplica." Yellow said

"You and Ditto are gonna become stars." Brock said

"Thanks for everything, come back and see us anytime, okay?" Duplica said

"Good luck and take care of yourshelf, Ditto master." Ash said

The gang was on the road once more.

To be countinued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Gastly(Normal), Gastly(talking)

Butterfree(pink), haunter, Gengar, primape, Dratini, Gible(shiny), Magnemite, Muk, Grimer, Marowak, cubone, Persian, Horsea, vulpix, Abra, kangaskhan, Growlite, zoura, Tauros, Rapidash and poliwag.

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow, Daisy oak, sabrina, Erika, Green Oak, Jaine and Aya

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Suggest some ideas for the story. Sorry for late chapter, I am very much sorry, I had dengue, I hope you like the chapter and I am sorry again, The work on other stories had also started and if you like collab stories check out my collab in pokemonfanfictionfan.

And Check out a very big discord between pokefics writers & readers

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