
The Journey Of A Treasure Hunter

Devin loves adventure and treasure hunting. He almost traveled the world and also found many treasures. But, because of covid, he dies and goes to another world. He finds that this world is also the same as his previous world, but just all the countries aren't the same and are also less advanced. But it didn't stop him. Like his previous world, he wanted to be an adventurer and a treasure hunter. He wanted to travel all over the world, to search for unknown places. He wanted to find the unknown. But one thing he is unaware of is that this world is not as simple as it seems. Then what will he do in this world? Will he be able to fulfill his dream or will he become lost in finding the unknown? __________________________ Well, guys, English wasn't my first language and I am not that good at it. But this would not stop me from writing. I just hope you all will like this novel. If you find any mistakes, please ‌tell me so that I can correct them. Also, if you like the novel, don't forget to review it, add it to your library, and share it with your friends. ------------------------ Hey guys, if you want you can also join my discord. https://discord.gg/C5kUjxVwMC https://ko-fi.com/smallotaku You can donate your support here. paypal.me/SmallOtaku You can also support me here.

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 27 - Finally out of the hole. 

Devin's POV:

I closed the book because it was not the time to read the book. Then I pick up all the things or artifacts. You can say I am not sure about this thing. I still did not believe the voice. I inspected all those artifacts carefully and found nothing ordinary; they were like normal ornaments. The boys told me that I need a drop of blood in those artifacts to activate them or become their owner. I carefully store them in my pocket.

"So, Devin what happened? Why did those pillars come out of the floor? What are those things?" Jack asked me. Uncle Jeevan also looked in my direction with a curious gaze.

At first, I was not sure if I should tell them or not, but then I thought that one is my best friend and the other one is my family, so why not? So I simply told them about those artifacts, Calamity, etc.

I can see that both Jack and uncle Steven were shocked after hearing all of this. Well, this was normal for them to become shocked like this. Who will suddenly believe in those things but doesn't know why I am feeling that those things might be real?

But out of nowhere, the room began to shake. I thought that it was like the previous thing, but I was wrong. It wasn't like the previous earthquake. The room begins to shake violently.

"Master, if this room begins to shake like this, then the room will collapse," uncle Steven suddenly said to me. Well, he was right. If the room began to shake like this, then it would take that long for this room to collapse.

I did not want to waste any more time here.

"Pick what you want to pick and let's go out here." I quickly told them and picked up those books. Uncle Steven and Jack also noded hearing my words. They simply pick up some gold coins and put them in their pockets. Well, currently I have nothing to store. Han and his people had already stolen our bag, so we had nothing.

We wasted no more time and began to run. After coming out of the room, I saw that the tunnel was also shaking violently. We need to quickly get out of here. This place can be a college anytime. We begin to run. Still, I did not use my full speed because if I did that, Jack and uncle Steven wouldn't be able to keep up with me.

We went again to the dark tunnel where you cannot see anything without a torch. Also, we need to be careful of those potholes. But this wasn't time to worry about the potholes. This tunnel can collapse at any time.

While holding our torches, we begin to run. We didn't know that suddenly we heard a loud voice. The voice belongs to a human. Just hearing the voice you can tell the human was in very pain. Those are probably Han and his people. We also hear loud noises that do not belong to humans. It was the sound of something collapsing on the floor. Lovely the tunnel finally started to collapse.

Hearing those noises, we increased our speed. Even the pothole in front of us was just in the dark tunnel. I know this is very dangerous, but we did not have that much time to cross this place slowly.

I can see that Uncle Steven's speed was decreasing. It was probably for the bullets he wasn't able to run. This is the first time in my life I was scared. I was scared not because I could die but because Jack and uncle Steven would be living in this tunnel. This is the thing I am worried about..

Right, everything began to collapse. Already, a huge part of the rock collapsed on the road behind them. So like this, they began to run towards the exit. They wanted to exit this place as soon as they could.

A few minutes later, they were now in front of the staircase. Just need to climb up the stairs to reach the surface area. The room is still shaking violently. So, we didn't waste any time and started to climb up.

Even in that situation, we did not slow down. We are now climbing as fast as we can. And a few minutes later, we are now finally out of the hole.

But the earth was still shaking. I, Jack, and uncle Steven looked around carefully. We don't want any big rocks or trees to fall on us. We also don't want the ground to suddenly shift and we fall all the way down into the ditch. That's why we started looking around. We are far from that cave now.

After a while, the earthquake finally stopped. The three of us are still safe, but all around us are not well. Many large trees are lying on the ground and in some places, the ground is cracked. This showed how terrible the earthquake was. Fortunately, they managed to get out quickly and saved their lives. Devin didn't want to imagine what would have happened if they were still inside that cave.

"Come on. It's no use here," I told them both. Jack and Uncle also agreed with me, and the three of us now set off on our way back. It suddenly dawned on me that Han and his men were with us in the tunnel, but from what I was seeing, they didn't seem to be alive.

Well, it wasn't that I was worried about them. It was exactly the opposite. I wanted to kill that man. What can we say? This was his fate?

'Well, man, Rip. Be a good guy in your next life. Also, forget about finding any treasure in your next life.'

To be continued… ….

[A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this novel. Do support this novel with some Power stone and also share your comment. It will motivate me to write further,]

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