
I traveled to a fantasy world and became a necromancer

In a world where magic and darkness intertwine, Losif, a reborn necromancer, embarks on an epic journey. His past haunts him like a shadow, and his ability to control death makes him a powerful weapon. But what secrets does his new life hide? And what price will he pay for defying the laws of destiny? Join Losif as he unravels mysteries, forges unexpected alliances, and confronts supernatural creatures. In his search for answers, he will discover that the line between light and darkness is more blurred than he imagined. Will his power be a blessing or a curse? Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world where magic flows and secrets lurk around every corner?

Oronguinsensei · Fantasy
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41 Chs


Lósif— Diana, it seems like you are working hard, good morning. I'm going with Ana to look for a lake—

 The girl covered in flour quickly turned around at the sound of the voice and found Lósif.

 Diana: Losif! Good morning, of course go find the lake, but hurry up because I'm going to prepare a good meal—

 The girl spoke very happily, it seemed like she was busy since early in the morning.

Lósif and Ana assisted the happy girl and resumed their path again, they had to find a lake so that Lósif would be happy.

On the way Ana was lost in thought, Lósif noticed her and didn't say anything to interrupt.

Ana— Lósif, Sister Diana is very happy. You know why?-

Lósif—Ana, maybe money or something was found—

 After a few seconds he added.

 Lósif—it would be better if you didn't ask those things, there are things that are better not to ask, sometimes they say "what you see, you don't ask"—

Ana—Lósif, you know a lot and you also know how to read and write until you can count and I don't know anything, I'm just learning the value of money—

 Lósif observed how the girl was sad, Lósif knew that if he were not reincarnated from the 10 years that his predecessor was in this world, he would be a boy without knowledge, but it was thanks to the fact that he awakened his past memory that he could know these basic things. .

Lósif—Ana, don't feel bad. I was just lucky to learn this and I'll teach you more later—

 He ended up touching and caressing the girl's head.

 Another thing that Lósif observed were some dark circles in the girl's eyes, something that alarmed Lósif, but with the healing spell it seemed that they disappeared just a little.

Lósif—Ana, look (points to a clothing stall) let's go buy some, I invite you—

 Both children approached the clothing stall, Lósif remembered that in this stall there was a hood that he wanted to buy, but it seems that it had already been sold, regretting a little he decided to look around a little.

Seller—Children, are you going to buy or not, this is not for bums—

 The thick voice of the merchant man spoke rudely, a strong and tall guy. Lósif swallowed uncomfortably when he saw how tall the man was, but he did not let himself be intimidated.

Lósif—we search and search, just that—

Ana was looking for something she liked and found what appears to be a somewhat simple necklace.

Ana—Lósif I want this!—

Lósif—okay Ana, take it, I'll buy it, how much is that for that, sir?—

Mr. Seller—That boy gave it to you for 2 copper coins, buy it or leave it—

Lósif nodded and took out the money to pay and observed a red book that looked very old and worn, it was hidden between a new suit of armor and the book served as a base.

Lósif— sir, how much for that?—

Mr. seller—it's worth 60 copper coins, I'm not sure you have that much, this armor is very strong and new—

Lósif—I was referring to the red thing that is the basis (he pointed to the old red book)—

Mr. seller—that old thing, I will give it to you in 5 coins, it was a souvenir that my father left me years ago, but I can't open it and it seems like it's garbage—

Lósif—it's very expensive, it's 5 copper sir for something you call garbage yourself—

Mr. seller—well boy, give me 3 coppers and I'll give it to you, it's a memory of my father and I'm not selling it—

Lósif stayed thinking and then for a short moment he acted as if he were convinced and quickly paid the money, he had spent 5 copper coins in a moment and there were 95 remaining.

Lósif, upon getting the book in his mind, heard a voice that he was used to.

Lósif's Mind:

Book of the Dead— host, a new spell has been found, fireball spell... Learn or Deny—


Lósif felt new information in his brain and knew that he had found a rare treasure, a new spell had been integrated by three coppers.

Lósif left the mental space and returned to reality, he noticed that Ana is looking at him anxiously and the salesman was yelling at him why he would leave if he had rare diseases.

When Lósif reintegrated, he decided to start going out with Ana to look for the lake and see the power of this new added spell, fireball.

Lósif and Ana were in a place full of plants and undergrowth, there were also cut trees and further down a path full of large, green trees in all their splendor.

Lósif—Ana, this is where I came to cut firewood, as you can see it is a place away from everything and I can use my secret skills—

Ana—Lósif, these skills you have are very cool, but why don't you show them to others?—

 the girl asked in a very surprised and confused manner by the expressions on her face.

Lósif calmly observed Ana and decided to tell her the truth, this magic is evil.

Lósif—Ana, this magic that I use is evil, only murderers, monsters that murder without remorse can use it and improve it to the next level—

Ana— Lósif, you are nothing like that, you are a good person, you use magic to do good, I believe in Lósif—

Lósif— You, Ana—

 He looked at the girl's carefree, smiling face and couldn't bear to look at her, he was stained with the blood of innocent people, he is no better than those he criticizes.

Lósif—you are a stupid girl, Ana, not everyone is a good person, I am not a good person Ana—

Ana— Lósif is a good person, Ana believes in Lósif and Lósif will always be a good person—

Lósif was distressed to see that changing the girl's mind was not working; these thoughts are dangerous for her to have after seeing the massacre firsthand.

Lósif had to ask this girl directly or she could be murdered and god forbid forced by some guy.

Lósif—Ana, because you trust me, why don't you think I'm a murderer?—

 The young, skinny girl, upon hearing the older boy's question, was alone and turned to look at him with her eyes closed and smiling from ear to ear.

Ana—Because Lósif is a good human being and does not like evil—

Lósif remained frozen in his place without stopping to see the smiling face of the girl, his childhood friend who was left, together in this chaotic and cruel world.

Lósif turned his gaze, but in his heart he made a new oath. Lósif will not let Ana suffer any more, Lósif swears to make Ana have a family and a good husband and they will always be happy forever until she dies of old age with her husband, what would she have in the future.

Lósif did not speak any more, he quickly approached where the girl is smiling and hugged her tightly, placing his chin on the girl's head who was only enjoying the show of affection from the boy.

Lósif—Ana, I will protect you for life—

Ana was confused when she heard those words from the older boy, but she was happy that it meant that Lósif would stay with her, like mom and dad once told her how they met and got together for life.