
The notebook.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021.

Hey my name is Adam; I am a young Moroccan man, 20 years old, studying physics and chemistry at the University of Med 1st in a city in the east of Morocco named Oujda.

I've been living in Oujda since the day I was born, luckily, I am the only child that my parents have, my father died in 2014 out of cancer, my is still alive and I am living a quiet of a good life financially.

But recently things happened that made me go upset and stop being super miss leaded by the stupid positivity.

This story is not about me anyway but I just wanted to give you a little idea about me.

Today I was looking through my dad's stuff trying to find something in English to read, after few moments of looking I found what I can call a very old note book, it was well protected but still a bit damaged, and the cover was very attractive.

I grabbed it slowly and tried to open it, it was very dusty that I had to give it a couple of blows, after a I blew on it I saw a couple of English words such as "wine… rain… bad" and that made me know that it was written in English, that excited me for a moment so I took the note book down the stairs and I sat on my dad's chair, put the note book on the desk and brought a little brush and gently I was cleaning it, only cover from all sides took me over 15 minutes to clean, then I started on cleaning the pages. I was very careful because it seemed like it would fall apart if it falls from the desk.

After so much time of cleaning, finally I managed to clean it all, and it started to look as good as new, I started to feel the pages and they seemed very strong and it was written by someone that had a very nice hand writing, it all was written by a black pen, with almost 0 autograph mistakes which made me know that the writer of that notebook must have been very good at writing.

When I finished all of the checking and cleaning, I stood up and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee so that I can enjoy reading that note book, after I made that cup of coffee, I went back to my father's desk to clean it and pick up the note book then I headed to my room where I sit on my reading chair and play some calm background music to chill.