
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Dig those Diglett

The gang was taking a pathway through some mountains trying to figure out the way for Fuchsia city.

Brock took a look at map and said,"It says that Fuchsua city should be over the mountain."

"Over which mountain? Because all we see are mountains." Yellow said

Brock pulled out the map again and said,"The map says Fuchsia Gym is on the other side of one of these mountains right over there. Which way is this? Oh great we are surrounded mounatains on every side."

"Don't tell me we are lost again." Misty said

"Okay, I won't." Brock said

Then Ash remenbered his map in the bag. There were times that he forgot that he a map. He took it out and said,"Well according to my map, once we pass these mountains, we should find Fuchsia city."

"Really." Yellow said look happy

Ash noded and said,"Yes."

Suddenly there was a noise of large explosion, which caused the gang to become a little scared and they looked down.

Once the noise stopped they looked up to where the noise was coming from.

"I wonder what that was about." Misty said standing up.

They heard another explosion and looked to where it was comming from.


In the world of Kanto, where dreams take flight,

A tale of rebirth in the morning's first light.

With a Pikachu by my side, our bond innate,

We're reliving our journey, it's the "Journey of Fate"

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

From Pallet Town's charms to the Viridian skies,

We'll aim for the stars, with wonder in our eyes.

As Team Rocket schemes and Gym Leaders await,

We'll rewrite the story, it's our "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

A reincarnated soul, with a heart that's pure,

In the world of Pokémon, our spirits endure.

In Kanto's embrace, we'll appreciate,

The joy of reliving this "Journey of Fate."

In Lavender's mysteries and Celadon's grace,

Through battles and laughter, we'll find our place.

With Misty and Brock, by our side, we'll create,

A legend reborn in this "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

As we chase after Mewtwo, through victories and weight,

Our adventures continue, it's a story so great.

In Kanto, reborn, our bond we celebrate,

Our anime legacy, this "Journey of Fate."


"It is over there." Ash said and he and the gang ran up the mountain and stoppex at the edge of a small cliff when they saw trucks driving past them on road, towards a construction site and saw a rock fell from the edge of a cliff. Holes appeared from the ground making the trucks stop and some flipped over.

"This is terrible." Brock said before they ran down the cliff and ran towards the trucks.

A men walked out of one of the trucks and knelt down hitting the ground and said,"I just can't take it anymore."

"Are you all right?" Ash zaid

"It's the Diglett They are destroying everything." The man said

"The Diglett?" Glissle asked.

The man pointed to the side in anger and said,"See? They are right over there."

They looked to where he was pointing and found a few Diglett in the ground popping up and down in the holes. Ash took out his pokedesk and scanned the Diglett.

[Diglett, the Mole pokemon. Diglett love to creat underground tunnels.]

Diglett popped up from the ground with a closed eye smile.

"Aw, how cute." Glissle said smilling at Diglett.

Then she felt a presence behind her and glanced over at the man.

"You think they are cute do you?" The man said and Glissle quickly moved away. "Thanks to them we cannot finish building a dam." He said,"I hate Diglett."

"Wow he really hate them." Glissle said

"Sure does." Ash said

"Although I do not see any upturned earth." Ash said pointing at the road.

The man suddenly stepped closer to Ash and said,"That is beacuse the ground here is coverd by concrte but if you would look closely."

"So they are underneath." Ash said

"It looks like mini earthquake." Yellow said

"And it looks like we will never be able to accomplish our dream of building a dam here in mountains." The man said

"A dam?" Ash said

The man pointed to the construction site and said,"Over there."

They looked over to the constructing site seeing workers there and another rock falling down.

"That explosion is part of building a dam?"Brock said

"Yes the blasting is a part of bulding the dam." The man shouted and turned to Ash and shoted again,"But we can't bring the supply. All beacuse of the Diglett."

"Then why are you yelling in my face?" Ash said making him take a step back.

"That is a problem." Brock said

"We came out with special division for developing strategies to fight off the Diglett." The man said,"We are calling for any pokemon trainer who is traveling through the area, someone with real pokemon know how to get rid of these Diglett. The reward is a six nighg and seven days stay at a hot spring resort. If you want to help, you are welcome to."The man said

"Well we do not want to attack Diglett, I am sure there us a reason why they are doing this." Ash said

"I agree. There must be a reason." Glislle said. And everyone else noded.

"I wonder what it is." Yellow said

Then Ash saw a very familiar red convertible with four buses along with the cheerleaders in front of them. A familiar trainer popped out of the car. It was none other than Gary Oak, "The first pokemon trainer has arrived. The rest are in those buses."

"Oh great." Ash said

Gary notiched them and said,"well if it is not Ashy-Boy. What brings you here?"Gary asked

"I am on the way to get my sixth badge." Ash said

Gary said with an arrogant smirk,"I have already got my sixth badge."

Ash felt annoyed by that and thought how annoying was he.

"So what are you doing here?" Glissle said

"I have been asked by the workman to help with the Diglett problem. So Ash were you called here? Only the best of best is here." Gary said

"I am not here to hurt pokemon." Ash said

Gaey shurgged and said,"Whatever." He walked over and joined other trainers.

Ash also spotted another of his childhood friend Green Oak.


The workman explained to the trainers that they needed to get rid of the Diglett.

"These Bugs cause nothing but trouble." He shouted in speaker.

Gary raised his hand in the air and said,"Excuse me but Diglett are ground type not a bug type."

"I do not care what they are. I just want them to go." The man said


"I will handle them." Gary said

Gatu kissed one of his pokaball and threw it to get a pokemon out.

But what happend next was weird, Gary's pokemon came out and then went back to pokeball.

"It went back in." Ash said

"What?" Gary exclaimed

A Diglett returned Gary's pokeball.

Gary bent down and took the pokeball and said, "Oh Thank you.Wait"

Gary tried again with another pokeball but the same thing happend.

"I will try every pokemon I have." He shouted throwing out all of his six pokeball.

The other trainers tried to call out their pokemon but like what happened to Gary they refused to come out.

"Thank you." All of the trainers thanked the Diglett for returning their pokeball.


Ash and the gang and the pokemon were watching from their sides. Ash already knew what the problem was with the pokeball the pokemon did not want to attack the Diglett.

"You have to admit that was quite interesting." Ash asked

"Yes." The gang said

The gang also chuckled at Gary's frustration.

"Weird. You think something is preventing the pokemon to come out of the pokeballs?" Misty said

"I don't know." Brock said.

"Something doesn't feel right around here."Glissle said

After trying five times Gary gave up and left in his car. The other trainers decided to leave too since their pokemon refused to come out.

The workman got so angry, he pulled out a hammer and shouted angrily, " You diglett."

He tried to hit the Diglett witb the hammer but the Diglett easily dodged it.

The gang sweat dropped as they watched the workman trying to hit a Diglett.

Suddenly Green came to Ash and called him and Ash replied back and they started to talk. The gang asked for introductio. Ash introuced them to gang and all of them except Ash, introduce themshelve to Green.


When evening came the gang decided to relax in the hot spring baths at a Hot spring.

"This feels nice." Green said

"Guys I think that the Diglett are destroying the construction site beacuse the workman are building the dam on their home." Ash said

"That actually makes sense. Pokemon won't attack unless their home is being threatned. So the Diglett must be protecting their home. " Glissle said

Just then Diglett popped infront of pikachu.

"Diglett. Dig(we live here. It is our home.)" The Diglett said

"This is definitely a problem." Glissle said

Then more Diglett popped up and started to move. The gang immediately got out the baths, changed quickly, and went to follow the Digllet.


The gang ran past the workman who was still trying to hit ghe Diglett with his hammer. It was a funny site but they did not they have a time to stop.

The gang countinued to follow Diglett to a mountain range and saw a lot of Diglett and a set of their evolved from Dugtrio.

Ash looked at Dugtrio in his pokedesk.

[Dugtrio the mole pokemon. It is the evolved from of Diglett.]

The three heads were moving through the ground leaving a trail of upturned earth as they go while some are planting trees, trying to help them grow.

The workman showed up.

"Yeah these small Diglett and Dugtrio actually created this whole mountain range themselves. They really were defending their territory not for themselves but for others." Glissle said

The workman looked towards the gang and asked," What do you mean?"

"Think about it. Humans and pokemon need oxygen to survived and also when trees grow they become home for the other pokemon that live in moutain." Ash said

Misty said,"You are saying all of the trees in this moutain range were planted by Diglett?"

"It is possible. Prephas all of the forest and moutains that have these were planted by them." Brock theorized

The workman saw the moutain range as well and said,"If my men and I build the dam. We would not only destroy this moutain range but also the home to lots of pokemon. I am going to cancle this project and leave the moutains and forests alone."

Then the workman left to go talk with other workers. Ash and the gang was delighted. Just then they heard a familiar voice in the distance. They all truned around to see Team Rocket. Before even Green asked Ash explained her about Team Rocket.

They said"Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!



Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

Meowth jumped over and crossed his arms.

"Sorry guys we are not in mood today." Yellow said

"But we are in good enough mood for everyone." Jessie said

"Yes and we never even had lunch. But now we have a specila treat for you all." James said

Glissle rolled her eyes and said,"Oh please."

"Go Arbok." Jessie said

"Go weezing." James said

"Arbok dive underground. " Jessie said

Arbok used dig disapoearing under the ground with Weezing right behind him.

Right after that they heard Diglett and Dugtrio's voice under the ground and not long after Arbok and Weezing were thrown up to the ground unconscious.

"What happend?"Meowth said

"I know what is coming." James said

"Me too." Jessie said

Diglett and Dugtrio popped up from the ground all of them looked at Team Rocket. They all group together and fromed a tall mud wave blasting Team Rocket away.

"Team Rocket is blasting off Again." Team Rocket said

"These guys don't know how to catch break do they?" Glissle said

"I do not think they ever will." Ash said

"Ash I love you." Green said

Ash was shocked..

Glissle said to yellow,"One more."

"Yes. " Yellow replied

Ash explained her about his complex love life but like others she does not have any problem and Ash got one more girl friend. Ash also kissed Green.


It was the next morning when the gang headed on to Fuchsia city. They noticed the construction plan and large bold sticker that read cancled in its place.

Brock noded and said,"That is good."

Ash noticed something behind Brock and smiled.

"What?" Brock asked

"It seems like you have a little friend following you." Ash said

"Huh?" Brock turne daround and saw Diglett,"Hey what is wrong Diglett?"

"Brock it wants to go with you." Ash said

Brock was surpeised but noded and catched it and Green also said she could not go with them. She will travle alone for now. Ash noded and kissed her and she kissed him back before she went away.


After saving the Diglett and Dugtrio's home from a construction dam and Brock capturing a new pokemon and Ash getting a new girlfriend, the gang headed off towards the Fuchsia gym for Ash's next gym badge.

To be countinued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Gastly(Normal), Gastly(talking)

Butterfree(pink), haunter, Gengar, primape, Dratini, Gible(shiny), Magnemite, Muk and Grimer

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow, Daisy oak, sabrina, Erika and Green Oak

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Suggest some ideas for the story. Sorry for late chapter and comment your favourite anime.

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts