
I traveled to a fantasy world and became a necromancer

In a world where magic and darkness intertwine, Losif, a reborn necromancer, embarks on an epic journey. His past haunts him like a shadow, and his ability to control death makes him a powerful weapon. But what secrets does his new life hide? And what price will he pay for defying the laws of destiny? Join Losif as he unravels mysteries, forges unexpected alliances, and confronts supernatural creatures. In his search for answers, he will discover that the line between light and darkness is more blurred than he imagined. Will his power be a blessing or a curse? Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world where magic flows and secrets lurk around every corner?

Oronguinsensei · Fantasy
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41 Chs

the ways of the life

Ana spoke—Lósif, I don't think our parents would have told those monsters where we were— She responded in a way that would be like the little shy girl looking into the eyes of the reincarnated boy.

Lósif was very surprised to see how this little girl who is always shy dared to face him and respond in a serious way.

It seems that seeing this human carnage helped or worsened her mind and with this she had a stronger personality.

Lósif spoke—Ana, I know how you feel emotionally, I really know it very well, but you must know and understand that even when they love us a lot and we are family, our parents or friends are going to betray us, we are human, Ana—He said with pity.

Ana upon hearing Lósif's cold and negative response.

 She got very angry, she had no words to describe the internal anger she felt, she knew that there was nothing to be gained by arguing with Lósif, he was also suffering, so she just shook her head several times then she calmed down and with teary eyes.

 She just stayed silent, not daring to say more for fear of collapsing.

Lósif knew he had won this argument. Because? Easy to say this to Ana, a girl who saw firsthand the cruelty of humanity, that even in her own family he saw how she was harassed for being "different" which is why he knew a little how to pull the strings. so that she trusts him.

After a while of thinking about future plans to survive in this strange world where there were people who transform into demonic beings and eat babies.

Lósif spoke, "Ana, I'm going to go to the village alone, I want..." He said with concern.

He did not finish speaking because he was abruptly cut off by Ana. Why did this girl hug the boy named Lósif tightly? Ana was crying and clung with all the strength she could muster to Lósif's back; she did not want to let her only friend go alone. to where she thought her imminent death would be, she was scared, she was no longer angry with Lósif, she loves him very much and needs him.

Lósif knew that the girl was clinging to his only protection, unconsciously she did not want to let him go to the lonely village.

 Lósif knew it, the girl was scared to witness all that human carnage carried out by those knights and guided by the supposed follower of god and divinity, that's what the boy thought when he saw the old man in a white priest's robe.

He was very disgusted and only remembering that evil and terrifying moment. More than 5 hours had already passed and it was night, it had become dark, the ground was illuminated by the beautiful moon above.

Lósif spoke—The murderers are possibly still in the village waiting for us (he pointed his finger) to go to the village again, that's why I tell you that we wait a day at most to make them believe that out of fear we went to the forest and We lost by running without a direction in mind and the wild animals killed us...

 There is a possibility that they have already left, but that is very minimal and I only want to go alone, I don't want to put you in danger I will go down quickly and grab the supplies.

 If those guys left something behind, although possibly they were just passing through and they found us by bad luck—He said, thinking seriously.

Ana spoke—I want to accompany you anyway, Lósif, I don't want to leave you alone ever again so that something happens to you, but if it happens that they will catch us, I'm not afraid that they will kill us both. I don't think I can live alone in this world class.

 Also, I have a very bad appearance and they won't like me, don't worry, remember, I'm ugly as a witch—The girl finished speaking in a resolute and firm manner without fear of death.

Lósif swallowed the words he was about to tell her and a lump formed in his throat as he heard what this little girl was thinking, he knew that if these bad guys found us we would be killed.

Lósif spoke - well then, Ana, let's go then, but first we are going to look for and use camouflage, look on this side there is mud, we are going to use it on our bodies and take advantage of what is wet to add plants and leaves with which they can stick to our bodies. bodies because of the humidity and also remember to add to the face— He said intelligently.

Ana and Lósif did this, with camouflage at the last minute they were ready to go down and find out what had happened in the village and what happened.

 Lósif was very nervous although he acted tough and led the girl, he was very afraid of what they would find below, with one last look at Ana and at the black book he proceeded and took Ana by the hand, to go down without hesitating more than he thought. What would happen, just going down with a determined face.

Along the way the two children were walking and then they were crawling, they were advancing through all the wild vegetation of the thick moor, there was a little time left to reach the village, along the way they were tense ready to run to hide from the murderers who might possibly kill them. kill them if they catch them.

Upon reaching where an old hollow tree was, these children advanced quickly and entered through the small hole under the root and earth. Upon entering, they looked outside the tree to look and observed what was left of the village. Traces of blood could be seen. and flies flying above, the knights or the old magician could not be seen, there were only pieces of red meat in many pieces and seven severed heads neatly arranged around the circle of blood, the children, upon seeing that scene, were trembling and their eyes were open. in pairs and pairs, observing with horror the heads of their family and friends.

Lósif spoke—Ana calm down, take a deep breath—He said with horror in his voice.

The boy tried to calm the girl who was beginning to hyperventilate from terror. Upon hearing Lósif's reassuring words, she calmed down a little. Now it was time to walk along this path to the village and see what supplies or money was left. .

With that in mind, they both headed down towards the entrance of the village with staggering steps, with fearful and firm steps.

The scene they observed was tragic, as they were closer they clearly saw the remains of their family members cut and decapitated, in addition to the strong smell of decomposition, this is very strong and all of this is a very sad and traumatic scene for two children.

Lósif—this is not the time to be sad Ana, let's investigate the place and always be careful when entering the houses, there is still the possibility that there is one of those gentlemen still hiding—

After exploring the entire village slowly and very carefully and they were sure that there was no one, they quickly went to the first house and so on in each of those things they observed that there were only beans and there was nothing useful for food. eat quickly, when they arrived at Agustín's house they felt much better, there was food and water, they took it all along with the clothes, they also took it along with all the shoes among other things that would be very useful to continue with the trip what they were pointing out to face.

Lósif—Ana, let's walk to the forest, look! This here is the sword that one of the knights left, it seems that they did not want it, it is embedded in the body of my uncle Agustín—

Lósif said to proceed to unearth the heavy iron sword full of blood with remains of Agustín's guts, he deliberately ignored Agustín's headless body, he knew that if he did not do it this way it could collapse and Ana was occupying someone strong .

He managed to hold it with two hands and using all the strength that a 10-year-old boy can use, although he was fat, he was not very muscular, but those days of working in the field sowing helped, managing to put the great sword wrapped in a rag so that there was no accidents along the way, unfortunately the cloth was cut cleanly and Iósif had to carry it with the edge up, holding it on his shoulders trying to balance it with one hand so that it would not move in a way that could cut them.

Lósif turned to look at Ana and saw that she was ready. Before leaving, they wanted to dig some holes to bury the remains of their family and friends so that they could rest in peace. Unfortunately, there was no time. The day had ended an hour ago and it was night. In their heads nothing could be seen apart from the darkness on the road, both of them decided to go to the hollow tree to sleep.

Upon entering the tree they hugged each other and slept hoping that the next day would come quickly and they would escape from this village where they had suffered a lot seeing this hell.

The next day at dawn after doing basic hygiene and the needs of the human body, they were ready to retire, with that in mind they embarked on the path that leads to the great forest, supposedly that strange forest is cursed according to Rosita and Laura's parents. My mother told us that we should never go to that forest, since we would never get out of that place alive. A long time ago, Laura's grandparents were fighting and her grandfather left angrily towards the forest, entered and was never heard from again. To date, everything was Without any news, my grandfather's wife was crying every day outside the forest waiting for my grandfather's arrival.

On the dirt road you can see two children, a skinny girl with a big hump and a pretty face and the other taller and somewhat fat boy with dark skin and a large iron sword held with one hand on his shoulders. Both children had On their backs was a leather backpack with various supplies for the trip.

Ana—Lósif I'm tired and my feet feel strange, Lósif we can stop for a while to rest—

Lósif—Ana, we are almost at the beginning of the forest, observe (points ahead to the beginning of a large green tree) we only advance to that tree and rest, we walk a lot, the village can no longer be seen to return we must walk another 7 hours and counting I rest them as now let's continue Ana—

Ana—it's okay, Iósif, I'll be strong, we're almost there, I can do it, and you're carrying most of the load. Am I a nuisance Lósif?—

Lósif—No!, Ana, you are not a nuisance, you will never be a bother to me, you are my only friend and I will protect you with my life, you see, we have already reached the tree, now let's rest—

Lósif spoke and they accelerated their pace to enter the shadow of the large tree. When they arrived, they observed with delight how there were many trees behind this tree of immense magnitude with what seemed to be mangoes or some strange fruit.

Lósif—Ana, now that I think about it, we walked by the sun for a long time and the sun is about to be overshadowed, then the moon will rise announcing the night, let's rest and have a meal, and look, this tree will serve as a temporary shelter, you know, I hope not. there are crocodiles or something like that—

Ana—Lósif, what are crocodiles?—

 The girl asked the older boy, she sometimes heard Lósif talk and mention strange things, very strange names that she didn't know.

Lósif—they are very large garrobos that eat meat from any creature that moves, something like an Uncle Agustín except that Uncle Agustín gives it to everything that moves—

 The boy half joked and smiled the last part.

Unfortunately, the girl didn't take the hint and stared at the boy who was smiling like a fool for telling a bad joke.

Ana—Lósif I understand, then I can sleep cuddling with you, I'm afraid of sleeping alone.

 Did you like Lósif?—

The girl asked, somewhat shy, and lowering her face out of the corner of her eye, she was observing the boy carefully and seeing the boy's reaction.

Lósif—Ana, if I like you, you are a good girl and you will be a beautiful lady, by the way we can sleep together—

Losif didn't take the girl's hint, he thought she was referring to loving each other as friends and not being disliked. With that in mind, Ana got into Iósif's quilt and hugged him like a little koala and then they fell asleep.

At dawn the birds were singing and the fresh morning air was greeting them, they knew that there was still a long way to go to get there, they did not know where they would only have to leave that forest to reach the kingdom or some other place where they would obtain new life.

Ana—Lósif, where will we go?—

Lósif—let's go to the kingdom or some other place, I want to open a bakery or something like that, then we'll get by on that—

The older boy prepared a lunch with several nutrients that would be essential for the long run. After eating, they put everything away and left for an unknown destination.

In the forest everything was undergrowth, there was no place that was dry, the fauna was at its peak, you could hear the sounds of animals echoing and running past.

Lósif was attentive to any wild animal that wanted to attack from behind, his heart was very tense at a thousand per hour, he wondered if this heavy sword would ever be useful or just an ornament and would slow down the speed.

Ana was scared, the path shaded by the large trees and plants was making her scared, and those animal sounds did not help calm the anxiety and fear she had. She was still thinking about the tragic death of her entire family, her older sister who She was pregnant, she had died in a brutal way and she suffered so much.

Lósif observed how Ana was lost in thought and let her be, minutes later he regretted that in front of him there was a very strange animal similar to a monkey, but with an iguana tail and white eyes, he saw how Ana was going straight to that animal , he yelled at her to stop, but it was too late, the girl hit the animal squarely and it reacted as a result of the blow by attacking the girl who was scared when she saw the animal.

Ana—Ah! Losif! Aid!-