
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Statue of the God of Light

After sneaking back into our Carriage i could finally look at the Thing Lucy brought out of the Lake.

Finally being able to take a good look at it i noticed that it was...a small Statue of an old Man that somehow makes me feel disgusted.

After looking a little more carefully i noticed that the old Man kinda looked like the Gramps who i saw when i died and told me about this World.

Though to me it looked kinda disgusting i first wanted to see what it could do and why it would be here.


[Statue of the God of Light](Purple)

The God of Light personally sealed a very small part of his own Power inside this Statue and tossed it into the mortal World for one of his Chosen People to obtain and grow stronger.

Passive: Allows the Host to grow stronger trough the Power of Light(Meditation is 2 times more effective than normal)

Allows the User to have a deeper Connection with the God of Light(Able to hear Commands from the God of Light)

Active: Destroy the Statue to let the Spirit of the God of Light descend onto you and become temporarily undefeatable

[Does Host wish to bind this Item ?]


Though i was already feeling distrust towards this old Man or so called God of Light from the Information i got and all the things that have been happening, but i couldn't let this Item go to waste and even if something was wrong with this the Grey Mass inside me or the Death Magic would surely do something against it.

So with these Thoughts in Mind i pressed mentally on Yes.


[Host accepted binding of Item in Progress....]

I felt a weird Energy trying to fuse with me at first i didn't think much of it and thought this has something to do with the Item, but over time i noticed...i was losing control of my Body !

Looking inside me i noticed the Grey Mass attempting to consume this weird blinding Light again and shrinking and expanding again and again from each attack it made and each attack it received.

Right now i was really freaking out and thought about how stupid i was, finding something out of nowhere and just accepting it surely something must be wrong with it, i tried to tell the [System] to stop the binding Process but it just ignored me and continued.

After what seemed forever i could finally move my Body again and the [System] send me another message.

[Binding of Item...partly successful]

[Trying to eliminate the Problem to complete binding]

[Elimination of Problem in Progress]

At first i was thankful that nothing happened but after reading these alerts i was confused what did the [System] mean by ,Trying to eliminate the Problem' ?

But my Question wasn't long left unanswered as the [System] now also has turned into a blinding Light and was trying to consume the Grey Mass inside me and as this was happening alerts kept popping up.

[Advanced Death Magic Mastery 2 down ranked to Advanced Death Magic Mastery 1]

[Advanced Death Magic Mastery 1 ranked up to Advanced Death Magic Mastery 3]




This continued for who knew how long until surprisingly...the Light was defeated and was turned all Grey.

[Elimination of Cause...failed]

[System is being overwritten trying to resist]

[System was overwritten cutting connection with the God of Light]

[Information delivering is now stopped and Host is declared to have fallen]

[System now only follows the Command of Host and no one else]

[All rewards kept by the [System] will be given to the Host if Host reaches the required Level and Rank]

[Congratulations to Host [Advanced Death Magic Mastery 2] has ranked up to [Advanced Death Magic Mastery 6] ]

[Beginning the Corruption of the Statue from the God of Light...]


[Statue of the God of Light is now [Corrupted Statue of the God of Light](Blue)]

A Statue that is imbued with a small part of Power from the God of Light and a strand of his Consciousness that has been eliminated and consumed during the Corruption process.

All Abilities have been changed during the Corruption.

Passive: Allows the Host to grow stronger trough the corrupted Power of Light in it(Meditation is 2 times more effective than normal)

If you are seen with this Statue by Members from the Church of Light or in General Light Elemental Magicians they will all have the urge to eliminate you.

Active: Imbue this Statue with Death Elemental Magic and throw it at your Enemies for it to explode(Damage can't be calculated as of now)

Reading trough this i didn't process the Information for now and was just feeling glad that nothing happened as i was really scared when i bit by bit started losing control of my Body.

It felt as if something or someone was trying to fuse with me and take over my Body and i'm just glad that nothing happened,but when thinking back to it i was starting to get confused by my behavior as i was to some points already aware of my Situation with the God of Light but i still took the Initiative to bind this Statue without thinking much about it, it all seemed strange to me.

But to my Surprise the ,new' [System] started explaining it to me on it's on accord.

[Host is right in thinking that he was manipulated the [System] was tasked to plant possessive tendencies to the subconscious mind of Host with everything having a connection wit the God of Light and when met with such an Object deactivate all of the Skills hindering the Goal of him]

The [System] apparently got a new Voice when the takeover happened before it sounded only robotic and one couldn't differentiate any Gender, but now it sounded soft and soothing even though one still couldn't determine any gender.

Understanding this i went trough the alerts again and was alarmed by this strand of Consciousness and why it wasn't mentioned before, thankfully it was quickly answered but the reply wasn't something good as i expected.

[The strand of Consciousness is exactly what it sounds like it's a small strand of the Consciousness of the God of Light. He planned to fuse with his Chosen ones slowly over time the more Treasure they collected to have more Clones of himself with more potential than himself]

[The God of Light noticed that existences born on this Planet nearly all have superior Talents compared to all the other's Worlds and so wanted this Talent for himself, but something is holding him back from coming down here and doing anything to the beings living here]

[So he came up with his plan to slowly become a being that was born in this World trough a pseudo-Rebirth]

Even though i didn't understand everything i know now what his plan is in a little scale, but what confused me even more why my Body has shown such a violent reaction from only collecting one of such an Object.

[Host Talent and Potential are the highest in this World and are still rising trough this Host has triggered a hidden function causing the strand of Consciousness to immediately try and take over the Body before Host grows to strong, but Host was already to strong for the Consciousness at this point]

Feeling lucky i didn't even want to talk with the [System] anymore and just commanded the Guards outside to continue driving as the Sun has apparently been up for some time and they have just been waiting for my Command.

As for Lucy when she notice my Situation was yelping and trying to talk to me ,as she talked to me about this, but as i wasn't answering her she didn't know what to do and was just crying at the time while hugging me.

After half a Day we finally were able to see some Merchants with their goods driving towards the same direction as us and finally we were able to see the border City of the inner Region Abryl.