
The Prankster Gets Caught.

(Grim_Crimzon gets a cookie.🍪)

Laying down on my bed with my eyes wide open I couldn't help but be annoyed. The room had a small window that let the starlight from the school slightly illuminate the room. I had left the curtains open to at least be able to analyze my surroundings for the pokemon.

"Alright, just because I can't see you doesn't mean I don't notice you trying to take the shoelaces off my shoes! What are you? The ghost of being a mild inconvenience?"

As I sat up from my bed I looked to the dark corner of the room before noticing my shoes drop to the ground. Not a trace of the pokemon in sight.

For the first hour or two after I laid down on my bed I was slightly nervous, the feeling of uneasiness slowly making me more paranoid. But as the night went on I noticed that rather than trying to hurt me, it was just trying to annoy me with some stupid "pranks".

I noticed the light in the alarm clock next to my bed turn off, indicating that it had been disconnected. Next, I noticed that the uniform that had been given to me I had hung in the open closet was missing the pants I had placed them beside. And now, using my psionics I noticed that one of my shoes was missing its shoelaces.

All throughout the night I could hear the quiet yet mischievous giggles across the room. Which only reinforced my conviction that this ghost was just trying to mess with me.

It seemed my words had provoked the pokemon, as I suddenly saw one of my shoes get launched towards my face. Reacting just in time, I was able to dodge out of the way of the shoe, causing it to fly toward the wall on my side. But the next moment I felt something hit the top of my head. Somehow the shoe that had missed me had come flying from the ceiling. I hadn't felt any psychic energy being used which only made me more confused.

Quiet giggles flooded the room from all directions. But the discomfort that I felt deep inside my heart told me to be wary of one corner of the room specifically. Grabbing the shoe as hard as I could I threw it in the direction my instincts were warning me of.



I saw a small creature suddenly appear in the darkness. The sudden hit had made them lose their balance and fall to the ground. I was only able to catch a glimpse of it before it disappeared, but with the help of the faint amount of light in the room, I noticed a golden ring with a diameter around the size of a bowling ball rolling on the floor.

A small hand quickly snatched the ring before disappearing. The small discomfort I felt vanished along with it. Minutes passed but it seemed like the ghost-typed pokemon had disappeared for now.

Laying back down on my bed I couldn't help but let out a sigh. My mind was starting to run through a list of all the pokemon I knew that might fit the description. I wasn't the type who could list all of the pokemon from the top of their head so it took me a few minutes before a pokemon came to mind.

"Happa? Huppa? Hoops? Hoopa!"

What the hell was Hoopa doing in Olympia's school? From what Gabrielle had said, Olympia knew that they were inside the school. Were they one of her Pokemon?

Standing up from his bed and running to one of his bags he pulled out a small red device, the Pokedex. The first version had been released for professors to give to new trainers a few months back. Oak had sent me one as a gift as thanks for the idea to try to create a version of the pokedex that could be integrated with Rotom. So far I hadn't used it much since I had not yet started my journey, but it came in handy for times like this. I had actually tried using it to scan Hoopa before I went to bed while it was still hiding, but the pokedex couldn't seem to detect them.

Quickly typing out the name of the Pokemon I saw a hand-drawn picture of the pokemon, which actually had a few discrepancies with what I knew the pokemon to look like. It seems as if no one had yet been able to scan Hoopa, so most of the information on the Pokedex was from eyewitness accounts.

[Hoopa, The Mischief Pokemon. The authenticity of this pokemon has yet to be confirmed. Eye witness accounts claim the pokemon to be a mischievous one that likes to pull pranks. Some records mention it gathers things it likes and passes them through its loop to teleport them to a secret place.

The last report of anyone spotting the pokemon was 14 years ago. It is believed to be a myth from the people of Kalos.] The robotic voice from the pokedex said.

"14 years…" I muttered to myself.

A smile crept to my face as I put the pieces of the puzzle together. I had just solved one of the biggest mysteries in the world. How Olympia was able to create her school. The school had undergone a massive change exactly 14 years ago. It was around that time that the strange pocket dimension had been created, and it was around that time when Olympia's psychic prowess grew to the point of being recognized as the strongest.

Did Olympia have the prison bottle? Or was it still hidden around the world?

Hundreds of questions began flooding my mind as I fell deep in thought. I had to carefully plan and prepare for what I would do during my stay here. The best course of action would be to somehow bring up Hoopa. That would probably allow me to get even closer to Olympia and learn some of her private skills. Plus, it never hurts to become acquainted with a mythical pokemon.

I hadn't even noticed the passage of time until I heard a knock at my door.

Rubbing my tired eyes I walked to the door, when I opened it I was greeted with the smiling face of my guide, Gabrielle.

"Hey, I was just coming to check up on you. New students usually have a rough first night, and their alarm clocks sometimes get disconnect-" Her smiling face turned to one of pity as she saw my tired expression.

Drawing me into a hug she began to speak sadly.

"Oh you poor thing, you must be so tired. I will go speak to Olympia about delaying your first classes until tomorrow. We have some couches in the common room where you can rest. It must have been so scary, I remember the first day I was here I couldn't sleep either. And you are so much younger than I was when-"

As she talked I pushed myself back to break away from the hug. She was a nice person, so I wasn't planning on making her worried.

"No- no- I was just looking forward to today's class, so I couldn't sleep. What time is it? I don't want to be late for class." I said dismissively.

Judging by the people wandering about behind Gabrielle I must have stayed up all night by accident. So I was planning on ignoring the tiredness I now felt to meet with Olympia. I might even be able to get extra classes with the assistance of a mythical pokemon if I played my cards right. And if Olympia was anything to go by, Hoopa might be the best instructor available at the time.

Gabrielle's eyes began to water as she heard my excuse.

"I see… I won't stop you if you really want to go to class. But remember I am here if you need help. I remember the first week was terrifying, I still feel my skin itching with discomfort from time to time."

Slowly closing my door I gave her a few thankful nods. All I needed was my uniform and then I could…

"Ah, that's right… Hoopa took the pants."

— — —

Showing up only wearing half my uniform and half of my casual clothes to my first introductory class with Olympia was a bad look, but it wasn't my fault her pokemon was a bit of a kleptomaniac.

Looking at the large silver rings that she wore around her body I couldn't help but wonder if they had any relation to Hoopa's rings. From the rumors I had heard, she could use them to see into the future of a person.

I heard Olympia sigh as she saw me.

"Go get some rest, we can delay our lesson until tomorrow. I'll make sure you have a good night's sleep from now on." Her eyes were filled with annoyance as she glanced to the side of the room. Yet when her eyes returned to me she regained her kind demeanor.

"Um… actually.. Miss Olympia. Could we have a bit of a private conversation?"

I had spent all night thinking of different ways to bring this up. Carefully and methodically planning for the best risk and reward method. Yet as the time came for me to act, my sleep-deprived brain settled on the most direct way to do it.

— — —

(Olympia's Pov.)

I was extremely annoyed with Hoopa and with myself.

I should have given them a more stern warning to not mess with the child. There were a few adults here and there who came to our school that left after the first night because of Hoopa.

It was in his nature to prank and mess with other pokemon and humans, so I had allowed him to give some small pranks here and there in order to not have Hoopa get pent up and do something stupid.

I had searched for Hoopa when I saw a vision of them creating a big disaster in Dahara City. I had to make sure to keep an eye on them to prevent any future disasters, so I made a deal with them to keep them entertained. They would, in return, assist me.

I was able to take my powers and my school to the next level thanks to them, but it got exhausting fast. Hoopa had begun to mess even more with the new students. Our last student before Lucas had left in an absolute panic after he had experienced having his room collapse on him while he slept.

Last night, Hoopa had been acting strange when they returned to me. Almost as if they were slightly embarrassed, something that almost never happened. They must have pushed it too far and left the child traumatized.

I might have to close the school temporarily to go out with Hoopa to let them release their need to mess with people.

Lucas had shown an incredible amount of power for someone his age during the test. It was for that reason that I had to make sure he didn't leave without proper training. He appeared to be a good kid, but I didn't want to risk him losing control of his powers like Sabrina and causing an accident that traumatized him. She seemed to have turned a new leaf now, but the early days of her training career had brought me a lot of worry.

Thinking of the small girl with a cold expression that had rejected my offer to join the school I could feel another small headache begin to form.

Turning to the child that appeared to not have slept at all I took a deep breath, ready to convince him to not leave. But I stopped as I saw the child look around the room before settling his eyes on what appeared to be an empty corner and saying in a determined voice.

"I know it was you, Hoopa. So stop hiding and come out."