
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Fighting the Pack

As they were waiting for the Leader to finish his Meal so the Poison could work fully, Adam and Lucy began casting Magic on preparation for the upcoming battle.

He had the Idea of combining the Darkness Spears, so the Spears would gain stronger penetrating Power.

He underestimated the process a little as he has to put most of his concentration on holding the combined Spear back.

As for Lucy she was also preparing to attack, but she attacked a little different as she was a more of a melee Fighter and was more used to using her Claws with the Skills [Darkness Engulfing Claws] while using [Shadow Walk] and [Shadow Armor].

Her only long to middle ranged Skill [Small Dark Matter Ball] isn't used that much by her, only if she is sure that she would kill her Enemy anyway and use it.


They were waiting for 5 Minutes for the Leader to finish his Meals and finally he felt that something was wrong.

The old Wolf felt as if something was eating him from the insides and he could do nothing against it.

He tried seeking help from his Pack as his last measure as he felt that at the moment he was literally dying.

But when he came near them, they looked at him and quickly searched a place further away from him.

The old Wolf not understanding why they were running away started looking at himself and noticed that the part of his Stomach that wasn't corroded until now became visible.

He stared full of fright at the hole inside of him where he could see his insides being corroded away at a fast speed.

He knew now why they were staying away from him, even the Earth beneath it began corroding and that at a faster pace he was.

The time he was thinking and looking at himself he didn't notice that the Poison already reached his Limbs, as for it's Heart somehow the Poison can't get trough the Flesh surrounding it, before he knew it his Limbs couldn't hold him anymore and he crashed onto the Floor.

He still had the unwillingness to die in his Eyes as he looked at his Pack Members that looked at him with fear and a little disgust, as the appearance of their previous strong Leader wasn't there anymore, he was nearly dead as only his upper half was there, but for his luck the corroding stopped.

Feeling lucky that he managed to survive that he wanted to tell his Underlings to quickly bring a Life Elemental Wolf as to help him survive, as he wouldn't hold out for long anymore.

But just before he could do that, a Big Black Spear came crashing down towards his Pack Members and killing some of them in the Process. 2 of the ones with the red Furs died together with 1 with the previous Snow White Fur that now was dyed in Blood.

The Leader seeing this despite his horrible Condition began Commanding them to calm down and get into Formation.

The Wolfe's hearing that quickly composed themselves and began going into Formation, with the two Quake Wolfe's in front and behind them the last Blizzard and Burning Wolf so that they could rest for a bit as they weren't unscathed from the previous attack.

So while the Quake Wolfe's were trying to protect the others with standing in front of the direction they got attacked from, with their full Armor active.

Adam has Transferred himself trough the Shadows to get behind them and began casting his next attack unbeknownst to them.

As for Lucy she began using her [Shadow Walk], [Shadow Armor] and [Darkness Engulfing Claws] while quickly advancing towards the Leader that is dying right now.

The old Wolf only noticed her when she was already directly behind him and already attacking his Head.

He was trying to call for help as he couldn't move, attack or even dodge her, but she was to fast for him and she quickly ended his Life.

As for the others when they noticed they lost some strength and the connection to their Leader was cut off, they panicked and quickly looked over to him.

Only to see a small black Fox engulfed in dense Mist of the same color as itself and with those red almost bloodshot Eyes staring at them as if they were Prey for it.

While the were distracted Adam had the chance to Fire many Darkness Spears and Darkness Needles that he conjured and coated with Poison.

The Burning Wolf instantly died when a Spear obliterated it's Head, as for the Blizzard Wolf it was a little smarter and instantly went behind the Quake Wolfe's to take cover.

Though the Blizzard Wolf was fast to react she was still hit by some Needles and the Poison started affecting her Body and making it sluggish while also corroding it slowly, she activated her [Ice Armor] that she forgot before and to slow the Process of the Poisons corroding.

But Adam wasn't their only concern as Lucy began running towards them, she first attacked the Quake Wolf on the Left side with her Claws.

As the Quake Wolf was seeing this he began using [Hardened Claws] along with his {Earth Armor] he thought he could block the strike coming from Lucy.

But against it's expectation when their Claws clashed the Bones on his Limb were broken and began vanishing trough Lucy's [Darkness Engulfing Claws] it wanted to back down as it was in a state of shock but Lucy didn't want to let him and wanted to continue attacking him.

But just as she was about to continue both of the other 2 Wolfe's used [Howling] and caused Lucy to become dizzy while also getting a light injury in her insides.

As they wanted to continue attacking her, another Big Spear was nearing them.

Adam send Lucy a Telepathic Message saying that she should merge with the Shadows and try to Transfer herself towards him, as she was still in the range of his attack and even though a Darkness Element Spear wouldn't hurt her much the Momentum with the Attack would still injure her badly.

The Blizzard Wolf already having seen this attack began running towards the direction it was coming from to get away from the Attack while also getting closer to the one who had cast it, as for the uninjured Quake Wolf it started running after her, but because of his [Earth Armor] and his Element in General he was slower then her.

Even though it managed to get outside with it's Life intact even though it was mildly injured and quickly regrouped with the Blizzard Wolf.

As for the injured Quake Wolf it just watched as it's Comrades abandoned it and began running which he couldn't because he was missing one of it's Limbs and with resentful Eyes it died while staring at it's Companions, even though it knew it was they're Enemies fault.

Adam seeing the last 2 Wolfe's running towards him was completely composed as he already expected this much and began drawing out their Life Force while sending more Spears and Needles towards them while just standing there.

Though the Barrage was hurting them, with they're Armors they thought they could manage to reach the Enemy before they died and that was to a somewhat extent true...if Adam didn't started making Traps around him.

So as they managed to near him and thinking they could finally kill him, they fell right into the Traps Adam placed and got stuck inside the Traps he made.

Tentacles entirely made of Darkness came out of the Shadows and started pinning them down, they in turn started biting and ripping them to get away from this, but the more they ripped the more bonded them.

Even though it was effective it was very taxing on his Mind and he couldn't attack with any other Magic as he was concentrating on binding them, so Lucy took the Chance and attacked them quickly.

After two precise slashes she decapitated the last two Wolfe's while ignoring the pleading and despairing looks she was getting.

Adam walked over to her and asked: ,,Are you hurt anywhere ?" she answered with saying that she had light internal injury's so Adam willed the Life Force of the deceased Wolfe's towards Lucy and her Body greedily absorbed it all.

While her injury was already healed the Life Force she got just like with Adam began slowly Transforming her Body and making it stronger while improving her Talent.

As Adam saw that everything was alright with her he began looking towards the alerts he got from the [System]...