
The Journey Of A Treasure Hunter

Devin loves adventure and treasure hunting. He almost traveled the world and also found many treasures. But, because of covid, he dies and goes to another world. He finds that this world is also the same as his previous world, but just all the countries aren't the same and are also less advanced. But it didn't stop him. Like his previous world, he wanted to be an adventurer and a treasure hunter. He wanted to travel all over the world, to search for unknown places. He wanted to find the unknown. But one thing he is unaware of is that this world is not as simple as it seems. Then what will he do in this world? Will he be able to fulfill his dream or will he become lost in finding the unknown? __________________________ Well, guys, English wasn't my first language and I am not that good at it. But this would not stop me from writing. I just hope you all will like this novel. If you find any mistakes, please ‌tell me so that I can correct them. Also, if you like the novel, don't forget to review it, add it to your library, and share it with your friends. ------------------------ Hey guys, if you want you can also join my discord. https://discord.gg/C5kUjxVwMC https://ko-fi.com/smallotaku You can donate your support here. paypal.me/SmallOtaku You can also support me here.

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 29 - Dangerous situation 

3rd person POV:

Devin slowly went toward the archer that he noticed. I could not see him yet because his eyes were hidden in the bushes. In this way, he is advancing toward the archer.

When he got close to the bow, he took a good look around. Around this will be the rest of the archers. But he could not find the archers as he could not see well in such a dense forest.

He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the archer. The archer did not notice that a stone was rushing toward him. So that stone hit him. He lost his balance and tumbled down. Devin didn't budge this time. Because he knows that the rest of the archers are on the lookout for this archer's voice. Whenever they see an enemy, they will shoot their arrows.

Luckily, Jack and Uncle Steven found a good place to hide. That's why they haven't been noticed by the enemy yet.

For a moment, the surroundings became somewhat quiet. Whether the archer who fell from the tree himself is dead or alive, Devin doesn't know. He is just looking around. After doing this for a while, he suddenly saw a man jumping from one tree to another like a monkey and standing on the tree in front of Devin. Devin hides in the bushes under the tree and his enemy stands on top of the tree and looks around.

Devin picked up another stone from the ground and timed it to throw it at the archer. This bow also fell from the tree to the ground due to the impact of the stone. But this time, many arrows rushed toward Devin. Devin immediately ran away from there. No matter how fast those arrows were, they couldn't hit Devin. Devin can escape easily if he wants to, but his main fear is that these enemies will attack Jack and Uncle Steven. That is why he is not running away and is looking for enemies.

It seems there aren't that many Nimu tribesmen around yet. Because if they had been around, they would have attacked Devin, Jack, and Uncle Steven by now. Devin seems to think that someone assigned these archers here so that they can keep a good lookout.

Devin hid behind a large tree. From there, he looked out and saw two archers on a tree. He has only a sword and his gun as weapons. But if he uses his gun this time, the rest of the Nemo tribe will also be wary. They will realize that there are enemies around them. Fortunately, he had already picked up two pieces of stone from the ground. He threw them at the two archers.

The stone hit one of the archers and fell from the tree but the other seemed to understand, so he immediately jumped to another tree. As soon as he jumped the tree, he immediately shot his arrow in the direction from which he was attacked. But Devin had already hidden so the arrow didn't hit him. But this time Devin noticed that no one else was shooting arrows at him except the archer. That means this is the last archer.

He got up from his place and immediately started running at great speed. The archer saw him but could not hit him. Devin jumped next to the tree that the archer was standing on. Immediately, he stood in front of the archer. Wasting no time, he threw it down from the tree in one punch.

Then he went down and took the bow and arrow and looked around carefully. He looks to see if there are any other archers around. But after searching for a while, he saw no other archer. So he goes out of there and goes towards Jack and Uncle Steven.

Both of them are carefully observing the surroundings at this time. Neither Jack nor Uncle Steven has a gun, so there's nothing they can do about it. Before long, they heard many noises. It sounds like someone is screaming. They did not understand whose voice it was. But they sat quietly in their places without moving. Not only that, after a while they got many more words.

Jack and Uncle Steven stared into the woods from where the screeching sounds were coming. A man is coming out of the forest. At first, they didn't quite understand, but then realized it was Devin. But one thing they noticed was blood coming out of Devin's left shoulder. Devin was walking toward them. He came a little closer to them and took a good look around. Actually, this time Devin was looking for Jack and Uncle Steven. Jack stood up from his seat when he saw Devin. Devin immediately spotted him and came towards him.

When Devin approached them, they could see his wound well. If the wound is not so deep, the blood is coming out. Jack quickly took out the medicine and applied it to the wound. Either way, the bleeding has to be stopped. but

Devin has a pocket in his shirt on the left side. He kept those three artifacts there. He and others didn't notice, but the blood coming out from his left shoulder went toward that pocket.

"We need to leave," Devin said to them. Jack and Uncle Steven agreed. They rose from their hiding places and started walking quickly. They want to escape from here quickly so that they don't fall in front of those tribal people.

After walking for a while, Devin suddenly signals Jack and uncle Steven to stop. At first, Jack didn't understand why he signaled them to stop, but when he looked in front of them, he understood why he had told them to stop.

As you can guess, in front of them, many people are standing with their weapons. These people are all from the Nimu tribe. Now, this is a very dangerous situation for them.

To be continued… … … … …

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