
Fight between Element-Users

Twenty to thirty feet, the distance was only twenty to thirty feet between that leader and old man, and yet it felt as if they were the top of two great mountains situated poles apart, staring at each other with a hint of arrogance in their eyes.

Suddenly the atmosphere turned silent around them. It seemed as if everyone present had even stopped their breathing so it won't distract them from focusing on that face-off. Someone had finally dared to challenge the infamous leader of the Elite Guards to fight, and they surely wouldn't miss it even for the world.

Both combatants stared straight into each others' eyes. They could feel the emotions buried deep inside their hearts by just meeting the gaze of each other.

The eyes of the old man had a ray of strong determination shining in them as he was determined to lay down his life for the one he wanted to protect while the eyes of that leader were exuding pure hatred and disgust towards him.

After being promoted as the leader of the Elite Guards unit, he had never experienced this kind of utter humiliation which he had to swallow today. It made him recall his early days when he used to be a commoner, just like them. That feeling of not having control over his own life, he simply hated that phase of his life.

He did everything, be it moral or immoral, to rise through the ranks and finally got to this point.

He thought that things will be different now that he had been promoted to a powerful position. He even had a small army consists of hundreds of weapon-wielding soldiers under him, but it seemed as if it was all for naught as once again he was humiliated in front of these commoners, whom he hated the most in his life.

Everything which happened today was entirely that girl's fault. If only she would have behaved just as she was supposed to and wouldn't have gone against him, then this matter wouldn't have turned out to be this big. Now he will have to take her life, otherwise, his heart won't feel content.

"Just a moment ago, you were begging me to have mercy on your granddaughter, and now you dare to hit my guards. In a mere few moments, you have developed enough courage to take me on, old man!!"

"I am curious to know that from where this confidence of yours is originating." The leader said sarcastically. He was baffled to see the old man fight his guards earlier and now he wanted to go against him, this was preposterous.

The leader started concentrating all his spiritual energy into his solar plexus and sent it towards his Chakra point. He opened his Nabhi Chakra, took the energy inside, and started rotating it for a while. He was refining his raw spiritual energy into element-infused spiritual energy, which was much more useful in a fight.

Slowly the temperature of his body started to go up like crazily.

His whole body was exuding an extreme kind of heat that an ordinary human could never hope to endure. His eyes changed into a demon's eyes. At this moment he seemed as if he became a demon himself. Whoever looked into his eyes, felt their entire being trembling and yet when he glanced towards the old man, he couldn't even see a sliver of fear on his countenance. It annoyed him.

"First I will kill you, then I will kill that invisible bastard, and after that, I will catch that bitch, and put her in the prison while torturing her slowly every day for her remaining life."

"What do you say, old man, how do you like my plan for the future?" The temperature around them started to go up at a rapid rate as the leader's palms turned into huge fireballs. His lips curved slightly upwards as he tried to enrage him with his sharp words.

The leader dashed towards that old man. His speed appeared to be immeasurable as he approached him in a flash and threw a punch towards his heart. That punch had all his might from the refined spiritual energy which he got from his Nabhi Chakra.

The old man knew from the moment it was thrown at him that he won't be able to stop it by any normal means, so he tried to dodge that punch by activating his kundalini and leaned slightly towards his right.

The speed behind that punch was nothing to underestimate. The old man tried to dodge that punch by activating his kundalini, but because he hadn't used that in a long while, his control seemed a bit off as in the last moment, it came dangerously close to his chest and finally grazed him a little.

The impact from that graze, made the old man fly into the air. He seemed to have underestimated the leader and didn't prepare himself for an attack like this. In reality, he didn't even imagine that the leader could be an elemental user, and it cost him in the form of an early attack. After a few moments, he finally came crashing down towards the ground.

The public present had already moved far away and emptied the place for them to fight. They didn't want to come in between the fight of Elemental Masters.

"That leader was a fire element user!! No wonder he was so arrogant earlier on."

"From the looks of it, it seemed as if he had opened his Fire Chakra point to have control over the element of fire and became a Fire-master."

"He is definitely worthy to be the leader of a hundred weapon-wielding soldiers."

"That old man was trying to fight an element user, did he wish to die or something?" Everyone present started mumbling between themselves.

The old man stood up again on his feet and rubbed the dust of his clothes slowly. He looked at the leader with a smile on his face and said.

"Is this the best you can do after babbling all those nonsense about killing me and capturing my granddaughter? Don't tell me this is the limit of your power which you gained from opening your Nabhi Chakra?"

"If this is all you can do, then I'm utterly disappointed in you. I don't think you have what it takes to kill me." The old man said sarcastically while collecting a portion of his spiritual energy inside his body and sent it to his Svadhisthana Chakra point.

He too had opened a chakra point in his body once, he too was known everywhere as the elemental master once, but when he started raising his young mistress after the death of her parents, he left everything and became a lowly merchant. He decided that he would never reveal his true self to the public again, but the present situation got way out of control, and now he had no other way to stop that fire-wielding leader.

That leader was strong beyond his imagination. That previous attack was so dangerous that if he hadn't awakened his kundalini in the nick of the time, he would've taken much more damage than a simple graze.

After refining his spiritual energy through Svadhisthana chakra and infusing it with the element of water, that old man felt serenity spreading throughout his whole body. The effect from the leader's fire also got weaker on his body as a strange film of ice dispersed over both hands.

He looked straight into the eyes of that leader and said with an indifferent smile plastered on his face. "If you want to kill me, then you have to do better than that previous attack, otherwise who knows, the one who would fall here might be you, yourself."

Everyone was surprised after watching the frost covering the old man's hands. Was he an element user too? That would have surely been the case otherwise, who in their sane mind would try to go against the leader of elite guards. And by the looks of it, he seemed to be on the same level as that leader. It was panning out to be an interesting fight.

Just like everyone in the crowd, that leader too had a moment of surprise dawned onto himself after watching the old man use the water element. Was he really from this dirt of a place? Was he really a nobody but a lowly merchant?

He knew about almost every element-user above apprentice level present in this region, but he had never heard about him before. Too many thoughts started crowding his mind as he threw a suspicious look on him.

'I've come too far to think about these things. I should focus on this on-going battle.' So what If he was an elemental master, he too had a hidden card with him. If push came to shove, he would just use that and kill everyone here so it won't cause any troubles later.

"Okay, I agree that I've underestimated you before, but it won't happen anymore. Come on; let me show you that why no one of this region can ever hope to take me on in a one on one battle."

"Let's fight." He didn't want to give any leeway to this old man again. He was going to end this with one attack. The leader started chanting a mantra in low voice.

The fire around his palms started to take shape into a ferocious dragon which rapidly grew to a size of almost a small mountain. After completion of its shape, it came alive as it flew towards the sky and roared fiercely.

The whole crowd seemed to have their ears turn numb as they covered their ears with their hands and their heads started spinning because of that loud roar. Everyone retreated a few hundred steps to get out of the range of the heat that it gave off otherwise they'll turn into roasted meat.

That fire dragon looked majestic while soaring through the clear sky. Its wings spread and covered the whole sky as it flew upwards. The extreme heat which emanated from that fire dragon covered the whole market and everything in a radius of hundred meters burned till only their ashes remained.

Ved was retreating hurriedly towards his back. This was madness. What was going on? What was that fire thing which the leader created out of his hands, everything seemed to be burning around it? He looked flabbergasted. He didn't have any clue about what was going on so he ran towards that girl in the hemisphere.

"Kill him, burn him till his bones turn into white ashes. Let him experience the power of The Mighty Fire Dragon." The leader pointed his finger towards that old man while looking at that fire dragon. He was ordering it to burn him without leaving any remains.

After receiving the order from its master, the fire dragon roared in fury and dived down towards the old man. The temperature started to rise rapidly as it approached the ground.

No one could endure this much heat on their own. Only ashes will remain if anyone would try to come in its range, but to everyone's amaze, the old man was still standing on his spot, without even batting an eyelash. It was as if this extreme heat did not affect him.

The old man channeled his spiritual energy towards his Svadhisthana Chakra, infused it with the element of water and sent the refined energy throughout his whole body. Svadhisthana Chakra had the water element embedded in it and only by its help that he was able to endure this overbearing heat till now which no one could ever hope to withstand.

With the fire dragon approaching him at an alarming speed, the old man took a couple of steps back. He stared straight into those fiery eyes of that gigantic fire dragon and brought more and more of the chakra refined spiritual energy towards his palm. He wanted to try out something new to counter the speed of that fire dragon.

The leader cracked a big smiled as he saw the old man retreating in fear. He has seen this scene play out this way whenever he brought the fire dragon out. No one, at most not any elemental users from this region could ever hope to counter the fire dragon.

It was the most precious treasure which he ever possessed in his life. The Region Head had gifted him this incredible elemental technique when he proved his loyalty and became the leader of the Elite Guards.

It was said that this fire technique was acquired through many hardships endured by the troops in the infamous Desolate region, the region where once an ancient war between the gods of this world took place. Anything found from the remains of that battle should be amazing beyond beliefs.

The Region Head had sent an army of trained soldiers to raid that region, but only a handful of them could return with severe life-threatening injuries. The loss of an army was too huge for him to bear, but the only positive thing that happened during that trip was that they had stumbled upon this extremely formidable Elemental technique.

When he proved his loyalty to the Region Head by decimating a whole clan for him, the region head gifted a portion of this incredible technique as a reward. The technique he had, was only a little portion of the original, but it was enough to flatten any elemental master of this puny part of the region.

"There is no point in retreating; it has been too late to do that. You should prepare for your journey to the afterlife." The leader looked at the retreating old man while flaunting a wry smile on his sinister face as he said to the old man.

"Don't worry; I promise you that I will let the girl suffer less after you turn into ashes."