
The Journey from Hate to Love

Life is not fair to many and Juliet Wilson was no exception when it comes to love. After losing her parents in a tragic massacre, memories of which still give her nightmares, Juliet struggles with her job as a Cognitive-behavioural therapist when a request from her best friend brings her in touch with Sebastien Mayer. Known as the beast of the corporate world, Sebastien has a habit of staying on the front page of papers. Sometimes it is for his achievements and success while on the other occasions he caught the eye of the media for his cold attitude and anger issues. What will happen if the fate of these two completely opposite people collides? Read more on Journey from Hate to love…

Asha_Shrestha · Urban
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2 Chs

Journey From Hate To Love


"Why are you here? Tell me what are you doing in my office without my f**king permission? And creating a scene at the front desk?".

He roared like a lion who is hungry to kill. For a second, it felt like I don't know how to answer him.

"I am your new therapist. Your father sent me here, he said that you need help with your anger issues". I told him without looking into his eyes because I can still feel his gaze digging a hole through me. Does he know that his father wants me to marry him? But how am I supposed to tell him? He'll definitely kill me after hearing this.

He looked at me with amusement and then I saw a twitch on the corner of his lips which turned into a full smirk.

"Oh, so you actually fed up from my dad and now you are planning to use your mind tricks on me? I know you are nothing but a gold digger witch who manipulated my dad for money, I know people like you very well. You can do anything for money because all you f**king ever care about is money and you can do anything to get it".

His brown orbs are digging a hole into my face. His every word felt like a whip to my soul to my dignity and most of all, to my heart. Nobody ever thought this low about myself. But it's not the right time to think about myself, I am here to do my job, and this time my job is to change this beast into a handsome prince charming, which is next to impossible.

"Sir, I don't care about whatever you think about myself, but I promised your dad who is also my best friend that I'll change his son, and I am not willing to step down from my promise".

I explained and tried to avoid his gaze.

Suddenly I felt two toward the nearest wall and trapped me. Hands holding on my shoulders. He pushed m

I gasped because of shock.

"You really think that you can change someone like me?".

He asked dangerously. That question was sending a chill to my spine, but I nodded slowly.

"I c...c...can try my best".

But his gaze never left me.

"So that's why you suggested our marriage to my father?" He said without breaking eye contact.

He knew it from the moment I step into this room but pretended like he doesn't know about this marriage deal.

"No, I didn't suggest our marriage, but your father did".

"So, you took advantage of my father, tell me what did you offer him for this marriage? A kiss? A night with him? Tell me, what is it?".

His words sliced my heart. Does he think that low of me?

He gripped my wrists in his hands. "You know what Juliet I'll make your life hell, and after this marriage ends, you'll be left broken and ruined by me.

That's my promise, you'll pay Juliet. You will pay for this with your every breath.

He gripped my hands more harshly.

"Sabastian you're hurting me". I pleaded

"Good because that's what I want. I want to hurt you so bad Juliet. Be ready to face your new life baby because you are going to start living in hell". He said and left me there shocked in his office.

A tear rolled down my cheek. But I wiped it away. The moment the door was completely shut, I crumbled down on the floor and cried for a moment for my freedom, for my dignity and lastly for my life. How am I going to face all of this? Am I strong enough to survive through this? Am I? But one thing I am confident about is I am doing this for Max it's his last wish and If I have to pay the price for this then so be it. No Matter, what happens but I'll never break my old man's trust.